
jié suàn zhànɡ hù
  • Settlement account;balance account
  1. 《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》执行中的问题与建议

    The Problems in Implementing The Measure for the Management of RMB Bank Balance Account and Settlement Advice

  2. 为什么要单设个人银行结算账户?

    Why is personal bank settlement account set up separately ?

  3. 凭密码支取,通存通兑,结算账户。

    Withdrawing with cipher , free deposit & withdrawal ; account settlement .

  4. 什么是个人银行结算账户?

    What 's the personal bank settlement account ?

  5. 双方还互换了此前已经签署的跨境贸易人民币结算账户协议文本。

    The two banks also exchanged copies of agreements on settle accounts in China 's Yuan .

  6. 自2003年9月1日起实施新的《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》。

    The new Administrative Measures for the RMB Bank Settlement Accounts shall be implemented as of September 1 , 2003 .

  7. 财政收入中有很大一部分非税收入是在财政部门开设的财政专户中,财政专户是在银行的开设的结算账户。

    A large amount of provincial non-tax revenue is kept in the special bank account opened by the department of finance .

  8. 开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;

    Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds , settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts ;

  9. 通过个人结算账户的汇划业务,按个人汇款标准收费,1%,最高50元。

    Carry account of individual settle accounts collect delimit business , press individual remittance standard to collect fees , 1 % , highest 50 yuan .

  10. 在中国农业银行开立个人结算账户,并同意银行从其指定的个人结算账户扣收贷款本息。

    Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account .

  11. 外币结算账户是指参与者在代理结算银行开立的,用于外币结算的外币同业存款账户。

    The term " foreign currency settlement account " refers to an inter-bank foreign currency savings account which is opened at a settlement agent for the settlement of foreign currencies .

  12. 要看你转账支票的收款人与个人结算账户的户名是否一致,不一致的不可以入账。

    Should see you turn of the chamberlain of Zhang check and account of individual settle accounts door the name is uniform , abhorrent not OK enter an item in an account .

  13. 协定存款账户的A户视同一般结算账户治理使用,可用于现金转账业务支出。

    Account of agreement savings , or a type A , should be managed and used as a general settlement account , and it may be applied to the withdrawal of a cash transfer service .

  14. 总借记和总贷记的结算即账户余额。

    The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance .

  15. 1.Balancethebooks结账、结算确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户

    determine that accounts are in balance , bring the two sides into equilibrium , settle an account by paying what is due

  16. 我是皮特。斯蒂文,要结算一些账户。

    My name is Peter stevens . I 've come to close out some accounts .

  17. 什么叫结算类账户,支出类账户,待摊类账户,跨国分摊类账户?

    What calls close an account kind account , defray kind account , wait for booth kind account , the apportion that cross a state kind account ?

  18. 包括对所有电子交易征收2%的税,将账户区分为专门的外汇账户和实时结算的电子账户。

    It includes two percent tax on all electronic transactions , and the division of bank accounts into those with real inflows of dollars as well as those holding electronic money , known as real-time gross settlement .

  19. 资金交收账户即结算备付金账户。

    The capital settlement accounts refer to the settlement provision accounts .

  20. 商务与结算2、独立账户;

    Commercial Affairs and Settling Accounts 2 , favorable macroeconomic conditions ;

  21. 每季度初,基金管理人将款项划到中国结算公司总部财务账户。

    In the beginning of every quarter , ffunds mmanager will transfer the amount to financial account of CSDCC headquarters .

  22. 乙方拒不配合的,甲方有权从乙方相应的结算备付金账户中主动扣划。

    Provided that Party B refuses to make cooperation , Party A shall be entitled to take the initiative in transferring the amount from the corresponding settlement reserve account of Party B.

  23. 乙方相关结算备付金账户不能足额完成非担保交收业务品种资金交收的,按照甲方相关规定执行。

    Provided that the related settlement reserve accounts of Party B are not enough to complete fund settlement of unsecured settlement business varieties , Party B shall implement in accordance with related regulations of Party A.

  24. 检查证券账户中权证余额、权证发行人行权专用结算备付金账户中资金余额时,证券账户、权证发行人行权专用结算备付金账户涉及司法冻结的,应将冻结数额予以剔除。

    When checking the balance of securities warrants in securitiesy accounts and the fund balance in settlement reserve accounts of the warrant-issuer which have been frozen by judicatory , the frozen amount shall be eliminated .

  25. 投资者可在期货经纪公司登记多家结算银行的期货结算账户。

    An investor may register settlementclearing accounts for futures of several settlementclearing banks in the futures & brokage company .

  26. 参与者是指参加外币支付系统并在代理结算银行开立外币结算账户的银行。

    The term " participant " refers to a bank which has joined the foreign currency payment system and opened a foreign currency settlement account at a settling bank .

  27. 申请人应在本公司指定的结算银行中选择一家,开立结算资金专用账户,用于和本公司的资金划拨。

    The applicant is required to open a specialized cash account with one of the designated settlement bank of CSDCC Shenzhen , through which to complete the cash transfer with CSDCC , Shenzhen .

  28. 乙方与甲方结清债权债务后,方可向甲方申请划付结算备付金、结算互保金余额,并注销相关结算账户。

    Party B may , only only after the completinge settlement of creditor 's rights credits and debtsand liabilities with Party a , apply to Party A for the transfer of settlement reservesand the settlement of Fidelity Fund balance , and the write-off ofcancel related settlement accounts .

  29. 统一支付清结算平台一期包括以下几个子系统:业务系统、清结算系统、账户管理系统、数据交换中心、管理员运营管理web系统。

    Unified clearing and settlement platform for a payment include the following subsystems : business systems , clearing and settlement systems , account management system , data exchange center , operation and management web system administrator .