
  • 网络Structural reform
  1. 执行我们到2015年的《亚太经合组织结构性改革新战略》(APECNewStrategyforStructuralReform)计划,以减少境内壁垒,促进均衡、包容和可持续的增长;

    Implement our APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform plans by2015 in order to reduce behind-the-border barriers and promote balanced , inclusive , and sustainable growth ;

  2. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行(WorldBank)等国际组织不知疲倦地大声呼吁加大结构性改革是有道理的:经济增长归根结底要靠用更少的资源生产出更多东西。

    There is a reason that international busybodies like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank clamour tirelessly for more structural reform : in the end economic growth comes down to producing more from less .

  3. 要扛稳粮食安全的重任,稳步提升粮食产能,要深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,要深化农业农村改革,激活乡村振兴内生动力,深入研究接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接。

    We should shoulder the heavy responsibility of ensuring food security , and steadily with rural vitalization .

  4. 我们要主动应变、化危为机,深化结构性改革,以科技创新和数字化变革催生新的发展动能。

    All this opens new pathways for economic growth . We ought to adapt to change and turn crisis into opportunity . We may deepen structural .

  5. 会议提出,要扭住供给侧结构性改革,同时注重需求侧改革,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    Reforms on both supply and demand sides should be carried out to achieve a dynamic equilibrium on a higher level , in which demand and supply can boost each other , said the meeting .

  6. imf表示,施行结构性改革可能有助于避免这种产出下降,不过该组织没有找到一种“放之四海皆准”的政策可供推荐。

    Implementing structural reforms could help to avert this output drop , the IMF said , though it found no " one size fits all " set of policies to recommend .

  7. 例如,尽管经合组织不能在设定纾困条件方面取代IMF,但在希腊等国必须实行什么结构性改革的问题上提出不同观点,也是在发挥有价值的作用。

    For example , while the OECD cannot supplant the IMF in setting conditions for bailouts , having a second opinion over the structural reform demanded of countries such as Greece is a valuable role .

  8. 如果法国和意大利实施结构性改革,将会打消欧洲央行(ECB)的疑虑,让其相信其货币刺激将被有效传导至实体经济、来扩大对企业和家庭的放贷。

    Should structural reforms be implemented in France and Italy , the European Central Bank would be reassured that its monetary stimulus was being channelled effectively through to the real economy to boost lending to enterprises and households .

  9. 通过这些途径,新兴市场国家相信,它们再也不会受制于美国财政部(或国际货币基金组织(IMF))了,因此也不需要通过结构性改革损害本国的既得利益群体了。

    By these means , EM countries believed they would never again find themselves on the hook to the US Treasury ( or the International Monetary Fund ), nor for that matter would they need to inconvenience local vested interests with structural reform .

  10. 安倍晋三在国内外已做出承诺,如果得到允许,日本将加入《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》(TPP)谈判,并实施成为公平、完全参与者所需的结构性改革。

    The Japanese prime minister has made commitments at home and abroad that , if allowed , his country would enter the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations and make the structural reforms needed for it to be a fair and full participant .

  11. 切实提高生产力的结构性改革是值得欢迎的。

    Structural change that genuinely raises productivity is to be welcomed .

  12. 在结构性改革中优化公共服务

    China : How to Improve Public Services in the Structural Reform

  13. 双方的共同立场还延伸至结构性改革的紧迫性。

    The common ground extends to the urgency of structural reforms .

  14. 希腊在整固财政的同时还实施了拖延已久的结构性改革。

    Fiscal consolidation was accompanied by long overdue structural reforms .

  15. 这种状况,将导致经济持续复苏所依赖的结构性改革进一步被拖延。

    That would further delay the structural shifts on which sustained recovery depend .

  16. 该地区将需要依赖结构性改革,依靠制度健全的国家。

    Instead it would depend on structural reforms and countries with sound institutions .

  17. 进一步的结构性改革也是减少全球失衡的关键。

    Further structural reform , too , is essential to bring imbalances down .

  18. 但仅此一项并不够,除非进行更切实的结构性改革。

    But that alone will not be enough unless it entails meaningful structural reform .

  19. 然而,其他欧洲国家希望希腊进行的结构性改革确实是必要的。

    However the structural reforms desired by the rest of Europe are indeed necessary .

  20. 提倡结构性改革的那些人忽视了这些事实。

    Proponents of structural reform ignore these facts .

  21. 结构性改革被推迟,而相对于生产率增长的薪资增长出现分化。

    Structural reforms were delayed , while wage growth relative to productivity growth diverged .

  22. 日本应实施中期财政整顿,并通过结构性改革加快经济增长。

    Japan should implement medium-term fiscal consolidation , and structural reforms to invigorate growth .

  23. (结构性改革一旦被延迟结果将会如何,希腊和意大利便是现成的例子。)

    ( Greece and Italy show what happens when structural reforms are postponed ) .

  24. 可惜,我们还没有发现结构性改革已经开始,从而能找出新的增长模式。

    We are not seeing structural reforms that will lead to a new growth model .

  25. 希腊和爱尔兰已加入前所未有的调整与结构性改革计划。

    Greece and Ireland are already engaged in programmes of unprecedented adjustment and structural reform .

  26. 最后,只有实施结构性改革以提高竞争力,经济加快增长才具有可持续性。

    Finally , faster growth will be sustainable only with structural reforms to improve competitiveness .

  27. 美国乃至全球各经济体首先必须实行结构性改革。

    It is necessary to make structural changes in the US and world economies first .

  28. 第二个问题是结构性改革。

    The second issue is structural reform .

  29. 对图书馆工作实行结构性改革&知识组织贯穿图书馆工作全过程的设想

    On the Structural Reform of Library Work

  30. 在经济方面,重点必须是实施有利于增长的结构性改革。

    On the economic front , the priority must be to implement growth-promoting structural reforms .