
huò bì ɡuǎn lǐ
  • monetary management;monetary regulation
  1. 余伟文先生负责货币管理及金融基建事务。

    Eddie Yue is responsible for monetary management and financial infrastructure .

  2. 金钱这项特质,是我们在货币管理上要紧记的。

    In monetary management , we have to be alert to this quality of money .

  3. 货币管理外包(Currencyoverlay)指的是将全球投资组合中的货币风险外包给专门的机构。

    Currency overlay is the outsourcing of currency risk in a portfolio of global investments to a specialist firm .

  4. 目前有两种类型的货币管理外包被动型和积极型。

    Two types of currency overlay exist passive and active .

  5. 下表描述了一些与货币管理相关的成员。

    The following table describes some of the members related to currency management .

  6. 对我国参考一篮子货币管理浮动汇率机制的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Chinese Managed Floating Exchange Rate Mechanism Reference to a Basket of Currencies

  7. 应对政策的覆盖范围从财政和货币管理到金融市场和贸易监管。

    Policy responses run from fiscal and monetary management to regulation of financial markets and trade .

  8. 再往后,我会讨论一下(专业的)货币管理者,像戴维史文森一样的人。

    Then I want to talk about money managers professional money managers people like David Swensen .

  9. 有一类抵押贷款货币管理产品可以通过成功的外汇交易,减少或消除抵押贷款。

    These mortgages offer the prospect of reducing or eradicating a mortgage through successful currency trading .

  10. 东加勒比货币管理局

    East Caribbean Currency Authority

  11. 此时国家对货币管理职能虽然低下,但也有一些明显的干预活动。

    The state had a low level in currency management function , but it had some intervention activities .

  12. 他的呼吁在世界大部分地区被尊称为对全球货币管理辩论的贡献。

    That call was treated respectfully as a contribution to the global monetary governance debate in much of the world .

  13. 几千年来这套模式一直有效,因为政府和中央银行在货币管理失误方面表现出了惊人的一致性。

    For several thousand years that has worked , because governments and central banks have mismanaged money with impressive consistency .

  14. 外汇基金的资料透明度是全球央行及货币管理机构中最高之一。

    The information disclosure of the exchange fund is one of the most transparent among central banks and monetary authorities .

  15. 为了说明它,我们将使用货币管理中的应用的一个例子创建的帐户。

    In order to illustrate it , we will use an example of creation of accounts for a money management application .

  16. 云梦秦简市场贸易和货币管理法规试析

    An Analysis of the Qin Laws and Regulations regarding Market and Currency Management Found on Qin Bamboo Slips Unearthed at Yun-meng

  17. 西方国家政治家们及舆论界需要勇敢的面对强有力的货币管理作为一剂良药这个事实。

    Western politicians – and commentators – need to stand up to the powerful money men and administer the necessary medicine .

  18. 中国和香港将在两种不同的独立货币管理机构下继续使用两种货币和两种货币制度。

    China and Hong Kong will continue to use two currencies and two monetary systems , under two different independent monetary authorities .

  19. (ⅱ)在行使通常由中央银行或货币管理机关行使的职能时的私营实体。

    ( ii ) a private entity , performing functions normally performed by a central bank or monetary authority , when exercising those functions .

  20. 但他表示,货币管理外包属于预期性产品,因此投资组合的规模要足够大,才能让风险与创造和经营的成本相适应。

    However , he says overlays are bespoke products and as such require substantial portfolios to make the risk justify the cost of creating and running them .

  21. (ⅰ)中央银行或货币管理机关或任何其他公共实体为推行货币或汇率政策而从事的活动;

    ( I ) activities conducted by a central bank or monetary authority or by any other public entity in pursuit of monetary or exchange rate policies ;

  22. 内地坐拥全球最大并且仍在增长的外汇储备,为货币管理带来困难,及使金融体系流动资金过剩。

    Holding the largest , and still increasing , foreign reserves in the world presents difficulties in monetary management , resulting in excessive liquidity in the financial system .

  23. 最近亦有预测认为,区内累积大外汇储备及因此而造成当地的货币管理问题,可能对金融稳定构成重大风险。

    And recently there have been predictions that the large accumulation of foreign reserves and the associated domestic monetary management problems are presenting considerable risks to financial stability .

  24. 但中国官员和学者普遍持有的一种观点是:美国一直在通过推行不负责任的经济政策,滥用其作为主要储备货币管理者的地位。

    But among Chinese officials and scholars , there is a widely held view that the US has been abusing its position as controller of the main reserve currency by pursuing irresponsible economic policies .

  25. 尽管很多新兴市场大国多年来一直得益于正统的财政和货币管理,但去年10月之时,它们似乎要遭遇比西方还要严重的金融危机。

    In October , it seemed a number of big emerging markets , even though they had benefited from orthodox fiscal and monetary management for years , would suffer an even worse financial crisis than the one in the west .

  26. 上世纪60年代,经济学家罗伯特特里芬(roberttriffin)强调了一个事实,即利用一国货币来管理国际流动性,可能最终会导致本国利益和国际利益之间产生矛盾。

    In the 1960s , economist Robert Triffin highlighted the fact that the use of national currencies to manage international liquidity may eventually pose a conflict between domestic and international interests .

  27. 企业货币资金管理理论及实践研究

    Study on the Theory and Practice of Enterprise Monetary Fund Administration

  28. 试析货币资金管理中存在的问题及对策

    Analysis of problems existing in money funds management and counter-measures

  29. 不过,这些做法的确有碍货币政策管理。

    They do , however , impede monetary management .

  30. 实物货币物流管理系统的测试。

    The test of commodity money logistics management system .