
  • 网络Settlement management;Accounting;final account
  1. 在公路工程实施阶段,分别从招标管理、施工管理、结算管理三个环节进行控制。

    Controlling is made from such three links as bid , construction and settlement management separately in the stage of highway engineering enforcement .

  2. 本文从招标管理、施工管理和结算管理三个环节论述了建设项目实施阶段的工程造价管理。

    This paper states the engineering cost management in construction project performing phase from the three aspects of bidding management , construction management and settlement management .

  3. 本文研究了一种以SQL数据库为后台支持的,具有功能完善、高安全性、高可行性的网上书店结算管理系统。

    This text researches one settlement system of online bookstore which regards SQL database as the backstage supporter , with such advantages as the perfect function , high security , high feasibility etc.

  4. 介绍了XX省烟草公司推行全面预算管理机制、建立资金结算管理中心以及在国有资产监管上的努力和创新。

    This chapter is an introduction about the practice of a tobacco company in XX province . Such as the implementation of comprehensive budget management mechanism , establish a capital settlement and management center and the efforts and innovation for state-owned assets supervision .

  5. 加强内部结算管理提高资金使用效率

    Strengthen Management of Internal Accounting , Raise Efficiency of Capital Use

  6. 火力发电企业燃料结算管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Fuel Settlement Management System for Coal-fired Power Plant

  7. 加强航空运输收入结算管理

    To Strengthen Settling Account Management of Air Transportation Income

  8. 论工程项目预结算管理方法

    On management method of construction project budget and balance

  9. 浅析工程项目竣工结算管理

    On management of accounts settlement for completed project

  10. 加强合同预结算管理提高企业的经济效益

    Intensify contract , budget and final account management to improve economic benefits for construction enterprises

  11. 建立全新的资金结算管理系统,加强资金控制的监督与评价。

    Set up brand-new fund administrative system , strengthen supervision and appraisal of fund controlling .

  12. 现代交易市场结算管理基本问题研究

    A Discussion on the Basic Issues in the Clearing Control of the Commodity Exchange Market

  13. 建筑企业分公司如何在项目预结算管理中发挥自身优势的探索

    Discussion on How to Use his Own Advantages in Project Budgeting and Settlement by Subcompany of Construction Enterprise

  14. 以支付密码系统和安全代理作为安全支付和保密通讯的基础,为企业提供完整的集团资金结算管理系统解决方案。

    Basing on payment password system and security proxy , the system offers complete group fund settle accounts proposals .

  15. 石油分公司作为油品的托运人,依然有义务和责任对运输车辆进行严格安全管理,并加强了运输途中的数质量管理和严格运费结算管理。

    The company should strengthen settlement management , and strengthen quantity management and quality control over the oils on the way .

  16. 本课题所做的主要工作有如下几点:1.实现了城市基础设施投资管理系统的主要功能,这些功能包括投资项目的申报管理、投资项目进度管理、投资费用结算管理和人员管理等。

    The city infrastructure investment management system main implemented functions as follows : investment management , investment project cost management and personnel management .

  17. 目前我国结算管理的研究主体过于单一化,几乎所有的研究都是围绕矛盾主体方角度来谈论的。

    Management of the current research body of settlement is too single , almost all of the research is around the point of contradiction .

  18. 未制订完善的工程概算、预算和结算管理办法配套,定额使用行为未规范;

    Matching management measures are not made for the budget estimates , budget and settlement of the engineering ; The quota applying behavior is not regulated .

  19. 目前,在企业项目资金管理中,由于项目业务比较复杂,对新一代的资金结算管理系统的要求也相应地提高。

    In the present Enterprise project funds management , due to the project business is complex , it requires the improvement of the new generation funds settlement management system .

  20. 本文着重探讨了建设项目实施阶段的招投标管理、施工管理和结算管理等几个项目建设全过程监控的重点问题。

    This paper discussed about some key problems in the whole-process control in the implementation phase of construction project : tender management , construction management and final account management .

  21. 并在此基础上,研究改进医疗费用结算管理系统的方案,在当前政策的引导下对结算系统提出重构建议。

    And on this basis , study the settlement of improving medical cost management system , make on the recommendations of system reconstruction under the guidance of current policy .

  22. 设计了包括系统信息管理、申报管理、计划管理、签约管理、进度管理、验收管理、结算管理和综合查询8大模块。

    Including eight modules that system information management , report management , plan management , contract management , schedule management , inspection management , settlement management and integrated query are designed .

  23. 本系统主要由七大模块组成:包括基础数据,合同管理,物资管理,煤炭销售管理,结算管理,质量管理,运输管理。

    The system is consisted of seven modules : basic data , contract management , material management , coal sales management , billing management , quality management , and transportation management .

  24. 项目实施阶段,工程造价管理应把握招投标及合同管理、施工管理、结算管理3个环节。

    In the stage of project operation , should grasp three links in the construction cost management including the public bidding and contract management , construction management and final estimate management .

  25. 报道称:审计发现,三峡工程因结算管理和合同管理不够严格增加建设成本4.88亿元人民币。

    The report said , the audit discovered that the cost of the Three Gorge Project was increased 488 million Yuan due to the poor management for contracts and settling accounts .

  26. 部署在各个电厂的子站系统主要完成市场信息和电厂运行信息以及电厂各机组的成本分析、竞价决策、交易管理和结算管理。

    The other is deployed at power plants , and its main functions include information collection of electricity market and power plant operation , cost analysis , bidding decision-making and settlement management .

  27. 随着经济的快速发展,大型企业集团内部组织结构日趋复杂化,内部管理遇到诸多困难,尤其是资金结算管理问题,一直是企业集团内部管理的一大难题。

    With the rapid development of the economy , the large enterprise groups are facing some problems , such as increasingly complicated internal organizational structure , internal management , and especially the management of the fund .

  28. 此系统功能主要包括:电量计划管理;网供电量数据管理、外购电量数据管理、结算管理、系统管理等模块。

    The main function of this system includes : the management of power plan ; the management of power quantity provided by Power Grid 、 the management of outsourcing power data 、 settlement management 、 system management and so on .

  29. 第六章列出了我国ETF发展面临的风险,主要包括跟踪误差、结算、管理与操作、对手方等四方面的风险。

    Chapter VI lists the facing risks of ETF , including four aspects of tracking error , settlement , management and operation , and counterparty .

  30. 基于组件的市场交易结算信息管理系统的研究

    Research on Managing System for Market Bargain Information Based on Component