
  • 网络Enterprise Knowledge Portal;ekp
  1. 企业知识门户构建与知识管理模式研究

    A Study on the Construction of Enterprise Knowledge Portal and Knowledge Management Model

  2. 企业知识门户技术研究及在连锁零售业的应用

    Research on Enterprise Knowledge Portal Technique and Its Application in Retail Chain Industry

  3. 本文提出的基于Web的企业知识门户系统,实现了知识管理与企业信息门户的有机结合。

    The organic link within the knowledge management and the enterprise information portal system is realized by the Enterprise Knowledge Portal System based on Web .

  4. 企业知识门户中的知识组织

    Knowledge organization of enterprise knowledge portal

  5. 本文探讨了企业知识门户的4项知识组织任务:知识获取、知识表示、知识聚类与分类、知识检索。

    The article discusses the 4 knowledge organization tasks of the enterprise knowledge portal , that is , knowledge acquisition , knowledge representation , knowledge clustering and classification , and knowledge retrieval .

  6. 本文构建了企业知识门户的协同管理模型,详细阐述了应用企业知识门户进行协同管理的模式,分析了企业协同管理对企业竞争力和组织绩效的提高作用。

    This thesis designs the collaborative management model of Enterprise Knowledge Portal , expounds the mode that applying Enterprise Knowledge Portal to carry out collaborative management , and analyses the effect of enterprise collaborative management to enhance enterprise core competence and performance .

  7. 在分析供应链中知识类型和层次结构的基础上,论述了供应链的知识传播和扩散系统,提出了基于Web的供应链核心企业知识管理门户的多层体系结构及供应链知识集成的网络模型。

    On the basis of analyzing the knowledge types and hierarchy in supply chain , the system of knowledge spread and diffusion is discussed , and the knowledge management portal based on web and network model of knowledge integration in supply chain is also put forward .

  8. 企业知识管理门户及其应用

    Enterprise Knowledge Management Portal and Application

  9. 阐述了面向供应链的客户知识管理系统的构建原则,提出了供应链中核心企业的客户知识管理门户体系结构和客户知识集成的网络模型,并对几个关键的技术进行了分析。

    Explained the principles of SCM-oriented CKM framework , put forward with the CKM system structure and customer knowledge integrating management network model in the key enterprises in the supply chain , and finally , analyzed the key related technologies .

  10. 摘要本文从分析企业业务流程的概念模型入手,探讨了基于企业知识门户的企业业务过程与知识服务过程的融合模型,并在此基础上构建了面向企业业务流程的知识门户服务体系。

    Beginning with the analysis of conceptual model of the enterprise business flow , this paper discusses the integration model of enterprise business flow and knowledge service process based on enterprise knowledge portal , and constructs the business process-oriented knowledge portal service system .

  11. 为更好地基于协同企业的知识管理提高供应链的技术创新能力,在对URP时代知识管理特点进行分析的基础上,提出用企业知识门户EKP作为协同企业整合内外资源的使能工具。

    To enhance technology innovating capacity of supply chain based on knowledge management among collaborative enterprises , this paper analyzed characteristics of knowledge management and put forward enterprise knowledge portal as a tool that can integrate inside and outside resources .

  12. 企业信息化建设的发展,渐渐形成了企业信息门户(EIP)和在EIP与知识管理(KM)二者基础上发展出来的企业知识门户(EKP)。

    With the development of enterprise information construction , enterprise information portal ( EIP ) and enterprise knowledge portal ( EKP ) that are based on EIP and KM ( Knowledge Management ) have come into being .