
  1. 3在对网格体系结构和资源管理系统分析的基础上,综合Microsoft和Lotus提出的知识管理系统,提出基于网格的企业知识资源管理系统模型,并对模型设计的需求、可行性和功能进行分析。

    With the combination of knowledge management from the Microsoft company and Lotus company , a enterprise knowledge resource management model has been proposed base on the gird technique , and its requirement , function has been verified after analyzing grid system structure and knowledge management system .

  2. 构建企业知识资源体系研究

    A Study on the Formation of Knowledge Resource System in Enterprises

  3. 本文主要完成以下几项工作:1介绍了企业知识资源的内涵,包括定义、特点;

    Introducing the enterprise knowledge resource scope , its definition and characteristics ;

  4. 提出了企业知识资源计划的概念。

    This paper puts forward the concept of KRP ( knowledge resource plan ) .

  5. 基于网格的企业知识资源管理

    Grid-based Management on Enterprise Knowledge Resource

  6. 论企业知识资源的组织

    On Structuring Enterprise Knowledge Resources

  7. 知识管理是指对企业知识资源开发和有效利用的过程。

    Knowledge Management refers to the process of developing and making efficient use of knowledge resources within a firm .

  8. 人力资源是高新技术企业知识资源的重要组成部分,加强对知识资源的管理就必须加强对人力资源的管理。

    The human resource of high-tech enterprises is composed of productive human resources , technological human resources and managing human resources .

  9. 作为企业知识资源总和的知识体系是企业核心能力的静态表现;

    Knowledge system , which is the sum of enterprise 's knowledge resource , is the static presentation of enterprise core capacity .

  10. 介绍了现今的知识管理思想及企业知识资源分类方法,分析了工程知识库管理系统的主要特点以及存在的不足。

    The classification method of enterprise knowledge resource is introduced , and the main characteristics of engineering knowledge management system and its disadvantage are studied .

  11. 在此基础上,提出了集群企业知识资源的研究维度:知识资源转移、知识资源整合和知识资源开发,并对三个维度间的关系进行了简单梳理。

    Research dimensions of knowledge resources are put forward as knowledge transfer efficiency , knowledge integration efficiency and knowledge development efficiency and are sorted out .

  12. 文中系统地分析了云制造服务平台虚拟企业知识资源及知识服务的典型特征,给出了云制造服务平台虚拟企业知识管理的关键技术解决方案。

    Afterwards , this dissertation analyzes systematically the typical characteristics of knowledge resource and knowledge service of virtual enterprise in cloud manufacturing service platform , and gives the key technique solution to knowledge management in cloud manufacturing service platform .

  13. 研究得出,高科技企业知识资源的大小决定了企业的增长率,而行业人才的数量的和质量也是影响高科技企业增长率的重要因素。

    From the investigation , we make a conclusion that the size of knowledge resource in a high-technology enterprise determines the growth rate , while the quantity and quality of employees is the important influence factor of the growth rate .

  14. 工艺知识是产品设计制造过程中一种重要的企业知识资源,是制造企业信息化技术系统的重要组成部分之一,也是实现工艺设计信息系统智能化的核心与关键。

    Process knowledge is an important enterprise knowledge resource in product designing and manufacturing and an indispensable part of information technology system in manufacturing industries . It is also the core and key element in realizing the intelligence of process planning information system .

  15. 指出由于企业知识资源的异质性,企业通过组建供应链联盟来建立企业层面的分工整合体系和知识交易的治理结构。

    Hereby the writer points out that firms build up the " inter-firm level " knowledge division system , or named knowledge transaction governance structure , in the way of building a supply chain alliance , because of the heterogeneity of the knowledge resource among different firms .

  16. 如何使网络环境下企业的知识资源实现充分的共享,就成为合作RD项目成败的关键。其次,分析了网络环境下合作RD项目的知识共享机理。

    How to make the enterprises achieve full sharing of knowledge resources under network enterprises becomes the key factor of cooperative R D project . Second , the paper analyzes the knowledge sharing mechanism of cooperative R D projects under the network environment .

  17. 为此,本文依托国家自然科学基金(7107108170771051)及浙江省自然科学基金(Y6090385)项目展开研究,提出了研究制造企业的知识资源配置的思想与方法。

    Therefore , this paper based on the national natural science foundation of China ( 71071081 , 70771051 ) and Zhejiang natural science foundation of China ( Y6090385 ) project begins research , puts forward the ideas and methods of the research manufacturing enterprise of the configuration of knowledge resources .

  18. 提出了房地产开发企业的知识资源分类与识别;

    In Chapter three , we classified the knowledge resources of Real-estate developing enterprises .

  19. 本文的研究对集群企业获取知识资源,提升企业竞争力,具有重要的意义。

    This paper is important for enterprises to acquire knowledge resources and improve competitiveness .

  20. 延展资源基础观认为,企业外部知识资源对企业的价值也较大。

    Extended resource-based view suggests that the knowledge resources outside the enterprise have great value to the enterprise .

  21. 我国企业在知识资源管理中还存在许多观念和体制障碍,严重影响了企业知识资源的创新和竞争能力的增强。

    There are still many obstacles which seriously affected the enterprise 's knowledge resources to enhance the innovative capacity and competitiveness .

  22. 科技发展和区域竞争加剧了企业内知识资源的重要性,知识型员工是知识的载体。

    Technology development and regional competition increase the importance of knowledge resources within the enterprise , knowledge workers are carriers of knowledge .

  23. 因此本文把企业的知识资源的地位和企业的基本竞争优势联系在一起进行研究,以期构建出一个知识管理战略的选择模型。

    So this paper tries to research the KM strategy that based on the combination of knowledge resource position and basic competitive advantage .

  24. 知识管理是对企业的知识资源进行有效管理的过程,知识管理的目标是要实现知识的共享,其核心是知识创新。

    Knowledge management is the course in which knowledge resource is managed effectively . The goal of knowledge management is to realize knowledge sharing , with a core of knowledge innovation .

  25. 知识管理是一种新型的管理模式,它是一种通过系统管理企业的知识资源来提高组织效率、反应能力和创新能力,利用企业拥有的知识资产创造价值的信息管理理论与方法。

    Knowledge management is a new management mode . It is a sort of information management theory and method through scientifically managing knowledge resources to improve organization efficiency , response and innovation ability .

  26. 学习型联盟组合不同企业的知识资源,通过知识的互补和传递,发挥知识资源的规模效应,从而提升联盟的创新和盈利能力。

    Studying strategic alliance unites knowledge resources of different enterprises and gives play to scale effects of the knowledge resources through the complementation and transmission of knowledge , thus promoting the innovating and profiting ability of the whole alliance .

  27. 断路器开发实例表明,原型系统既能够有效地利用企业已有知识资源进行产品协同创新开发,又具有可操作性和实用价值。

    The instance of a circuit breaker development shows that the prototype system not only can efficiently make use of excising knowledge resource of enterprise to innovate product by means of collaboration , but also has provided with maneuverability and practicality .

  28. 基于XML表示领域本体的方法,将作为企业统一的知识资源表示方式。

    Knowledge discovered is represented based on XML and domain ontology method .

  29. 企业实施企业知识资源管理以信息和网络技术为基础。

    Enterprise knowledge management is based on technology of information and network .

  30. 在这种背景下,解决企业网络中知识资源治理的问题成为关键。

    Against this tendency , the key issue is the governance of knowledge resource of Inter-Firm Network ( IFN ) .