
huò bì jīnɡ jì
  • Monetary economy;money economy
  1. 氏族制度同货币经济绝对不能相容;

    The gentile constitution is absolutely irreconcilable with money economy ;

  2. 因此,至少货币经济不能处于一般均衡之中。

    Hence , a money economy , at least , could not be in general equilibrium .

  3. 中国货币经济波动的一般均衡分析

    An General Equilibrium Model of China 's Monetary Economic Fluctuation

  4. 其二是真实经济周期理论,该理论对传统的货币经济周期理论形成挑战。

    The second , real-business-cycle theory , challenges the traditional monetary-business-cycle theory .

  5. 在货币经济理论产生以前的实物经济增长理论中,往往只有实物资产一种形式,而完全排除了货币金融资产。

    There is only one form of all assets before monetary theory generated .

  6. 中国货币经济典型特征、国际比较及其货币政策含义

    The Stylized Factors of Chinese Monetary Economy , International Comparison and Policy Implications

  7. 至于盐币,则是构成云南货币经济的原素之一。

    The salt money constructed one of Yunnan money .

  8. 最后,分析商品货币经济的发展状况。

    Finally , it analyzes the development status of merchandise and currency economy .

  9. 货币经济一般均衡的存在性和唯一性

    Existence and Uniqueness of General Equilibrium in Monetary Economies

  10. 有政府行为的货币经济动力学模型

    Dynamic Model of Monetary Economics with Government Actions

  11. 中国目前正处在货币经济向信用经济过渡的时期。

    Currently , China is at the transitory stage from currency economy to trust economy .

  12. 商品货币经济的发展使农奴制处于总危机状态。

    The development of commodity economy caused the serfdom to be at the general crisis situation .

  13. 货币经济中的货币理论

    Currency Theory in Currency Economy

  14. 宏观经济学的研究从理解货币经济和实体经济的关系出发。

    The macroeconomic research begins with the understanding of the relationship between monetary economy and real economy .

  15. 然而,市场经济的实质是交换经济、货币经济、金融经济。

    However , the essence of market economy is commutative economy , money economy , finance economy .

  16. 本文试图用新凯恩斯主义的货币经济模型来理解中国货币政策。

    This paper attempts to elaborate China 's monetary policy in a new Keynesian monetary economic model .

  17. 其次,各区域性货币经济区之间的融合与统一趋势不断加强。

    Secondly , the integration between each regional monetary economic zones and unified trend were strengthened constantly .

  18. 文章构建了一个动态随机一般均衡的模型,从理论和实证两个方面分析了中国货币经济的波动问题。

    This paper analyses China 's monetary economic fluctuation theoretically and positively with a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model .

  19. 本文作者曾任国际清算银行经济顾问、货币经济部主管

    The writer is former economic adviser , head of the monetary and economic department at the bank for International Settlements

  20. 北宋时期货币经济长足发展,带动了铸币业的进步。

    Northen Song saw the fast development of specie economy , which brought about great improvement of mint money craftsmanship .

  21. 发展中国家的货币经济理论更加贴近我国经济实际。

    The monetary and economic theories of the developing countries are more close to the actual situation of Chinese economy .

  22. 通货紧缩现象虽然是经济发展过程中客观存在的货币经济现象,但对我国经济的发展却弊多利少。

    Although , it 's an objective phenomenon during the development of economy , it will do harm to our economy .

  23. 古典学派认为,货币经济对实物经济没有任何影响,二分法总是成立的。

    The classical school held that monetary economy can 't affect real economy and therefore the dichotomy is always tenable . J.

  24. 在现代货币经济中,金融因素对国民经济发展的影响日益显著。

    In modern monetary economy , the financial factor is exerting an increasingly greater influence on the development of national economy .

  25. 打工经商农民与商品货币经济的发展及城市化进程联系密切。

    The peasants of being hired and doing business were related to the development of the commodity money and the urbanization process .

  26. 凯恩斯将这种经济成为生产的货币经济,他在《通论》中论述的有效需求原理是分析生产的货币经济的基本框架。

    The principle of effective demand , expounded by Keynes in the General Theory , is the basic framework for analyzing Monetary Production Economy .

  27. 罗宾逊强调历史时间和非均衡方法,和她的剑桥同事们构建了包含价值理论、分配理论和增长理论的理论体系,拓展了凯恩斯经济学,但却忽视了货币经济的概念。

    Robinson emphasized historical time and disequilibrium method , and constructed an alternative theory system , however ignoring Keynes ' concept of monetary economy .

  28. 第五部分为正文:论述了六朝的商业发展带来了货币经济的发展。

    The fifth part It is the text : Have expounded the fact the commercial development of six dynasties has brought the development of monetary economy .

  29. 显然,这两位分属不同领域的大师都将自己的目光投向了货币经济下都市生活的主要特征。

    Prominently , these two great masters , though belonging to different spheres , have given their attention to the main characteristics of modern urban life .

  30. 研究该时期纸币的发展历史,探索纸币发展规律,对于研究我国古代货币经济和社会经济问题,具有非常重要的意义。

    Researching this history , and exploring the regularity of paper currency , have the vital significance for the study of ancient Chinese monetary and social problems .