
  • 网络freight turnover;turnover volume of freight transport;t.km
  1. 为了减少温室气体排放,目前各国各行业都已积极加入到节能减排的行动中,作为货物周转量最大的运输方式&海运业也不例外。

    In order to reduce the emissions , most countries and departments have now attended to the job of energy saving and emission reduction . There is no exception in ocean shipping industry which undertake the largest freight turnover volume .

  2. 铁路货物周转量的多因素分析和预测

    Multi-Element Analysis and Forecasts of Railway Freight Turnover

  3. 运用灰色系统理论及GM模型拓朴选择,建立了相应的GM(1,1)模型,运用于运量预测,并以港口吞吐量与货物周转量的预测为例进行校验。

    Applying the grey system theory and topological selection with GM model , the corresponding GM ( 1.1 ) model applied in traffic volume prediction has been set up .

  4. 基于等维新息模型的铁路货物周转量预测

    Prediction of Railway Ton-kilometers Based on Equal Dimension and New Information Model

  5. 考虑随机波动影响的区域货物周转量预测

    Forecast Regional Freight Ton-kilometers Considering The Influence of Stochastic Fluctuations

  6. 水运经济指标继续刷新,水路货运量、货物周转量、港口货物吞吐量等保持快速增长。

    Waterborne economic norms continues refresh , port 's cargo throughput of volume of canalage goods volume , goods , haven maintain rapid growth .

  7. 港口贸易量的持续增长给港口带来了充足的货源,但同时高速增长的货物周转量对港口的生产能力提出了更高的要求。

    The continuous growth of port trade volume brings adequate supply , at the same time , rapid growth of production turnover asks for grater productivity .

  8. 但同时也存在着诸如生产服务性行业发展不足,交通运输业与货物周转量的缺口进一步加大等突出矛盾。

    Nevertheless , there do exist such pointed problems as insufficiency of production service industries , broadening of the gap between transportation industry and shipment turn-round volume , etc.

  9. 浙江省海洋资源丰富、海岸线绵长、海岛众多,是一个水运大省。水路运输在浙江省综合运输网中的地位至关重要,2002年全省水路货物周转量占综合运输网比重高达67.6%。

    Zhejiang is a " waterway transportation " Province with rich ocean resources , long coastline and numerous islands , in which waterway transportation plays an importance role and its turning-over accounted for 67.6 % .

  10. 2001年完成水路货物周转量2.5万亿吨公里,占各种运输方式的52%,而外贸进出口货物的84%是通过航运完成的。

    In 2001 the ship freight transportation turnover volume is 2 thousand 5 hundred billion ton kilometer , account for whole trade transportation of turnover volume 52 % . The 84 % of total import and export cargo is carry by ship .

  11. 分析了广西物流需求的经济影响因素,为运用计量经济模型作铺垫;构建物流需求预测的指标体系,选取货运量、货物周转量作为衡量物流需求量的量化指标。

    The paper analyzes Guangxi logistics demand economic impact factors which paves the way to use the econometric models later . The paper constructs an index system of logistics demand forecast , and selects freight , cargo turnover as quantitative indicator of logistics demand .

  12. 经济结构变化对公路货物运输周转量变化的影响

    Impact of Economic Structure Change to Variation of Road Goods Transportation Turnover Amount

  13. 水运货物货运量、周转量的分担率呈上升趋势。

    The sharing rate of shipping cargo and freight turnover would have increased in the future .

  14. 容量限制动态增量综合网络配流模型预测干线航道货物运输量和周转量;

    The capacity limitation dynamic increment comprehensive network model can be applied to the prediction of the channel cargo transportation discharge and the turnover discharge in the main courses .

  15. 而我国只有基本的货物运输量和货物周转量统计,缺乏全面的物流服务需求与供给统计资料。

    However , China has only the basic statistics of Freight Traffic and Freight Ton-kilometers , lack for the systematic statistics on the demand for and supply of logistics service .

  16. 分析说明,40多年来货物列车密度的快速增长是货物周转量大幅度增加的主要原因;

    The analysis reveals that the freight train density has been playing a decisive role in greatly increasing railway freight turnover over the past 40 years .