
  1. 比较优势与后发优势理论的发展与融合

    Development of Comparative Advantage and Late-developing Advantage Theory and Their Fusion

  2. 后发优势理论对我国西部后发地区的现实意义

    Practical Value of the Late-Developing Advantage Theory on the Development of the West of China

  3. 后发优势理论主要是发展经济学领域的追赶理论。

    The theory on late-development advantage means mostly the chasing theory in economics for development .

  4. 美国经济史学家格申克龙通过对欧洲经济史的研究,提出了后发优势理论。

    Economist and historian American economic history scientist Gerschenkron advanced the theory of advantage of backwardness by researching the European economic history .

  5. 其办学定位应重视对后发优势理论的借鉴,走差异化、服务于地方的发展之路。

    Their location should pay much attention to studies of " theory of newly-developed advantages " and adopt the strategy of divergency and serving regional development .

  6. 其次,结合后发优势理论、比较优势理论以及产业的生命周期理论提出后发区域适宜引进的产业应该是符合自身的资源禀赋结构,并处于成长期或成熟期阶段;

    Secondly , we produce results that late-developing regions should introduce industries that are consistent with factor endowment and at the stage of the growing or mature phrases .

  7. 基于后发优势理论的县域旅游经济发展研究&以焦作各县域为例

    To Study on Developing of County Area Tourism Economy in Jiaozuo Based on the Theory of Advantage of Backwardness & As An Example for Counties Area of Jiaozuo

  8. 第四章,结合比较优势和后发优势理论剖析跨国公司R&D国际化的内部动因。

    The fourth chapter expounds the internal motivations of internationalization of MNCs ' R & D in combination with the comparative advantage theory and the late-developing advantage theory .

  9. 后发优势理论是其理论基础,正确地选择与确立主导产业是其实现的关键。

    Instead , we ought to select the surpassing strategy , a strategy based on the advantage of backwardness and the key to its realization is to select the leading industry correctly .

  10. 回顾了国内外相关理论的研究情况。再次,对产业竞争力理论进行了相关的分析。着重介绍了比较优势理论和后发优势理论。

    Relative theories both at home and abroad are reviewed in this part . Thirdly , theories about industry competitiveness are analyzed , among which the Comparative Advantage Theory and Late-Developing Advantage Theory are emphasized a lot .

  11. 首先根据后发优势理论分析了后发区域的发展路径及产业引进的可行性,认为后发区域通过技术的引进与创新能够实现向先发区域的收敛;

    Firstly , we theoretically analyze developing paths and feasibility of industrial introduction according to the theory of advantage of backwardness , and draw a conclusion that late-developing regions can keep up with first-developing regions by technology introduction and innovation .

  12. 通过对现阶段我国国情的分析,基于后发优势理论和模仿创新理论思考,提出提高我国建筑安全技术水平的模式:监测引进并消化吸收创新扩散。

    Through the analysis of the present situation in China , based on the theory of advantage of backwardness and imitation innovation theory , I put forward a mode that can improve our technical level of construction safety , which is monitoring , digestion and absorption , innovation and diffusion .

  13. 在理论方面,构建出中超足球俱乐部经济实现后发优势的理论框架。

    In theory , constructs the theoretical frame of the Chinese super league football clubs'economic late-development advantage .

  14. 目前,学术界大多重视比较优势的作用,而对后发优势的理论研究及其实践价值缺乏深入地探讨。

    At present , theories often emphasize on comparative advantage and lack for thorough inquiry on theoretical study and practical value of late-development advantage .

  15. 根据“后发优势”理论,这种特殊优势带来的特殊利益使得南贵昆经济区具有技术上、制度上、资源上和区位上的“后发优势”。

    According to the theory of " backward advantage ", the special benefits brought by its special advantage enable the region to enjoy " backward advantage " in technology , institution , resources and location .

  16. 第二章通过对后发优势的相关理论进行分析和评价,提出了目前国内外后发优势理论研究当中的一些不足之处,为本论文的研究指明了方向。

    Chapter two gives review to theories of backwardness . The deficiencies of those researches and the direction of my paper are pointed out .

  17. 然而,事实却与预料相隔甚远,大多数发展中国际并未能通过技术后发优势实现如新增长理论预料的经济赶超。

    However , the fact is far apart from the expection , the majority of international development does not pass " technology to the advantage of the " new growth theory .

  18. 通过对海洋产业发展战略相关理论的梳理,寻找到对后发地区发展海洋产业具有指导作用的后发优势理论和同时开发模式。

    Through the analysis of the marine industry development strategy related theory , we seek the advantage of backwardness theory and the simultaneous development mode that can play a guiding role for the late-development area .

  19. 在实践方面,揭示了中超足球俱乐部经济发展缓慢的原因,指出了当前中超足球俱乐部经济发展中的后发优势与后发劣势,并依据后发优势理论提出了相应的对策和建议。

    In practice , reveals the reasons for the slow development of the economy , and points out the late-development advantage and late-development disadvantage of the current Chinese super league football clubs ' economy . At the same time provides the corresponding measures and suggestions according the late-development advantage theory .