
hé xīn xiáo zǔ
  • core group
  1. 因此,高盛董事会有一个专注于风险规则的核心小组。

    So there is a core group on the board steeped in the disciplines of risk .

  2. 我们可以在今后几周开始与核心小组一起开始准备工作,并与其他国际组织和地区合作伙伴协调。

    We can begin preparations with the Core Group in the coming weeks in coordination with the other international organizations and regional partners .

  3. 它也使得民主党的核心小组避免了土崩瓦解的危险。

    It kept the Democratic caucus from fragmenting .

  4. 截至2010年2月中旬,Rails3还只是预发布的Beta版,核心小组正在收集补丁、反馈和文档,以准备在夏季前发布正式版本。

    As of the middle of February 2010 , Rails 3 is a beta prerelease , and the core team is collecting patches , feedback , and documentation to prepare an official release prior to the start of summer .

  5. 他受到本党核心小组决议的制约。

    He was bound by his party 's caucus resolutions .

  6. 我会带上一个核心小组赶到。

    I 'm on my way over there with a core team .

  7. 委员会工党核心小组的持久支持与友好。

    The continued support and goodwill of the labour Caucus on the council .

  8. 被错误识别的是民权领袖约翰·刘易斯,他是国会黑人核心小组的成员之一。

    Among those being wrongly identified was civil rights leader John Lewis , who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus .

  9. 历史上,金家人用党的核心小组,以清除政敌,以及宣布为国家的长远愿景。

    Historically , the Kim family has used party caucuses to purge political enemies , as well as proclaim long-term visions for the country .

  10. 这一次他不是亲自来的,与问题解决者核心小组进行了视频通话,小组成员是两大党派的立法者。

    This time he appeared in virtual form , on a Zoom video call with the Problem Solvers Caucus , a bipartisan group of lawmakers .

  11. 核心小组应是一个论坛,议员们认为,他们有权利以提高公开和坦诚的方式问题,她说。

    The caucus should be a forum in which MPs felt they had a right to raise issues in an open and frank way , she said .

  12. 无论是卫生局长还是村医,甚至核心小组的村民,都是不同层级上的项目管理者。

    Whatever the director of BOPH and village doctors , and even the villagers of core group , are all the project management staff at different levels .

  13. 我感谢所有使这一时刻成为可能的人,尤其是国会黑人核心小组它过去和现在的成员。

    I thank all those persons , in particular the members of the Congressional Black Caucus , both past and present , for making this moment possible .

  14. 其他一些诗人被列入年初下出版物客观标题没有实际分享的态度和办法,以诗歌的核心小组。

    A number of other poets were included in early publications under the Objectivist rubric without actually sharing the attitudes and approaches to poetry of this core group .

  15. 好消息是,当这种迹象云攻守失衡,兔的核心小组的朋友和其稳定的家庭生活,帮助,使之回到中心。

    The good news is , when this Sign goes off-balance , the Rabbit 's core group of friends and its stable home life help bring it back to center .

  16. 最近我们一起成功举办了“中国春节走进欧洲议会”活动,很快对华关系代表团核心小组还要再次访华。

    Recently we worked in close cooperation to bring the Chinese New Year into the European Parliament , and very soon the core group of the Delegation will pay another visit to China .

  17. 1990年在国会人权问题核心小组面前,一个名叫“娜依丽”的女孩发表了一篇证词,成为导致波斯湾战争最具标志性的事件之一。

    One of the most iconic events leading up to the Gulf War was the testimony by a girl identified simply as " Nayirah " before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in 1990 .

  18. 这种挑选工作应由核心小组来完成。由于急需工人,雇主没有时间挑选。

    This screening should be made by the core team . The need for workers was so keen that the employer did not take the time to separate the sheep from the goats .

  19. 展望建立一个更强大稳定的黎巴嫩的大目标,我们准备与黎巴嫩政府密切合作召开核心小组预期的援助机构会议。

    Looking to the broader objectives of a stronger , stable Lebanon , we are prepared to work closely with the Lebanese Government to convene the donors ' conference anticipated by the Core Group .

  20. 核心小组去年9月在纽约开始的工作应该加快速度,从而一旦恢复和平能立即召开预期的黎巴嫩援助机构会议。

    The work begun by the Core Group last September in New York should be accelerated so that the anticipated donors ' conference for Lebanon can be held as soon as possible once peace is restored .

  21. 核心内阁小组否决了该项提议。

    The inner cabinet rejected the proposal .

  22. 根据建设项目的实际情况,对动态联合组织的核心领导小组进行了分析。

    Based on the reality of construction project , the key-leading group of the dynamic united organization is analyzed .

  23. 在统一过程坚持建筑坐的核心项目小组的努力,形成了制度。

    The Unified Process insists that architecture sit at the heart of the project team 's efforts to shape the system .

  24. 实际上,从最近的谈判中可以清楚地看出,欧盟实际提供的市场准入程度比最初预想的还要低,施瓦布表示。印度和巴西是核心谈判小组中较发达发展中国家的代表。

    Indeed , during recent discussions it became clear that the EU was in fact offering even less market access than originally thought , Ms Schwab said .

  25. 立法会研究机场核心计划财政事宜小组委员会

    LegCo Subcommittee on the Financing of Airport Core Programme

  26. 意外率高的合约工程,会交由机场核心计划建筑安全小组委员会监察,以检讨所采取的安全措施。

    Contracts with high accident rates were brought to the Sub-committee on ACP Construction Safety for review on specific safety actions taken .

  27. 他说:我认为我们正积极地建立金融小组的核心,国家安全小组,当我们准备好时你将看到我们的公告。

    I think we are moving aggressively to build up that core economic team , the national security team , and you will see announcements when they are ready , said John Podesta .