
  • 网络post-industrial economy;Post industrial economy;postindustrial economy
  1. 尽管这里是在英国历史上扮演重要角色的陶瓷工业的发源地,无力的后工业经济并没有从本就不发达的旅游业中获利多少。

    A meagre tourist trade to the home of England 's historic pottery industry has done little to lift its limp , post-industrial economy .

  2. 在后工业经济时代,智力资本正逐步取代劳动力、土地和资本成为企业保持持续竞争优势的关键资源。

    In the time of post-industrial economy , intellectual capital is gradually replacing job , land and capital , and becoming the key resource to sustain enterprise 's competitive advantage .

  3. 后工业经济产业结构的几点探讨

    Some Controversy about Post-industrial Economic Structure

  4. 后工业经济时代,企业在生产领域进一步挖掘利润生长点的空间已十分有限。

    In the post-industry ages , the space is very limited for the enterprise to make an in-depth exploration of profit increasing point in the production field .

  5. 当今世界正在进入后工业经济时代,也就是所谓的服务经济时代,客户服务的重要性日益凸显。

    Nowadays , the world has passed the age of industrial economy and comes to the age of after-industrial economy which is so-called " customer service economy age " . The customer service becomes more and more important .

  6. 依据人类学观点,人类社会经历了手工生产的天然经济和自然经济时代,和以机器为动力的工业经济时代,以及后工业经济时代。

    In accordance with the anthropological views , the human kind went through the crude economy and the natural economy era , the industrial era which took machines for the power and after - industrial era of knowledge economy .

  7. 目标是现行后工业社会经济体制向未来知识与资讯经济体制成功转型。

    The goal is to smoothly transform the current " post-industrial economy " into the future " knowledge-based economy " .

  8. 舒尔茨克服了李嘉图和马尔萨斯忽视科学技术的缺陷,准确地揭示了后工业社会经济增长的源泉。

    Schulz overcame Ricardo Malthus 's weakness in ignoring technology and correctly revealed the dynamics of the economic development in post-industry society .

  9. 旅游已被融入到后工业城市的经济重构、全球化和地方化等更大背景。

    Tourism has been merged into the economic restructure of post-industrialized cities .

  10. 后工业社会服务经济的演进与利益摩擦

    The Evolution of Service Industry and Conflict of Interest in Post-industrial Society

  11. 美国政府依赖于通用汽车这类大公司来提供福利待遇,并且从未出台相应政策来缓和后工业时代的经济结构调整。

    The government relied on large companies like GM to provide welfare benefits , and never put in place policies that could ease the post-industrial economic restructuring .

  12. 后工业时代宏观经济风险凸显诱发了宏观经济安全理念产生,并使其成为经济法安全理念的重要内核。

    Macroeconomy risk in late industry time induced the safety theory of macroeconomy to happen , and made it the major part of the safety theory of economy law .

  13. 知识经济是知识信息密集的后工业社会的经济存在形式,它意味着当代资本主义经营方式以及市场经济形式的新的变化,标志着知识社会的真正来临。

    Knowledge economy is the existence form of economy in post-industrial society of concentrated knowledge information . It means new changes in the operation method of contemporary capitalism and in the form of market economy and signifies the real coming of knowledge society .

  14. 入世后我国机械工业经济安全的DEA模型估算

    Model . A Study on Economic Security of Machinery Industry after China 's Entry into WTO

  15. 本文对1988年以来中国从发生高通货膨胀到实行治理、整顿后又出现的工业经济滑坡、市场疲软、经济效益普遍下降的现实进行了反思和分析。

    The thesis introspects and analyses the reality from 1988 to the present , in which the slides of industrial economy , weak markets and common induce of economic efficacy happened from high inflation to carrying out the policy of improvement and rectification in China .