
  • 网络Container yard;CY container yard
  1. 基于RFID中间件的铁路集装箱堆场管理系统

    Railway Container Yard Management Information System Based on RFID Middleware

  2. 基于RFID电子标签和无线数据传输网络的可视化集装箱堆场实时信息管理系统

    Visible Management Real Time System Used for Container Yard Base on RFID IC Tags and Wireless Data Transfer Network

  3. 铁路冷藏集装箱堆场CAD系统的研究

    CAD system of Stack Yard for Railway Refrigerated Container

  4. 本文结合教育部课题《基于无线局域网的集装箱堆场机械调度与监控系统研究》,以集装箱港口为对象开发一个信息交换系统,主要研究Internet网上信息交换。

    This paper , combined with the research of education ministry , programs an information interchange system objected to a container harbor and mainly studies the Internet information interchange .

  5. 介绍了集装箱堆场优化的重要意义,提出了混合顺序堆场作业的概念,在图搜索技术和模式识别理论的基础上建立了随机条件下的混合顺序作业堆场BAY优化模型。

    The significance of the stacking optimization is discussed , and a stacking BAY optimization model of hybrid sequence is presented based on the graphic search technology and the pattern recognition theory .

  6. 本文介绍的自主开发的基于RFID电子标签和无线数据传输网络的可视化集装箱堆场实时信息管理系统可以有效地解决自动ID收集、跟踪与监控的实际问题,有助于供应链中的集装箱管理。

    This article describes visible management real time system used for container yard base on RFID IC tags and wireless data transfer . The system can be used for ID collection , container tracing and motoring , and it is helpful for container management in supply chain .

  7. 基于混堆模式的集装箱堆场区段分配

    Assign problem of container yard section based on mixed storage model

  8. 基于蚁群算法的集装箱堆场起重机优化调度

    Crane Scheduling in Container Yards Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

  9. 岳阳新港集装箱堆场沉降观测试验及预测分析

    Settlement observation tests and analysis prediction of Yue Yang container yards

  10. 一种新型自动化无人堆场的工艺与设备集装箱堆场管理信息系统

    A New-Type Handling Process and Equipments for Automated Unmanned Container Yard

  11. 某集装箱堆场地基方案设计和评估

    Foundation Design Scheme for A Container Yard and Evaluation on It

  12. 宁波港北仑四期集装箱堆场地基处理方案设计

    Ningbo Port Beilun Phase IV Container Yard Foundation Treatment Scheme Design

  13. 大型集装箱堆场专用轨道式集装箱门式起重机

    Rail Mounted Container Crane Special Used on Large Container Stack Yard

  14. 集装箱堆场机械选型配置研究

    The Choice of Machineries Types and Disposition for Container Storage Yard

  15. GB/T13145-1991机械式冷藏集装箱堆场技术管理要求

    Specification and management requirements of the stacking yard for mechanical refrigerated containers

  16. 北仑四期集装箱堆场加载预压地基处理研究

    Study on the Foundation Treatment by Pre-loading of Beilun International Container Harbor

  17. 集装箱堆场铺面结构优化设计方案比较

    Comparison of Optimized Design Schemes for the Pavement Structure of Container Yard

  18. 又进一步进行了集装箱堆场管理系统的详细设计。

    And further carry out the detailed design of yard management system .

  19. 出口集装箱堆场取箱作业优化模型研究

    Optimization Model of Containers Loading Operation in Export Containers Terminal

  20. 集装箱堆场铺面结构型式在经济、技术上的比较

    Contrast of Structure Type of Container Yard Paving in Economy and Technique

  21. 大连港403集装箱堆场工程软基处理措施

    Treatment Measures for Soft Foundation of Dalian Port 403 Container Yard Project

  22. 集装箱堆场起重机行驶成本研究

    Research on the running cost of crane in container yard

  23. 关于某车辆段综合库桩基问题的探讨集装箱堆场管理信息系统

    Discussion on pile foundation problem of integrated storehouse in a traffic section

  24. 集装箱堆场作业调度优化问题研究

    Research on Optimization Problem on Container Yard Operation Scheduling

  25. 集装箱堆场基于混堆的滚动式计划堆存方法

    Method of planned rolling period of a container yard based on mixture storage

  26. 混凝土集装箱堆场施工质量控制

    Construction and quality control of the concrete ground container

  27. 集装箱堆场出口箱堆存模型及其算法堆芯机械全尺寸模型

    Modeling and Algorithm on Piling Outbound for Container Terminal ; core mechanical mockup

  28. 集装箱堆场减少倒箱率方法研究

    Reduction of Rate of Container Transposition in Container Yard

  29. 集装箱堆场水泥混凝土铺面的结构计算

    Structural analysis of concrete pavements in a container terminal

  30. 集装箱堆场物流系统规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Container Yard Logistics System