
jí tǐ tán pàn
  • collective bargaining
  1. 这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。

    This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country .

  2. NBA标准运动员合同是集体谈判协议的重要组成部分,合同对劳方和资方各自权利的行使及义务的履行都作出了明确规定。

    The Uniform Player Contract of National Basketball Association is the important part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement . The contract gives explicit provisions between the management and the labor .

  3. 3.collectivelyadv.全体地;共同地工人集体谈判的权利

    the right of workers to bargain collectively

  4. 就如历史学家埃里克•霍布斯鲍姆(EricHobsbawm)所说的,他们打破既定模式的行动相当于“通过暴乱形式进行的集体谈判”,相当于正式公会出现之前的“工会主义手法”。

    As the historian Eric Hobsbawm put it , their frame-breaking activity was " collective bargaining by riot " and " simply a technique of trade unionism " in the days before formal unions existed .

  5. 工会和集体谈判&构建和谐劳动关系

    The Trade Union and Collective Bargaining & Construct harmonious labor relations

  6. 集体谈判对我国企业工资决定机制的影响

    The Effects of Collective Bargaining on Determination of Wage in China

  7. 我们把法案中的反集体谈判条款去掉

    Let 's strike the anticollective bargaining provision from the bill .

  8. 西方国家工会集体谈判经验研究&兼论对我国工会的启示

    Experiential Study of Collective Bargaining by Trade Unions in Western Countries

  9. 维护结社自由和集体谈判权;

    Uphold freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining ;

  10. 本文研究的是劳动者的集体谈判权。

    What this paper studied is the laborers ' collective bargaining right .

  11. 各工会应着重通过集体谈判来达到他们的要求。

    The unions should concentrate on securing their demands through collective bargaining .

  12. 工资集体谈判移植问题研究

    Transplant of the Wage Collective Bargaining System and Analysis of the Restraints

  13. 这些工会现在已经开始展示其集体谈判实力。

    These unions are now beginning to flex their collective bargaining muscles .

  14. 集体谈判和集体合同制度的作用及其推行

    Function and Operation of Collective-based Negotiations and Contract System

  15. 工资集体谈判制度在我国的兴起与发展;

    The occurring and development of wage collective bargaining system in our country ;

  16. 而劳动三权无疑应是立法保障的重点,本文就其中的集体谈判权进行了详尽的论述。

    Three rights of work are undoubtedly the focuses of legislation to ensure .

  17. 每个州的集体谈判权利都不同。

    Collective bargaining rights differ from state to state .

  18. 对集体谈判中政府的角色定位的认识

    Understanding of Government 's Role in Group Negotiation

  19. 集体谈判制度在我国面临的问题及其解决

    Problems and Solutions : Collective Bargaining in China

  20. 集体谈判制度中的主体问题研究

    Research on the Subject of the Collective Bargaining

  21. 运用集体谈判协调社会利益关系

    Coordinating Social Relation of Interests through Group Negotiation

  22. 正是在这个背景下,集体谈判也越来越受到重视。

    Under this background , the collective bargaining system is paid more and more attention .

  23. 集体谈判的相关理论综述

    Summary on the Theories of Collective Bargaining

  24. 集体谈判的条款不能改

    We won 't touch collective bargaining .

  25. 集体谈判工资制度研究

    Research on Wage System of Collective Bargaining

  26. 你不能随便拿集体谈判当筹码

    You don 't toss around their right to collective bargaining like a poker chip .

  27. 可能会出现的一个问题是工会的角色和集体谈判。

    One issue likely to come up is the role of unions and collective bargaining .

  28. 美、德、日集体谈判制度的比较研究

    Comparison on the Collective Bargaining System of the United States , German , and Japan Beauty

  29. 劳工第一次获得了集体谈判的合法权利。

    For the first time , labor had been given the legal right to bargain collectively .

  30. 集体谈判权研究

    A Study on Collective Bargaining Right