
  1. 森林大火几乎控制不住,但突然下起大雨,转危为安。

    The forest was nearly out of control when suddenly it rained heavily and saved the day .

  2. 治理后,经历12a强烈活动的考验,办公楼转危为安。

    This building , after the reinforcement treatment , has undergone a 12-year-test of strong activity of the ground fissure .

  3. 结果:5例张力性气颅病人,经锥孔置管排气引流后,转危为安,痊愈出院。

    Results : All patients were recovered after trepanation and drainage .

  4. 由于采取了有力措施,形势转危为安。

    With effective measures , the situation was out of danger .

  5. 遭遇危机如何转危为安。

    How to turn the corner in case of crisis .

  6. 他病得很厉害,但经医生治疗他已转危为安。

    He was very ill , but the doctors brought him through .

  7. 我有麻烦时总会向她求救,她似乎都能帮我转危为安。

    I can tell her troubles , she makes them all seem right .

  8. 每一次他都是通过积极思想转危为安的。

    Every time he bounced back through positive thinking .

  9. 转危为安往往需要高超的心智,也需要好的心态。

    Turning the Tide often superb mind , but also need a good mentality .

  10. 从目前来说,他似乎已转危为安。

    Just now he appeared disburdened of pain .

  11. 吉姆无论有什么危险,似乎总能转危为安。

    Whatever risks Jim takes , he always seems to fall on his feet .

  12. 庆幸的是一位来自斯普林菲尔德明尼苏达州的英雄在拥堵的高速公路上出手相助让他们转危为安

    Thankfully a hero appeared on the busy highway to save the day from Springfield Minnesota .

  13. 讲和谈判因意见分歧危如累卵,而会长从中斡旋方转危为安。

    Disagreements threatened to wreck the peace talks , but the president 's intervention saved the situation .

  14. 我还是在那座楼的楼顶上,我摔下来时被一阵突然刮来的旋风托住,转危为安。

    I 'm on that same building ; I fall and am swept to safety by a sudden whirlwind .

  15. 比德尔虽然伤势严重,但贝蒂在医生的帮助下使他转危为安。

    Henry Bedell was seriously wounded , but Bettie finally brought him through with the help of the doctor .

  16. 我母亲病得很重,不过她上周已转危为安,现在恢复得很快。

    My mother 's been very ill but she turned the corner last week and is now recovering fast .

  17. 我们现在处在长期选择的中间,这并不是说转危为安。

    We are currently in the middle of the long run choice and it hasn 't truly turned the corner .

  18. 创造力总是使党在关键时刻转危为安,从胜利走向胜利。

    Creativity always makes the Party pull through at the crucial moment , and moves towards the victory from the victory .

  19. 经过排水、解体、冲释、烘干、安装等应急处理,最终转危为安,锚机恢复正常。

    Through emergency treatment by discharging water , dismantling , washing , drying , installing etc , the ship recovered normal condition .

  20. 读读以下专家的意见&怎样转危为安?何时该明智的选择离开?

    Read on for advice from job-search experts and learn how to save the day & and when you should walk away .

  21. 作为投资者,我们从不投资在病人身上,并指望他们能很快能转危为安,成为超人。

    As investors , we do not invest in sick patients and hope that they turn around to become superman very quickly .

  22. 他们预言说,一切都会转危为安,至少那些最神圣的篇章是这样写的。

    Everything would all come right in the end , they prophesied , for so it was writ in their most Holy Chapters .

  23. 在担任主帅的24个赛季里,格雷格-波波维奇多次通过调整阵容短板将球队转危为安。

    In his 24 seasons as head coach , Gregg Popovich has turned around many sorry teams by recasting roster shortcomings as strengths .

  24. 法国人表示他没有读更多的报纸,他毫不怀疑贝尼特斯可以让俱乐部转危为安。

    The Frenchman claims not to read the press and is in no doubt Benitez will steer the club through its dip in form .

  25. 吉姆的父亲本以为他的公司要破产了,可是经过一阵子努力以后他又转危为安,经营成功。

    At first jim 's father thought his firm would go under , but after a short struggle he made a success of the business .

  26. 我们的先辈曾以信念和无畏一次次转危为安,比起他们经历过的险阻,我们仍大可感到欣慰。大自然仍在给予我们恩惠,人类的努力已使之倍增。

    Were not afraid , we have so much to be thankful for Nature surrounds us with her bounty and human , efforts have multiplied it .

  27. 因此,企业不需把危机当作灾难,能够转危为安就把握住了这次机会,经受住了挑战。

    Therefore , the enterprises do not need to put the crisis as a disaster . If it could turn the corner , it will seize the opportunity .

  28. 它能够及时发现病人心电变化和异常情况,做出正确诊断,迅速采取有效的抢救措施,使病人转危为安。

    It can prompt found the abnormal ECG changes , make the correct diagnosis and take quickly effective rescue measures , and so to make the patients through .

  29. 临床上要做到及时诊断,合理及时地救治,才能缓解病状,使患者转危为安。

    On clinical must achieve the prompt diagnosis , reasonably promptly treats and cures , can alleviate the disease symptom , causes the patient to be out of danger .

  30. 鉴于目前全球金融危机尚无转危为安的迹象,许多人开始猜测中国的经济低迷将持续多久,以及经济迟滞将带来何等的政治影响。

    With no end to the global crisis in sight , many are wondering how long China 's economic doldrums will last and what the political impact of stagnation will be .