
hé néng
  • nuclear energy;nuclear power;atomic energy;energy of nucleus
核能 [hé néng]
  • [nuclear energy] 由原子核的变化(如由伴有质量损失的重核的裂变或形成较重核的轻核的聚变)释放出的能量

核能[hé néng]
  1. 煤炭将让位于天然气和核能。

    Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power .

  2. 电力私有化打破了关于廉价核能的神话。

    Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power

  3. 核能可能会超过石油成为主要燃料。

    Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel .

  4. 政府对核能的态度来了个180度的大转变。

    The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy .

  5. 为什么人们对核能惶恐不安呢?

    Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy ?

  6. 巴西的宪法禁止将核能用于军事用途。

    Brazil 's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy .

  7. 日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。

    Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation .

  8. 这个支持核能的案例令人印象深刻。

    The case for nuclear power is impressive

  9. 公众对事故的担忧正威胁着核能工业的生存。

    Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear power industry .

  10. 不管从哪个角度来看,核能都是未来的能源。

    Whichever way you look at it , nuclear power is the energy of the future

  11. 核能比煤清洁。

    Nuclear power is cleaner than coal

  12. 我完全赞成减少二氧化碳的排放,但是,相比发展核能,对发展风能提供补贴更容易实现这一目标。

    I am all for cutting carbon dioxide emissions , but that would be much more easily achieved by giving subsidies to windpower , than with nuclear power

  13. 生态学家们就反对使用核能问题展开了强有力的游说活动。

    The ecologists lobbied powerfully on the anti-nuclear issue .

  14. 可以说,我们将在20年内将30%的电力供应从煤炭转移到核能。

    It is one thing to say that we are going to shift 30 percent of our electricity supply from , say , coal to nuclear power in 20 years .

  15. 当你听到人们谈论如何快速将一种能源转化为另一种能源的时候,无论是从煤炭到核能,还是从汽油动力汽车到电动汽车,抑或是从白炽灯到荧光灯,了解能源系统的惯性和动量可以帮助你决定他们的计划是否可行。

    When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy , whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power , or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars , or even a switch from an incandescent to a fluorescent light , understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible .

  16. 核能的开发利用给人类发展带来了新的动力,人类必须应对好各种核安全挑战,维护好核材料和核设施安全。

    The use of nuclear energy gave new impetus2 to the progress of humanity , yet mankind must be able to respond to various nuclear security challenges , and ensure the safety of nuclear materials and facilities .

  17. 完善核安全政策举措,发展现代化和低风险的核能技术,坚持核材料供需平衡,加强防扩散出口控制,深化打击核恐怖主义的国际合作,是消除核安全隐患和核扩散风险的直接和有效途径。

    To effectively eliminate risks of nuclear security and nuclear proliferation , the international community should improve relevant policies and measures , and develop modern , low-risk nuclear energy technologies , maintain balanced supply and demand of nuclear materials , strengthen non-proliferation efforts , and promote international cooperation against nuclear terrorism .

  18. 核能补剂对大强度训练大鼠血清CK、LDH等生化指标的影响

    Research on Effects of Nuclear Plus on Biochemical Parameters of Rats

  19. 测定了析出相的类型和组成,测试和计算了冲击、拉伸状态下裂纹的形核能与扩展能,并通过SEM研究了断面形貌。

    The crack nucleation energy and the propagation energy were measured under impact and tensile testing . The fracture surface was examined by SEM .

  20. 其中一个条件是,除非美国核能管理委员会(NuclearRegulatoryCommission)断定反应堆都在安全运转,否则,相关项目不会得到贷款担保。

    One condition is that unless the Nuclear Regulatory Commission concludes that any reactor is safe to operate , the project will not get the loan guarantee .

  21. 据美国公共电力协会(AmericanPublicPowerAssociation)分析,相比其他电能的来源,太阳能的待装机兆瓦数超过了风能、煤炭、天然气和核能。

    To put that in perspective relative to other sources of electricity , solar has more megawatts in development than wind , coal , gas , or nuclear according to analysis by the American Public Power Association .

  22. 在加速器驱动的次临界核能系统(简称ADS)的研究中,中子散裂靶的散热是一个重要的课题。

    For the study of Accelerator Driven sub critical System ( ADS ), the heat transfer of spallation neutron target is an important issue .

  23. 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)与核能可持续发展三束流驱动ADS次临界反应堆堆芯初步设计

    Study on ADS and the sustainable development of nuclear energy Preliminary Design of Sub-critical Reactor Core for Accelerator Driven System with Three Proton Beams

  24. 该委员会目前正在与IAEA合作准备一个地区核能与海水淡化项目。

    The council is currently preparing a regional nuclear power and desalination programme in cooperation with the IAEA .

  25. 作为在华修建四座先进核反应堆交易的一部分,美国核能集团西屋电气(westinghouseelectric)刚刚向中方交出了7.5万份文档。

    Westinghouse Electric , a US nuclear group , has just handed over 75000 documents as part of a deal to build four advanced nuclear reactors in China .

  26. 核能Brayton闭式循环功热并供系统

    Nuclear energy Brayton closed-cycle cogeneration system

  27. 上届日本政府制订了一揽子措施,竭力摆脱日本对石油和核能的依赖,促成了对可再生能源发电实施非常慷慨的政府电力收购制度(FIT)。

    A deal forged by the last government desperate to wean Japan from its addiction to oil and nuclear power led to the implementation of a very generous feed-in tariff ( FIT ) for renewable power generators .

  28. 投资者们正在观察,欧盟(EU)是否会在福岛核危机后改变或放缓它的核能计划。欧盟的目标是,到2020年时可再生能源占比达到20%。

    Investors are watching whether the European Union , which has a 20 per cent target of renewable energy inclusion by 2020 , will change or slow its nuclear energy programme in the wake of Fukushima .

  29. 印度国大党(CongressParty)正在疯狂游说一些关键的议会议员,以努力获取他们对联合政府的支持。印度国大党担心,在与美国有争议的核能协议上,联合政府可能无法通过至关重要的信任投票。

    India 's Congress party is frantically lobbying key parliament members to try to shore up support for its coalition government , amid concerns that it may not survive a crucial confidence vote over a controversial nuclear energy deal with the US .

  30. 手持式核素识别仪(RadioisotopeIdentificationDevice,RID)是一种基于多道谱仪的多功能便携式核监测设备,可用于剂量率监测、放射源定位以及核能谱采集与核素识别。

    Hand-held Radioisotope Identification Device ( RID ) is a multi-functional portable nuclear monitoring equipment based on multi-channel spectrometer that can be used for dose rate monitoring , radioactive sources location , nuclear spectrum data acquisition and radioisotope identification .