
  1. 企业财务目标是什么?

    What is the goal of the business financial goal ?

  2. 浅议企业财务目标与经营战略

    Elementary Introduction to Financial Objective and Operation Strategy in Enterprises

  3. 企业财务目标内在性探讨

    A Discussion on the Inherence of Enterprise Financial Target

  4. 企业财务目标的推动力应该是价值与权力两者的合力。

    The motivation of company financial object should be value and power together .

  5. 企业财务目标探析

    Discussion on the Aim of Accounting in the Enterprise

  6. 本文运用规范与实证相结合的研究的方法对利润最大化作为企业财务目标的衡量标准进行了。

    This paper discussed measuring standards for maximum profit oriented enterprise financial target .

  7. 然后以此为基础,进一步提出了企业财务目标体系的概念,并对企业财务目标体系的构建形成了初步的观点。

    The concept of a financial goal system and the construction of the system are presented .

  8. 企业财务目标的现实选择

    Choice of Enterprise Financial Target

  9. 财务监控效率即是这些相关利益主体的监控下企业财务目标的实现程度。

    The efficiency of financial monitoring is the realization degree of the financial objectives for different stakeholders .

  10. 企业财务目标终极维度与中介控制维度之缕析

    A Detailed Analysis of the Ultimate Dimension and the Intermediary Control Dimension of the Corporate Financial Goal

  11. 企业财务目标是在特定的理财环境中,通过组织财务活动,处理财务关系、进行财务活动所要达到的根本目的。

    A goal of financial affairs should be realized by organizing financial activities , dealing with financial relationship .

  12. 从企业财务目标和经营战略两个方面,分析了目前企业亏损的原因;

    The reasons for deficit in enterprises on the basis of financial objective and operation strategy are analyzed .

  13. 本文从企业财务目标出发,讨论了“利润最大化”目标的缺陷,并对其进行了修正。

    Beginning from the enterprise finance goal , this paper investigates the defects of the goal of profit maximization in the enterprise , and then updates the goal .

  14. 最后,分析了公司治理结构对企业财务目标、资本结构、投资政策、股利政策的影响,指出健全的公司治理结构是作出正确财务决策的关键。

    Last , the paper analyses that corporate governance influence the financial target , investment policy and dividend policy etc. and renders perfect corporate governance structure is the key to work out accurate financial decision-making .

  15. 最后文章讨论了企业财务目标:可持续增长作为对财务战略动态整合的体现,并对可持续增长的目标进行了阐述。

    Finally , this paper discusses the enterprise financial goal : to achieve sustainable growth , that represents the dynamic integration of financial strategy and the aim of the sustainable growth is described here as well .

  16. 企业财务目标是企业理财通过优化财务行为所希望实现的结果,它的确定必须符合系统目标的一般特性&合理性、可行性、经济性。

    The enterprise financial affairs objectives are the result of the financial affairs actions hoping to realize by the enterprise managing money matters . It must fit the general property of system objective & reasonable nature , feasible nature and economy .

  17. 本文首先从企业财务目标选择与治理机制安排的关系入手,说明了最优的治理机制安排在实现企业价值最大化的同时,也能保证企业的剩余收益最大化得以实现。

    The paper 2nd chapter starts with the relation between the option of the firm financial goal and governance mechanism arrangement , explains that the optimum governance mechanism arrangement can achieve firm value maximum and also guarantee the residual income maximum of the firm achieved .

  18. 第二章从企业财务目标应具备的特征和企业财务目标理论的变迁原因入手,提出现代企业的理想财务目标应该是企业价值最大化。

    In chapter 2,1 draw a conclusion that maximum enterprise value ought to be the enterprises ' ideal financial objectives in the perspective of the characteristics that the modern enterprises ' ideal objectives ought to have and the reasons of the changes of enterprises ' financial objectives .

  19. 借鉴目标管理的思想、考察效绩目标的特性,并运用问题分析的方法,剖析了省级电网企业财务目标确定的思路;运用不完全信息静态博弈理论分析了经营者业绩目标确定的过程;

    With the reference on the idea of management by objectives and trait of performance target , the determination of financial goal was analyzed by using the method of problem analysis , and the determination of managers ' performance objects was also analyzed by using game theory with incomplete information .

  20. 企业财务管理目标中的变革:EVA最大化

    The Transform of the Objective of Financial Management : EVA Maximization

  21. EVA思想与企业财务管理目标

    EVA Thought and the Financial Management Target of Enterprises

  22. 本文在介绍了EVA相关理论的基础上,论证企业财务管理目标可以重新归结为EVA最大化。

    Based on the introduction of the theory of EVA , this article demonstrates that EVA can afresh coordinate all the objectives of financial management on EVA maximization .

  23. 得出EVA在企业财务管理目标中的地位和作用,就是它可以把财务管理目标重新归结为:EVA最大化。

    The conclusion is as follows : the status and effect in the objective of financial management of EVA is that it can afresh coordinate all the objectives of financial management on EVA maximization .

  24. 企业财务管理目标的确定与实现

    Determination and achievement of the enterprise ′ s financial management target

  25. 试论现代企业财务管理目标的特征

    On the Characteristics of Modern Enterprise 's Financial Management Target

  26. 企业财务管理目标新思考

    New Thinking on the Goals of Financial Management in Enterprises

  27. 代理理论与中小企业财务管理目标

    Agency Theory and the Financial Management Objective of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  28. 论有中国特色企业财务管理目标的五大特征&兼评以利润、企业价值或效益、股东财富最大化为财务管理目标诸观点

    Five Characters in Establishing the China-type Corporate Financial Management Objective

  29. 企业财务管理目标随着理财环境的变化不断演进。

    Financial objective of an enterprise changes with the time .

  30. 试论企业财务管理目标主体的差异性

    A Discussion of the Differences Between the Subjects of Financial Management Objectives