
  • 网络Core talents;key talent;talent management
  1. 企业核心人才能力的评价和利用研究

    Competence Appraisal and Utilization of the Key Talents in Enterprises

  2. 企业核心人才流出问题浅析

    Analysis on the Turnover of Key Talents in Enterprises

  3. 企业核心人才流失与HR的危机管理

    Losses of the Core Staffs and the Crisis Management of HR

  4. 文章在对JS公司激励机制重构进行全面分析的基础上,又对公司的核心人才的绩效考评和薪酬设计做了重点的分析和计算。

    Then designed performance of the company 's core talent appraisal indicators and salary analysis and calculation .

  5. 最后,提出XX铝业公司核心人才培养体系应该在实践中不断优化和改进。

    Finally , we think that XX Aluminum Company core talent cultivation system should be optimized and improved in practice .

  6. 所以,研究我国加入WTO后的人才安全问题,特别是核心人才安全问题具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    So , studying the safe problem of talents after the accession to the WTO of our country , especially the key talent 's safe problem has great theory meaning and realistic meaning .

  7. 随后,对BH学院核心人才流失所产生的负面影响进行了分析。

    Furthermore , it analyzes the negative effects of the key employees ' losses to the college .

  8. 面对21世纪动态和复杂的商业环境中的竞争,企业通过有效地利用核心人才的作用充分发挥其独特的核心能力,寻求建立一个难以模仿的可持续的竞争优势(SCA)。

    When faced with a dynamic and complex business environment , the company makes full use of the core talent to get the unique core competency and try to establish a sustainable competitive advantage ( SCA ) .

  9. 高新技术企业核心人才激励机制研究

    Study on the Motivation System to Key Employees in High-Tech Company

  10. 建立核心人才队伍,完善考核和激励机制。

    Cultivate a core talent contingent and ameliorate checking and incentive mechanism .

  11. 知识型县级医院核心人才素质的立体模糊评估

    Solid Fuzzy Evaluation for the core talent quality in knowledge-based county hospitals

  12. 企业竞争的关键是核心人才。

    The key of enterprise competition is the core talented .

  13. 核心人才作为企业的隐性资产发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Core talent as the hidden assets of enterprises play a crucial role .

  14. 企业怎样留住核心人才

    The enterprises how to keep their core qualified personnel

  15. 电力企业核心人才培养体系研究与设计

    Research and Design of Key Talents ' Training System for Electric Power Enterprises

  16. 增强党政秘书定力的具体措施,是创造核心人才成长的机制,加强监督,实行严格的奖惩制度,提高反腐败对策。

    To carry out the strict prize and punishment system and to increase the countermeasures against corruption .

  17. 企业的核心人才对现代企业的发展和未来起着至关重要的作用。

    The core talents play a vital role for the development and the future of modern enterprise .

  18. 而企业核心人才及其能力的充分发挥,是构筑企业核心竞争能力的关键所在。

    It is for sure to give a good environment for the key talents to make their potential .

  19. 在医院内,医务人员是核心人才,是重要的人力资源。

    Within a hospital , the medical personnel are the core talents and main human resources of the organization .

  20. 当前企业之间的竞争日益激烈,而企业之问的核心人才,无疑已经成为了现代企业最强有力的竞争力。

    Increasingly fierce competition among enterprises , core personnel between enterprises , has undoubtedly become the most powerful modern enterprise competitiveness .

  21. 另一种是那些被视为整个集团核心人才的人,企业培养他们,以加速企业发展。

    The second is those identified as key talent in the entire group who are to be groomed for accelerated development .

  22. 在制定薪酬激励方案的时候,要分辨出企业的核心人才,并予以优先考虑。

    When establish salary incentive program , it is necessary to differentiate the core talents , and to consider them firstly .

  23. 如何有效地激励高新技术企业的核心人才,是一个很有理论与现实意义的课题。

    How to effectively drive high technology enterprise 's core talented people is a topic which has theoretic and practical significance .

  24. 对于高新技术企业,人才流失尤其是优秀人才、核心人才的流失会对其带来致命的打击。

    For the high-tech enterprises , especially the talent brain drain , brain drain will have on its core a fatal blow .

  25. 最后,本文从员工队伍结构、人工成本、员工培训和核心人才队伍建设等方面提出了相关发展战略。

    At last , this paper proposes the development strategies concerning employee structure , labor cost , personnel training and core talent team .

  26. 事实上,在人力资源管理实践中,期望薪酬对组织吸引、保留核心人才意义重大。

    In fact , expected salary has a great significant in attracting and retaining the talents in practices of enterprises ' human resource management .

  27. 所以,要解决西部高校核心人才大量流失的问题,应从多方面着手。

    Therefore , how to solve the loss of a large number of core talents in western universities , there should be multi-pronged approach .

  28. 要形成实力雄厚、竞争力强的企业,关键是培养和造就一批优秀的、职业化的企业家和核心人才。

    The key to establish strong enterprises full of competition is to cultivate a lot of excellent entrepreneurs and professional and key talented persons .

  29. 会展专业人才根据专业化程度可以分为核心人才、辅助性人才和支持性人才等层次。

    According to the degree of specialization , the talent of MICE specialty can be divided into levels of core talent , assistant talent and support talent .

  30. 此外,其他一些可能导致实际结果产生显著差异的重要因素有:吸引、凝聚和留住核心人才的能力;

    In addition , other important factors which could cause results to differ materially include the following : the ability to attract , integrate and retain key personnel ;