
jié ɡòu ɡōnɡ zī zhì
  • structural wage system
  1. 绩效工资制度的发展经历了职务等级工资制、结构工资制、技术等级工资制和岗位绩效工资制。

    The development of performance pay system has experienced the post-rank salary system , structural wage system , technical grade wage system and job performance wage .

  2. 技术和普通管理人员采取以岗薪制为主的结构工资制薪酬方案;

    For technicians and common managers , it adopts a structural wage system that gives priority to post salary .

  3. 生产和服务岗位员工实行岗薪制与计时工资制相结合的结构工资制薪酬方案。

    For staff with production and service , it designs a structural wage system that integrates post wage with hourly wage .

  4. 现在长春燃气沿袭的是传统国有企业的结构工资制,并在此基础上根据自身的特点做了相应的调整。

    The company presently adopts the traditional structure payment system of state-owned enterprises , and has readjusted the system according to its characteristics .

  5. 其主要构成为管理层的基本年薪制,普通员工的结构工资制及销售人员的提成工资制。

    Its main composition is the basic annual salary system for the management , structural salary system for ordinary employees and bonus system for sales person .

  6. 第二章是薪酬管理相关理论,主要是阐述现代薪酬的概念和相关理论,重点是宽带薪酬理论知识和结构工资制。

    The second chapter is mainly elaborated the concept of modern payment and related theories , with emphasis on theoretical knowledge of the broad band salary and structured salary .

  7. 建议对乡村医生实行工资加奖金的报酬模式,按乡村医生的技术职务、医龄、岗位工作效益等实行有层次的结构工资制,以医疗预防保健工作质量作为分发奖金的依据。

    So a remuneration mode of " laborage and bonus " is suggested . Pay the village doctors based on their technic office , their years of medical work , and their work efficiency .

  8. 在我国中小学的分配制度改革过程中,实行校内结构工资制,是学校内部管理体制改革的重要内容,是激励教师教育教学积极性、创造性的重要手段。

    Putting the framework salary system ( FSS ) into effect as a reform of the school 's interior management system is very important on stimulating teachers , as a result it can make them more active and creative .

  9. 新的薪酬体系对经营者年薪制以及结构工资制进行了改进,以充分体现人力资本的价值;同时,提成工资制的出现也对企业员工具有较强的激励作用。

    The new pay system on the operator structure of the annual salary system and wage system has been improved in order to fully reflect the value of human capital ; same time , the commission on the emergence of wage employees with strong incentives .