
  • 网络settlement fund
  1. ConnectU是温克里弗斯兄弟(Winklevossbrothers)创建的一个平台,脸书用法定结算资金及脸书的一部分股份换得了ConnectU。

    ConnectU is the platform created by the Winklevoss brothers and Facebook purchased it according to a court settlement for cash and a share in Facebook stock .

  2. 严禁挪用客户交易结算资金。

    Use of customers'transaction settlement funds for other purposes is strictly prohibited .

  3. 证券客户交易结算资金存管制度与监管体系研究

    Study on Securities Clients ' Capital Depository and Supervising System

  4. 浅谈企业结算资金管理

    Discussion on Tightening up the Management of an Enterprise 's Settling Capital

  5. 证券客户交易结算资金的存管模式研究

    Study on Modes of Deposit of Client Clearing Funds

  6. 对客户交易结算资金存管模式改革的建议&兼论建立中国证券银行的设想

    Reform Proposal on Deposit of Clients ' Funds

  7. 客户交易结算资金偿付法律问题研究

    Study of Compensation of the Client 's Transaction Clearing Fund Form the Legal Aspect

  8. 证券公司不得将客户的交易结算资金和证券归入其自有财产。

    A securities company may not incorporate any trading settlement funds or securities of its clients into its own assets .

  9. 非因客户本身的债务或者法律规定的其他情形,不得查封、冻结、扣划或者强制执行客户的交易结算资金和证券。

    The trading settlement funds or securities of its client may not be defined as its insolvent assets or liquidation assets .

  10. 客户的交易结算资金必须全额存入指定的商业银行,单独立户管理。

    Customers ' funds for transaction settlement must be placed in full in a designated commercial bank on a separate account .

  11. 冻结证券和交易结算资金时,应当明确冻结的范围是否及于孳息。

    Upon freezing securities or securities transaction settlement funds , the scope of freeze and whether the Fructus is included shall be specified .

  12. 自从我国建立了证券市场以来,证券公司挪用客户的交易结算资金的现象已经成为我国证券行业中公开的秘密,也是证券行业难以治愈的顽疾。

    Since China established stock market , misappropriate trading clearing funds of clients almost become an open secret and difficultly cure ills in Securities Industry .

  13. 第二百一十二条本法关于客户交易结算资金的规定的实施步骤,由国务院另行规定。

    Article 212 . The State Council will prescribe separate procedures for implementing the regulations governing clients ' funds for securities trading and account settlement .

  14. 浅谈出口企业利用国际结算融通资金的几种方式

    The ways for export enterprises to obtain funds by international settlement

  15. 军队财务结算中心资金管理信息系统构建

    Constructing funds management information system of military financial settlement centers

  16. 流通中货币与结算中资金目前货币流通中存在的问题及对策

    Currency in Circulation and Fund in Settlement The Problems and Countermeasures in Money Circulation at Present

  17. 运营体系是银行存在的基础,银行通过运营体系来履行对客户和银行自身的资产托管、支付结算、资金清算、账务处理、信息管理、现金管理、凭证管理等等基本职能。

    Banks rely on their operational systems to deliver functions like asset custody , payment and settlement , capital liquidation , accounting treatment , information management , cash management , disbursement management .

  18. 综合查询功能包括:项目分解、招标投标、合同签订、质量安全、工程变更、实施进度、预算审核、工程结算、资金拨付、工程验收、结算审计、产权登记以及交付使用。

    The comprehensive inquires feature include : the project decomposition , tender and bid , contract signing , quality safety and engineering change , implementation process , budget review , engineering settlement , capital fund , project acceptance , settlement audit , property registration , and delivered for use .

  19. 这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。

    At this point , the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements , expenses and receipts .

  20. 加强内部结算管理提高资金使用效率

    Strengthen Management of Internal Accounting , Raise Efficiency of Capital Use

  21. (三)通过转账或者其他结算方式协助资金转移的;

    Helping transfer capital through transferring accounts or any other form of settlement ;

  22. 本文从银行资产和负债、国际结算、外汇资金、资本充足率管理等多角度具体分析了此次人民币升值给我国商业银行带来的影响。

    This paper analyzed the effect of appreciation of RMB on Chinese commercial banks'assets and liabilities , international settlement , management of capital adequacy ratio , etc.

  23. 中国银行吉林省分行是中国银行在吉林省设立的区域性机构,目前在外汇存贷款、国际结算、外汇资金和银行卡等业务领域居于业内领先地位。

    As the territorial agent of Bank of China in Jilin Province , Bank of China Jilin Branch has been overwhelming in the business areas of Forex business , international accounting , credit card , and so on .

  24. 内部资本市场依附于不同的组织结构,具有多元化投资、现金流交叉互补行为等特征;其组织模式有委托贷款、结算中心、资金池、内部银行和财务公司等几种模式。

    Internal capital markets attached to different organization structure , have diversified investment , cash flow characteristics of cross-complementary behavior ; The organizational model has entrusted loans , settlement center , pool funds , banks and finance companies and so on .

  25. 贸易融资是指银行向进口商或出口商提供的与进出口贸易结算相关的资金融通或信用便利。它具有高收益、低风险、资本占用少的特点,因而逐渐成为商业银行的一项重要业务。

    Trade finance is a kind of financing or credit facility provided by banks to importers and exporters concerning import and export settlement Because of its high profitability , low risks and capital efficiency , trade finance is becoming one of the important operations that commercial banks contend to expand .

  26. 利用结算中心控制企业资金流向

    Control enterprise cash flow through settlement centre

  27. 四川省农村信用社结算渠道分散、资金使用效率低下,迫切需要畅通结算渠道。

    Currently , the clearing channels of Sichuan Rural Credit Cooperatives ( SCRCC ) are scattered , the use of funds is inefficient , and there is an urgent need for smooth settlement channels .

  28. 企业应尽可能地采用对自身有利的结算方式和先进的结算手段,加速资金回笼、缩短资金在途时间。

    As far as possible , enterprises should use their own settlement in a favorable settlement and advanced means to return the funds to accelerate and shorten the time in-transit funds .

  29. 申请人应在本公司指定的结算银行中选择一家,开立结算资金专用账户,用于和本公司的资金划拨。

    The applicant is required to open a specialized cash account with one of the designated settlement bank of CSDCC Shenzhen , through which to complete the cash transfer with CSDCC , Shenzhen .

  30. 介绍实行内部转账结算制度能有效的协调、控制企业的资金,建立企业正常的结算秩序,可保证企业结算资金安全;降低企业融资成本、财务费用,笔者结合工程实例予以说明。

    Internal transfer and settlement system can effectively regulate and control funds , establish normal settlement procedure , ensure the security of settlement fund and reduce financing cost and financial expenses , thus creating higher profits for the enterprise .