
  1. 对于那些仍坚定捍卫股东价值论的人而言,《国富论》(TheWealthofNations)提供了有力的论据。

    For those who still defend shareholder value with enthusiasm , The Wealth of Nations provides good ammunition .

  2. 《国富论》对中国经济发展之启示论析

    On the Inspiration of The Wealth of Nations to Chinese Economy

  3. 《国富论》建构了现代经济理论的框架。

    The Wealth of Nations built the frame of modern economic theory .

  4. 亚当斯密的《国富论》创立了经济学;

    Adam Smith 's The Wealth of Nations founded economics ;

  5. 对《道德情操论》和《国富论》关系的理解

    How to comprehend relations of Theory of Moral Sentiment and Theory of National Wealth

  6. 《国富论》是现代经济学或政治经济学的创始著作。

    The Wealth of Nations is the germinal book of modern economics or political economy .

  7. 《国富论》核心思想对我国现代市场经济的启示

    " National wealth Discusses " the Core Thought to our Country Modern Market Economy Enlightenment

  8. 《国富论》处理的是无形之手&市场机制的问题。

    " The Wealth of Nations " deals with the invisible hand : market forces .

  9. 《国富论》市场调节的基本思想与我国市场-政府关系定位

    The Basic Thought of Market Adjustment in the Wealth of Nations and the Market-Government Relation in China

  10. 亚当·斯密的《国富论》与中国

    An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Written by Adam Smith and China

  11. 在《国富论》出版1860年,英国才取消了大部分进口关税。

    In1860,84 years after the publication of " The Wealth of Nations ", Britain forswore most import duties .

  12. 亚当·斯密在《国富论》中注意到中国人勤劳,但并不富有。

    In 《 The Wealth of the Nations 》, Adam Smith noticed that Chinese are hardworking , but poor .

  13. 亚当·斯密在其名著《国富论》中提出并论证了作为市场经济伦理基础的“自由”、“公平”和“互利”。

    Adam Smith proposed and demonstrated the ethic basics of market economy : liberty , equity and mutual benefit .

  14. 你可以同样轻松地获得《傲慢与偏见》的音频资料或查阅《国富论》中的参考文献。

    You can equally easily obtain an audio recording of Pride and Prejudice or track a reference in The Wealth of Nations .

  15. 《国富论》内在体系中的交换价值理论&从研究方法到叙述方法

    The Theory of Exchange value within the context of THE WEALTH OF NATION : from Method of Research to Method of Presentation

  16. 《国富论》教育观点与教育券制度原则的思辨&兼对浙江长兴县教育券制度的理性批判

    School In the school Debates on the view of education from The Wealth of Nation and the principle of the system of " school vouchers "

  17. 自1776年亚当·斯密出版《国富论》,经济学脱离哲学成为一门独立的社会学科以来,研究者蔚然成风。

    Since The Wealth of Nation by Adam Smith was published and the economics broke away from the philosophy , the pursuer had become common practice .

  18. 解读斯密&试析《国富论》对建设中国社会主义的启示

    On Adam Smith & Analysis of the practical significance of an inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations to China 's socialist construction

  19. 其中两本是亚当•斯密的《国富论》初版(1776年)和本杰明•格雷厄姆的《聪明的投资者》(1949年)。

    Two of those books are first editions of The Wealth of Nations ( 1776 ), by Adam Smith , and The Intelligent Investor ( 1949 ), by Benjamin Graham .

  20. 政治经济学之父亚当·斯密在《国富论》中阐述了分工理论,现在读来其思想的闪光点依然为我们所见。

    The father Adam Smith of the political economics elaborated the division of labour theories in 《 The wealth of nations 》 . We can find its important thought now if we read it .

  21. 它支持竞争和私人市场、而反对大规模的管制,这样的态度,完全是继承了古典自由主义的看法,譬如,就像斯密的《国富论》所信奉的观点。

    Its support of competition and private markets , and hostility to sizable regulations , is a direct descendant of the classical liberal views , as espoused for example in Smith 's Wealth of Nations .

  22. 在《国富论》中,斯密通过对学徒法、谷物法等一系列法律的经济分析,揭示了法律制度对经济系统运行的影响。

    In The Wealth of Nations , through analyzing series of laws such as the Law of Apprentice , and the Law of Grain , Adam Smith discovers the influence of law on the operation of economic system .

  23. 从1776年亚当·斯密发表《国富论》以来,经济学的发展经历了200多年的历史,在这个过程中,经历了多次革命,其理论逐渐得以完善,并形成了一个现代经济学理论体系。

    Since Adam Smith 's work The Wealth of the Nation was published in 1776 , Economics has undergone a 200 year 's history . During the period , the theory has gradually been perfected and formed into a modernized system .

  24. 斯密问题的主要争论观点是:《道德情操论》和《国富论》在关于人的动机、行为方式和道德判断及来源是相互矛盾的。

    The main argument of Smith Problem is that on human motivation n behavior and moral judgments and sources between The Theory of moral Sentiments and An ' Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes of The Wealth of Nations are contradictory .

  25. 亚当·斯密是英国著名的道德哲学家、古典经济学家,他有两部传世之作《道德情操论》与《国富论》,历经两百多年依然影响至今。

    Adam Smith , a famous British moral philosopher and classical economist , has two masterpieces & The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations , which still have been playing an important role in theoretical guidance after more than two hundred years .