
nián zhōnɡ jiǎnɡ
  • year-end bonus
  1. 于是他辞了职,并放弃了丰厚的年终奖。现在每天下午4点半我就可以回家陪我儿子了。

    So he quit , forgoing a large year-end bonus , and now I can be home with my son at 4:30pm every day .

  2. 新的薪酬体系改变了过去只有管理层与销售人员有绩效薪酬的情况,将绩效薪酬分为月度奖金与年终奖分别发放。

    The new salary system has changed the situation in the past that only the management and sales person had the performance salary , and this performance salary is now paid as monthly bonus and year-end bonus separately .

  3. 年终奖分配得很平允。

    The year-end bonuses were distributed in an equitable manner .

  4. 他暗示了有关年终奖的事

    He threw out a hint regarding bonuses at the end of the year .

  5. 谷歌(Google)新任首席执行官拉里•佩奇增加年终奖考核标准。

    New Google CEO Larry Page just upped the ante as far as workflow goes .

  6. IBM首席执行官罗睿兰将放弃年终奖。

    IBM ( IBM ) chief executive Virginia " Ginni " rometty is passing up her annual bonus .

  7. 丰田汽车(toyotamotor)计划减少数千名经理的年终奖,以此作为应对销售额暴跌的成本削减举措的一部分。

    Toyota Motor is to reduce year-end bonuses for thousands of managers as part of a cost - cutting drive in response to plummeting sales .

  8. 贾瓦斯说,在小公司向CEO发放更多年终奖和长期激励的推动下,这种做法最终可能带来负面影响。

    Jarvis says that practice , fueled by smaller companies handing out greater annual bonuses and long-term incentives , could have negative results .

  9. OptionsGroup指出,总体来看,2013年华尔街交易员和银行家的平均年终奖有望较去年增长3%,为2009年以来首度实现增长。

    Overall , compensation for Wall Street traders and bankers is expected to rise 3 % on average in 2013 from a year earlier , the first year of gains since 2009 , Options Group points out .

  10. 据猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(armstronginternational)的一项调查显示,在兼并收购,私人银行和商品交易等行业的佼佼者,其年终奖将增加30%。

    The best performers in mergers and acquisitions , private banking and commodities trading are set to receive 30 per cent increases in their year-end pay packets , according to Armstrong international , an executive search firm .

  11. 正如Chol指出从来没有更高的工资,此外,人力资源经理经常收到可观的年终奖。

    As Chol points out , salaries have never been higher and , in addition , HR managers often receive substantial annual bonuses .

  12. ABC一直都能获得低息信贷,而Minorbank的交易员则从掉期费用中获得年终奖(之后也会回报Megabank的同仁)。

    ABC kept being allocated cheap credit , while Minorbank 's traders got bonuses at the end of the year from the swap fees ( and later returned the favour to their mates at Megabank ) .

  13. 工资、薪金个税扣缴及年终奖计税公式缺陷的思考

    Defects in Withholding Tax of Wages , Salaries and Tax Formula of Year-end Awards

  14. 亲爱的朋友,迟发年终奖真的能留住人才吗?请谈谈你的想法。

    Dear friends , do you think it really works ? Please share your opinion .

  15. 在那次他称之为尴尬的损失后,他去年没有拿到没有年终奖。

    He did not take an annual bonus last year after the loss , which he called embarrassing .

  16. 解读面试官的反应:你的面试官可能会从各种福利聊到年终奖。

    Interpreting the response : Your interviewer may commend the company for everything from benefits to year-end bonuses .

  17. 当一个或许永远不会到来的明天可以抵押换取一份年终奖的时候,谁还需要快乐呢?

    Who needs happiness when there is an annual bonus to mortgage on a tomorrow that might never come ?

  18. 如果看上去一位客户影响到了年终奖,那么显然,他们之间的关系就完蛋了。

    If that bonus looks like being compromised by a client then apparently that relationship can go to hell .

  19. 另一名拥有商务学位但没有工作的女性提到,她在等待拿自己的年终奖去买衣服。

    A woman with a business degree but no job mentioned waiting for her year-end to shop for clothing .

  20. 根据奖金规模的不同,大型金融机构通常延迟支付20%-60%的年终奖。

    Large financial institutions typically defer 20-60 per cent of year-end bonuses , depending on the size of the pay-out .

  21. 他拒绝就这些人的动机进行评论,但外界猜测,抬高2007年年终奖可能是原因之一。

    He declined to comment on their motives , amid speculation that inflating 2007 bonuses may have played a part .

  22. 等到一月份的销量数据下周出炉后,底特律的三大汽车厂商就可以开始盘算该给2013销售季颁发多少年终奖了。

    When January car sales are announced next week , Detroit automakers can start sizing up their year-end bonuses for 2013 .

  23. 另一名拥有商务学位但没有工作的女性提到,她在等待拿自己的“年终奖”去买衣服。

    A woman with a business degree but no job mentioned waiting for her " year-end " to shop for clothing .

  24. 在发年终奖前,他由于没达到目标,被银行解雇。

    He had been dismissed by the bank for failing to meet his targets before the annual bonus awards were made .

  25. 今年的年终奖为10000-60000美元,较前两年有显著提升。

    Ranging from $ 10,000 to $ 60,000 , the bonuses took a significant leap from those of the last two years .

  26. 现在,这些红包的交换使得朋友和邻居更加亲近,甚至有些公司用红包派发年终奖。

    Nowadays these practice exchange to close friends , neighbors and even some companies give away year-end bonuses in an red packet .

  27. 我意识到,我可能都不记得自己30多岁时觉得很重要的东西,比如得到了年终奖。

    I realised I probably wouldn 't even remember the things that seemed important in my thirties ( like getting my end-of-year pay bonus .

  28. 随着股价猛跌,多数亚洲公司计划适当削减年终奖幅度及2009年度人力成本投入。

    DESPITE SHARE price declines , most companies in Asia are currently planning a modest scaling back of their rewards programs and other workforce investments for2009 .

  29. 最近几年债券交易收入大跌,主要受阻止银行在这些市场扮演中间商的新规影响。这令债券交易员年终奖承压。

    Bond-trading revenue has tumbled in recent years , in large part due to new rules that discourage banks from acting as middlemen in those markets .

  30. 约3%的受访者表示年终奖会超过3万元,18.3%的受访者年终奖可能在1000元以下。

    Some three percent think they will receive 30000 yuan after one year 's work and 18.3 percent are likely to get less than 1000 yuan .