
  • 网络Source organization;arrangement of shipment
  1. 集装箱运输不仅实现了运输的快捷性、安全性、经济性、可靠性,而且改变了传统货源组织方式和运输体系。

    Container transportation not only lets the convenience , security , economy , and reliability of transportation come true , but also changes the traditional cargo-organized style and transportation system .

  2. 铁路应鼓励货运代理业的发展,建立中心编组站,提高铁路运输效率,加强货源组织,以开展高速度、高质量的货物运输,最大限度地满足货主需要,提高市场份额,增强竞争力。

    Railway should encourage freight transportation agent build center marshalling yards , enhance railway transportation efficiency and strengthen freight organization so that it can meet the consignors ' need , improve competition ability and enhance the market share to overcome the challenge .

  3. 然后通过查阅文献资料及现场调研,对集装箱公铁联运运输组织瓶颈问题进行了分析,包括货源组织、衔接、空箱调运、场站规划等。

    Through reviewing literature and on-site investigation , I try to make an analysis on the problems of highway & railway multimodal transport and transport organization which it covers Source organization ^ connection 、 Empty container for scheduling and Stations planning and so on .

  4. 而卷烟需求预测是按客户订单组织货源工作的起点、前提和基础,烟草企业通过开展卷烟需求预测工作可以为货源组织、生产安排和结构调整提供可靠的市场信息。

    However , " organize the supplements according to customer orders " work is based on cigarette demand forecast . Through cigarette demand forecast , tobacco enterprises can provide reliable market information to the organization for sourcing , production and structural adjustment .