
  • 网络salary;annual salary system;annual salary;yearly salary
  1. 基于决策树法的电力企业经营者年薪制的应用研究

    Application Research on Annual Salary of Electrical Enterprise Operators on the Basis of Decision Tree

  2. 浅析国企年薪制模型的构建

    To Construct the Model of Yearly Salary System in Stated-owned Enterprise

  3. 而三年后,实行1美元CEO年薪制的公司在股市上的表现已经明显不如其他上市公司。

    One-dollar companies significantly underperformed their peers in the stock market after three years .

  4. EVA奖金制度与年薪制是现代公司激励机制中的两种重要模式。

    EVA bonus system and yearly-salary system are two important models in modern company incentive mechanism .

  5. 如果你觉得这种观点过于尖刻,不妨再看看这个事实:一些企业在宣布1美元CEO年薪制后的头一年里,资产收入基本上和其他公司相当,但随后就开始恶化。

    If that seems cynical , consider this : in the first year after companies announced $ 1 CEO salaries , they achieved returns on assets that were comparable to their peers ; after that , their returns deteriorated .

  6. 关于建立地勘企业经营者年薪制的思考

    Thought on establishing manager 's annual-salary system in Geological Prospecting Enterprises

  7. 年薪制就是以年度为期间确定经营者的基本报酬,并根据经营成果发放风险收入的一种工资分配制度。

    Year-income system is a motivate mode based operation outcome yearly .

  8. 年薪制由岗位工资和绩效工资组成,岗位工资按月发放;

    The annual payment system includes position salary and performance salary .

  9. 以年薪制为突破口不断创新医院分配机制

    The annual salary system-a breakthrough for innovating division mechanism in hospital

  10. 对实行企业家年薪制的冷思考

    A Cool Thinking of Practice of Annual Salary System For Enterprisers

  11. 论企业经营者年薪制的建立

    Talking About the Establish on Year salary System of Enterprise Manager

  12. 医院实行年薪制的实践与探讨

    The practice and discussion of implementing year salary system in hospital

  13. 国有企业应积极推行年薪制

    The State-owned Enterprise Should Be Positive to Promote Annual Salary System

  14. 国有医院实行年薪制的可行性研究

    Study of the Annual Salary System in State - owned Hospital

  15. 基于年薪制的BE公司中期报酬激励研究

    Research of BE Midterm Encouragement Base on Annual Remuneration System

  16. 关于在国有企业建立年薪制的理论思考

    Theoretic Thinking about Building Annually-Based Wage System in State-Owned Enterprises

  17. 年薪制与国有企业经营者激励机制的研究

    Yearly Salary System and Manager Motivation Mechanism in State-run Businesses

  18. 年薪制审计已成为企业一个重要的管理措施。

    It is become an important management measure in enterprises .

  19. 试论高薪养教民营高校实施校长年薪制问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Annual Salary System in the Private Higher Learning Institutions

  20. 年薪制:山雨必来的一场薪酬革命

    Year-paid Salary System : an Inevitable Revolution in Salary System

  21. 经营者年薪制的实施模式及其有效性评估

    Execution Mode of Administrator Annuity System and its Validity Valuation

  22. 对韩国企业实行年薪制的思考

    On the Yearly Salary System in R. O. Korea

  23. 刍议地质队经营者实行年薪制

    Discussion on Implementing Annual Salary System in Geological Teams

  24. 我国国有企业经营者年薪制方案设计

    Design of the SOE Operator 's Annual Salary System

  25. 年薪制是国际上通行的职业经理人薪酬制度。

    Annual Salary System is an international popular salary system for professional managers .

  26. 基于委托代理模型的企业年薪制研究

    Study on Annual Incomings System Based on Principal-agent Theory

  27. 对国有企业经营者实行年薪制的探讨

    A Probe into Paying the Managers of State-Owned Enterprises by Yearly Salary System

  28. 对地勘单位推行年薪制的再认识

    Re-knowing to Pursue the Annual Salary System in the Geological and Prospecting Units

  29. 年薪制是一种企业经营者的激励机制。

    Annual pay system is a motivating system for the management of enterprises .

  30. 高层管理者的年薪制经营者年薪制报酬设计

    Annual Pay System of Senior Executives The Design of Manager 's Annual Salary