
hòu xù tóu zī
  • subsequent investment
  1. 本文所关注的仅是指直接融资,而且主要是关注那些已经通过IPO完成上市的上市公司再融资及其相关的后续投资行为。

    The dissertation only discusses the indirect financing way and emphasizes on the list company 's re-financing and related investment after IPO .

  2. 当投资项目不存在后续投资灵活性时,期权的价值就为零,此时回归经典NPV情形。

    When a project does not exist further investment possibility , the option valuation is zero , which corresponds to NPV framework .

  3. 如果一项新投资获得YE或YS多数票,或一项后续投资获得YE或YS的超多数票,就会把相关投资计划进而交给公司18位最高级别的合伙人进行最终投票。

    If a majority votes YE or YS for a new deal , or a supermajority does so for a follow-on investment , the deal then moves to a final vote by the firm's18 highest-ranking partners .

  4. 一个一般的结论是:一个项目的投资价值应该为完全不考虑后续投资灵活性时的价值加上灵活性本身的价值,前者就是经典NPV的价值,后者就是期权价值。

    The basic argument is that the investment value of a project should include the value of the project without considering further investment opportunities and the value of flexibility in the project , the former is priced by classic NPV , and the later is priced by option theory .

  5. 首批拟投入1.5亿元注册成立成都康力电梯有限公司,后续投资将按项目进度逐步投入。

    The first investment of150m Yuan will be used to establish the Chengdu Canny Elevator Co.

  6. 尽管如此,10万个已上马的基础设施项目的后续投资,以及公共住房的建设,应该会对投资放缓起到缓冲作用。

    Having said that , the continuation of investments into about 100,000 ongoing infrastructure projects and construction of public housing should cushion the slowdown in investment .

  7. 在品牌资产的管理上,本文提出了对城市品牌运营过程中如何建立权益测评体系,如何认识与防止风险以及后续投资等问题。

    Fourthly , on how to managing the brand assets , I conceive the evaluation system of brand equity and table some proposals on how to avoid risks and investment .

  8. 鉴于此,需要找一支规模较大的基金(承诺资本超过2亿美元)作为早期领投者,除了提供首轮融资外,更重要的是能有相当数量的资金用于后续投资。

    In light of this , a larger fund ( > $ 200 million in committed capital ) should be sought as an early lead to both provide seed dollars but more importantly to reserve a significant amount of capital for follow-on investment .

  9. 输变电工程建设是电网企业的核心业务,输变电工程投资过程后评价对企业后续电力投资项目具有指导意义。

    Construction of power transmission and transformation project is the core business of power companies . The post-evaluation of investment progress in transmission and transformation projects is instructive to the follow-up investment of power companies .

  10. 其次,详细研究韩国对山东投资的发展历程、投资形式、区域和产业分布,运用计量经济模型分析韩资在制造业各行业的集聚程度对后续韩国投资的影响。

    Then it studies the history of Korean investments in Shandong , and also the investment form , regional and industrial distribution , during which an econometrics model is used to analyze the influence of collective Korean investments on the follow-up investments .

  11. 之后,因为飞行时间和飞行距离有限,美国军队取消了对这个项目后续研究的投资。

    The army later stopped paying for more research into the project because the flight time and distance were not convincing enough .

  12. 文章引入实物期权理论,指出实物期权是对实物投资的选择权,对于房地产开发项目,当每一阶段完成后,即拥有了对后续阶段的投资期权。

    With an introduction of the real option theory , this paper points out that real option is a right to choose the real project investment . For the real estate development investment projects , the investment option of subsequent stages is to be owned after finishing every stage .

  13. 另外,阿斯顿马丁公司还宣布将向它位于盖登的生产总部投入首批1亿英镑(约合1.7亿美元)的资金,后续还会有更多投资跟进。

    Aston Martin also recently announced a ? 100 million ( about $ 170 million ) investment their Gaydon manufacturing headquarters with more to come .