
  1. 风力发电&中国重要的后续能源

    Wind-power electricity generation-the important follow up energy in China

  2. 在后续能源中,氢气被认为是未来理想的绿色能源。

    In the process of researching clean energy sources , hydrogen is thought a perfect future energy source .

  3. 随着能源供求关系的不平衡,人们越来越重视对后续能源的开发,并强调能源形式的多样化。

    With imbalance of supply and demand , people pay more attention to exploitation of alternative energy and emphasize energy diversification .

  4. 阐述风能和太阳能是丰富清洁的可再生能源,风力发电和太阳能光伏发电是重要的后续能源,将为能源结构调整和环境保护做出巨大贡献。

    Wind energy and solar energy are clean , abundant and renewable . Wind power and photovoltaic power are important alternative energy sources , which will contribute to adjusting energy structure and protecting environment .

  5. 据估计,地球上可燃冰矿藏中有机碳的含量是所有化石能源中有机碳含量的两倍,被认为是重要的后续能源。

    It is estimated that the amount of organic carbon in fired ice deposits on earth is twice as much as which included in the fossil energy , so fired ice is considered as backup energy in future .