
  • 网络core human resources;Core HR
  1. BOIC核心人力资源管理研究

    Management Research on Core Human Resources of BOIC

  2. 我院开展核心人力资源绩效评价的战略思维

    Strategic thoughts on core human resources performance evaluation

  3. 编辑资源是大学出版社的核心人力资源。

    The resource of editors is the core resources in university publishing house .

  4. 知识型员工是企业的核心人力资源,他们的价值不仅体现在他们所拥有的劳动力上,而且还在于他们能够贡献具有创新性的观点和想法。

    The knowledge workers are the core manpower resource , their value is not only reflected in their physical labor , but also in their innovative ideas .

  5. 企业营销经理作为企业营销部门的管理者,是企业的核心人力资源和人力资本,对于企业的发展有着举足轻重的作用。

    In enterprises , the marketing manager in marketing department is the core human resource and capital , which plays an essential role in development of enterprises .

  6. 怎样保持组织核心人力资源稳定且激发其工作潜能,也成为现代企业管理的一个热门话题。

    Maintaining organizational stability and stimulating the work potential of the core human resources , has also become one of hot topic for the modern enterprise management .

  7. 该模型由核心人力资源、核心人力资源管理和动态能力的核心要素组成,探讨企业动态能力形成的机制。

    This model is composed of core human resource , core human resource management and core elements of dynamic capabilities , explores formation mechanism of corporate dynamic capabilities .

  8. 为了深入研究动态能力形成的根源,本文构建了一个基于核心人力资源的企业动态能力形成机制理论模型。

    To research formation origin of dynamic capabilities further , this paper constructs a theoretical model of formation mechanism of corporate dynamic capabilities based on core human resource .

  9. 全面的分析和掌握人力资源相关特性,是在人力资源管理系统中,选择和发展核心人力资源的最有力工具。

    In the whole of human resources management system , the comprehensive analysis and master of human resource related characteristics is the core of the most powerful tool for human resources .

  10. 中高级管理人员及技术人员是高新技术企业的核心人力资源,他们对促进高新技术企业的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    The key technique personnel and the senior and junior administers are the key human resources of high-tech enterprise . They play an important role in promoting the development of High-tech enterprise .

  11. 科研人员是科研院所的核心人力资源之一,其绩效的优劣直接关系到科研团队和科研院所的整体绩效水平。

    Research institutes , researchers are one of the core human resources , the merits of their performance is directly related to the research team and research institutes in the overall level of performance .

  12. 在这种现实背景下,现代企业核心人力资源成为推动企业动态能力的重要因素,对企业可持续发展具有战略意义。

    In the context of this reality , core human resource of modern enterprises as an important impetus power that promote corporate dynamic capabilities , which is of strategic significance to the sustainable development of enterprises .

  13. 21世纪企业管理已经进入了一个全新的人力资本管理时代,核心人力资源对企业发展的助推作用真正实现了质的突破。

    Business management has already entered a brand-new human capital management time in the 21st century . There is a real breakthrough that the key human resources have played a key role in the process of enterprise 's development .

  14. 鉴于企业组织行为弱化和稳定性破坏的问题,提出了从组织角度整合人力资源,主要内容涉及人员的挑选原则和方法,以及保护核心人力资源的措施等。

    Secondly , in view of enterprise organizational behavior and weakening the stability of the damage to the organization from the perspective of integrated human resources , he mainly puts forward the selection of principles and methods , as well as protects core human resources measures .

  15. 浅谈以绩效激励为核心的人力资源机制的运用

    Shallowly discussing on taking the achievements drive as the core human resources mechanism utilization

  16. 以劳动者权益为核心的人力资源会计研究

    The Study on Human Resource Accounting at the Core of Labor Rights and Interests

  17. 要将企业的最核心的人力资源转化成人力资本,高管人员薪酬激励的作用至关重要。

    How the core human resources changes into human capital , incentive effect is very important .

  18. 以绩效管理为核心的人力资源管理在促进企业内部管理,获取竞争优势方面有着不可替代的作用。

    The performance management , the core of human resources management , plays the irreplaceable role in the internal administrative control .

  19. 现代高新技术企业的管理核心就是人力资源价值的开发与利用。

    The core of the management of the modern new high-tech enterprise is the development and application of the value of the human resources .

  20. 知识管理不等于信息管理,其核心是人力资源管理,其内容是知识资本,其关键是知识创新。

    It is not information management , its core is human resources management , its substance is intellectual capital , and its crux is knowledge innovation .

  21. 其次,对研究对象的外延-人力资源进行概念辨析,然后对研究对象的核心-人力资源配置的定义,相关理论做出综述,确定研究对象。

    Next , discriminate human resources concept , and then definite the object of study core - human resources disposition and makes the summary of correlation theories .

  22. 以团队管理为核心的人力资源管理模式为组织目标的实现在现代管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Modern management is increasingly focusing on teamwork . The human resource management mode centered on teamwork management plays an essential role in the realisation of organizational goals .

  23. 人是一切社会经济活动的主体,在金融业日趋激烈的竞争环境下,商业银行竞争的核心在于人力资源的竞争。

    All social and economic activities are the subject of increasingly intense in the financial industry competitive environment , competitive commercial banking human resources is the core of the competition .

  24. 基于此指导思想,将以战略绩效管理为核心的人力资源信息系统从总体结构上分为主系统部分和辅助系统部分。

    According to the viewpoint , we can divide the human resource information system , whose core is strategic performance management , into two parts : master system and slave system .

  25. 人力资源规划的核心是人力资源需求和供给的预测分析。

    Human resource demand and supply projections are the core of human resources planning . With mathematical tools , the paper describes predictive analysis of the human resources demand and supply in county power enterprises .

  26. 从知识与信息的概念入手,剖析知识与信息、知识管理与信息管理的关系,指出知识管理不是信息管理,其核心是人力资源管理,其内容是知识资本,其关键是知识创新。

    This paper proceeds with concept of knowledge and information , analyzes relation between knowledge management and information management , points out that it is not information management , its core is human resources management , its substance is intellectual capital , and its crux is knowledge innovation .

  27. 在知识经济时代,企业间的竞争更多的体现在技术水平和管理水平的竞争,而决定这两方面水平的核心是人力资源管理水平,人力资源对企业实现战略目标越来越重要。

    In the era of knowledge economy , the competitive more embodied in the technical level and the management level of competition , and decide to these two aspects level are the core of the level of human resources management . Human resource of enterprise strategic objective is more important .

  28. 以团队管理为核心构建大学人力资源管理新模式

    To Construct a New Mode of Human Resource Management of Universities Centered On Teamwork Management

  29. 三是承接服务外包的核心要素与人力资源供给的制度选择。

    The third is the core elements of undertaking service outsourcing and human resources supply options .

  30. 软件企业作为知识型企业,其核心价值是人力资源价值。

    Software enterprises is knowledge-based enterprises . The human resources value is the core value of software enterprises .