
  1. 信息通信技术对科学知识生产方式的影响

    The Impact of the Information Communication Technology on Scientific Knowledge Production Modes

  2. 试论科学知识生产的组织学分析

    Tentative on Organizational Analysis on the Scientific Knowledge Production

  3. 科学知识生产方式及其演变

    On Production Mode of Scientific Knowledge and Its Evolution

  4. 科学知识生产和传播的经济学分析&国外科学知识经济学述评

    Economic Analysis on Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge

  5. 高等学校承担着人文社会科学知识生产和知识传播的重要功能,同时也是人文社会科学基础研究的主要研究机构。

    High Education bears the responsibility of humanities and social sciences knowledge production and knowledge dissemination .

  6. 其实验室研究纲领关注的是科学知识生产过程的实践及其反思性。

    Its Laboratory Studies program concerns the practice of producing process of scientific knowledge and its reflection .

  7. 科学知识生产方式的要素根植于认知模式、技术手段、组织形式和制度安排四个层面,它们的交互作用,历史性关联和协同性进化形成了科学知识生产方式的系统结构。

    It embraces four different elements , namely , cognition methods , technical means , organization forms and institution arrangements .

  8. 在他看来,科学知识生产的核心实践是建构行动者网络,而这个网络是由参与科学实践的各种异质性要素的互动构成的。

    Latour argues that the core of scientific knowledge production is constructing actor-network . This actor-network is formed by heterogeneous actors acting each other .

  9. 科学知识生产方式是影响科学发展和科学知识生产能力的核心因素。

    The production mode of scientific knowledge is the core factor , which influences the development of science and the capabilities in producing scientific knowledge .

  10. 当代社会中科学知识生产活动已经并正在发生着许多重要的变化,不同领域的学者从不同的角度进行了理论概括。

    Productive activity of scientific knowledge in contemporary society has changed and is still developing , which is generalized by many scholars in different fields .

  11. 我们认为,Research4Life肯定只能起到帮助作用,它不会妨碍到这些国家的科学知识的生产。

    What we believe is that Research4Life can certainly only be helping , it cannot be hindering production of scientific knowledge in these countries .

  12. 科学知识的生产模式分析

    An Analysis of Two Models for the Proliferation of Scientific Knowledge

  13. 呼吁农业人才躬赴乡村,通过各种途径,以灵活多样的形式在农民中进行文化知识、农业科学知识和生产技术的普及教育。

    He was also concerned about peasants ' educational level and technical ability , called upon agricultural talents go to the countryside and teach peasants scientific knowledge .

  14. 第五,它使社会积累起来的科学知识和生产经验得以保存和传播,这种传播可以不受国界的限制,也不受时间的限制。

    Fifth , education enables society to preserve and disseminate its accumulation of scientific knowledge and productive experience free from barriers of time and space and national boundaries .

  15. 累积起来的科学知识和生产经验作为人类共同财富,通过教育从一个民族传播给另一个民族,从这一代传播给下一代。

    It is through education that such accumulated knowledge and experience are spread from one nation to another and from one generation to another as humanitys shared assets .

  16. 在“清点”前人观点的基础上,布尔迪厄凭借场域理论分析了科学知识的生产过程,指出科学是一种让某种发现面世的构建。

    After reviewing predecessors viewpoints , Bourdieu analyzed the process of scientific knowledge construction based on Field theory and found that science was constructed for showing the discovery .

  17. 这里讲的人,是指有一定的科学知识、生产经验和劳动技能来使用生产工具、实现物质资料生产的人。

    " Man " here refers to people who possess a certain amount of scientific knowledge , experience in production and skill in the use of tools to create material wealth .

  18. 高等学校和科研院所是科学技术知识生产的主体之一,是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,具有良好的发展基础和发展态势。

    The university and academic institute are the one of the main body for creating knowledge and technology and play a very important role on the national economic construction and social development .

  19. 第三,分析说明了由于科学技术知识生产方式的变革而产生的组织变迁与公共科技政策发展的新趋向。

    Finally , the paper analyzes and indicates the new trend of the institutional system change and the public scientific policies ' development resulted from the renovation of the scientific knowledge 's production mode .

  20. 二是注重于将科学知识运用于生产实践,从而创造了古代西方世界最高度发达的生产力。

    The other was scientific knowledge into production practice , so that Rome created most highly developed productive forces of ancient Western world .

  21. 将系统科学知识应用于生产线设计,运用系统方法的观点,提出高性能塑料螺杆挤出纤维生产线的设计原则;

    Applying system science to the product line design , the design principle of fiber product line of high performance plastics is put forward using system method .

  22. 科学研究是知识生产的主要发源地。科学研究通过高等院校这样一种社会机构,有效地进行知识的创造、加工、传播和应用。

    Scientific research is the main source to produce knowledge , and it is conducted in such social institutions as colleges and universities to create , process , transmit and implement knowledge effectively .

  23. 科学作为一种知识生产制度

    Science as an institution of knowledge production

  24. 在此背景下,科学技术和知识的生产模式也复杂多变,科技创新、国家创新正朝着多元化的方向发展。

    In this context , science and technology , and knowledge production mode is also complex and changing , technological innovation , the National Innovation is moving in the direction of diversification .

  25. 论管理学的科学属性和学科属性之争&基于科学知识生产的视角

    Controversy over the Scientific Status of Management Research & Based on the Knowledge Model of Science

  26. 近代科学职业化的特殊机制,使学院科学在特定历史阶段成为实验型科学知识生产方式的主要表现形态。作为实验型科学知识生产方式新的发展阶段,当代科学知识生产方式正在发生重要变化。

    As a natural historical process , the evolution of production mode of scientific knowledge undergoes three main development stages .

  27. 在近代科学产生和机器大工业出现以前,谈不上有真正的科学知识的合并于生产和科学力并在生产中发挥作用。

    Before the arising of modern science and mechanical industrialization , there is no real union of scientific knowledge and production , and science hardly exerts function during production .