
hòu shì jìnɡ
  • rearview mirror;rear-vision mirror
  1. 汽车后视镜是与汽车行驶安全相关的主要部件,良好的后视镜视野能保证驾驶员的行车安全。

    Automobile rearview mirror is the main part which is related to the safely driving .

  2. 基于Matlab的汽车后视镜视野测试的仿真算法

    Simulation Arithmetic for the Visual Field Test of the Automotive Rearview Mirror Based on the Matlab

  3. 我从汽车后视镜里注意到她。

    I clocked her in the driving mirror .

  4. 他都没想要看看后视镜。

    He hadn 't troubled himself to check his mirrors

  5. 他一边换挡,一边抬眼看后视镜。

    He looked up into the mirror as he changed through his gears .

  6. 他从后视镜中看见公路巡逻车闪烁的车灯。

    He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror .

  7. 莉兹调了调后视镜,将车子挪出了停车位。

    Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay .

  8. 他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆深色货车紧随其后。

    He checked his mirror and saw that a dark coloured van was immediately behind him .

  9. 该软件主要利用知识工程、知识熔接、向导流程、三维CAD技术,实现汽车后视镜检测的全自动过程。

    This software uses KBE , knowledge fusion , design wizard and3D CAD system to achieve the automatic certification for vehicle mirror .

  10. MABUCHI电机在汽车电动后视镜中的应用

    MABUCHI Motors are Used in Electric Rear-view Mirror of Automobile

  11. 凌志LS400后视镜的电子控制系统及其检测

    The Electronic Control System of Lexus LS400 ′ s Rearview Mirror and Its Test

  12. 对某SUV汽车后视镜气动噪声进行了计算流体力学(CFD)和计算气动声学(CAA)研究。

    Based on the computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) and computational aero acoustic ( CAA ) theories , the aerodynamic noise generated by rearview mirror of a SUV is simulated .

  13. 利用P-Buffer模拟虚拟场景的后视镜和鸟瞰图

    Simulation of Rearview Mirror and Airscape in Virtual Environment with P-Buffer

  14. 正如博里奥所言,只盯着后视镜十分危险;无论下一场银行业危机缘何而起,抵押贷款CDO都不会是起因。

    As Mr Borio notes , focusing only on that rear view mirror is dangerous ; whatever causes the next banking shock , it will not be mortgage CDOs .

  15. 基于P-Buffer的汽车后视镜仿真技术

    Simulation of automobile rearview mirror based on P-Buffer

  16. 分析了凌志LS400汽车电动后视镜的电子控制机理,并介绍了后视镜马达、后视镜开关、后视镜ECU的检测方法。

    This paper analyzes the electronic control mechanism of Lexus LS400 ′ s power rearview mirror and introduces the test methods of its motor , switch and ECU .

  17. 采用溶胶凝胶法镀膜技术在玻璃基板上用高折射率TiO2和低折射率SiO2材料交替镀1/4波长膜层,形成高反射膜系,制备了汽车亲水性后视镜。

    Wavelength films are deposited alternatively on glass substrate by sol-gel processing with high and low refractive index material , TiO 2 and SiO 2 . Because of its high reflection this kind of film system is used to prepare hydrophilic rearview mirror .

  18. 主要阐述了如何利用当今世界上最新发展的KBE技术,来实现汽车后视镜检测的自动化和智能化的理论和方法,并在此基础上开发了一套知识驱动自动化设计的软件平台。

    This paper describes the theory and method about how to use Knowledge Based Engineer-ing ( KBE ), the latest technology in the current world , to realize the automation and intelli-gence of vehicle mirror certification .

  19. S500加长版轿车:前排座椅,转向柱和外部后视镜(包括前座乘客侧驻车位置)带有记忆组件

    Memory package for front seats , steering column and exterior mirrors ( including parking position on front passenger side ) for S 500 Long Wheelbase Version

  20. 重仅1750磅的XL1搭载了不少时尚的高科技装备,比如闭路电视,它的屏幕将取代传统的左右后视镜。

    Weighing about 1,750 pounds , the XL1 features nifty high-tech touches , such as closed circuit television whose screens replace the conventional right and left rear-view mirrors .

  21. 为吸引那些不想随大流的消费者,芬迪(Fendi)为其秋季皮草手包系列款式配备了各类挂饰,可以吊在任何手包甚至你的后视镜上&当然所有的挂饰也都是皮草做成的。

    For shoppers who don 't want to commit to the full trend , Fendi has augmented its fall menagerie of fur handbags with accessories to hang from any bag or even your rearview mirror-all made of fur , of course .

  22. 利用频域的旋度函数来指导汽车后视镜根部截面形状的低噪声优化改进,取得了降低脉动压力级近10dB左右的效果。

    The shape of an automobile side mirror for low aerodynamic noise using vorticity function in frequency domain is optimized . After the improvement of the shape , about 10 dB reduction in fluctuation pressure level is obtained .

  23. 轿车后视镜耐疲劳实验台及角度测量系统的研究

    Study on Car Rearview Mirror Fatigue Test-bed and Angle Measurement System

  24. 后视镜不得转过锁止位置。

    The mirror must not be turned past the locking point .

  25. 关于汽车后视镜失真率测量方法的探讨

    A Discussion on Distortion Rate Measuring Method of Rear Vision Mirror

  26. 基于图像分析的后视镜失真率自动检测方法

    Automatic Distortion Detection for Automobile Rearview Mirror Based on Image Analysis

  27. 安装方便,直接卡在原有后视镜上;

    Easy installation , direct card on original rear view mirror ;

  28. 韩说过他从后视镜里看到他把对手甩在身后

    Han mentioned he left his enemies in his rear view .

  29. 他查看了后视镜,把车并到另一条车道。

    He consulted the mirror and blended into the next lane .

  30. 汽车后视镜转向器的复合装配方法

    A compound method of assembly to the redirector of review mirror