
  1. 要是赢了下一场比赛,我们就占优势了。

    If we win the next game we 'll be laughing .

  2. 他们在赌球中赢了一大笔钱。

    They 've had a big win on the football pools .

  3. 你要是赢了一百万英镑,你想怎么用?

    What would you do if you won a million pounds ?

  4. 他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。

    He was on a real high after winning the competition .

  5. 他们这一赛季迄今还没有赢过一场。

    They have not had a win so far this season .

  6. 这场比赛我们非赢不可。

    We badly need to get a result from this match .

  7. 我赢了,但比分相差不大。

    I won , but there wasn 't much in it .

  8. 他听说他比赛赢了,感到很惊讶。

    He was astonished to learn he 'd won the competition .

  9. 那匹马下一场比赛准赢。

    That horse is a dead cert for the next race .

  10. 这匹马明天比赛一定能赢。

    This horse is a dead cert for the race tomorrow .

  11. 这支队本赛季已赢了十场比赛。

    The team chalked up their tenth win this season .

  12. 她用5英镑,在热门马上投注独赢及位置。

    She put £ 5 each way on the favourite .

  13. 如果我赢了,那就是梦想成真。

    If I win , it will be a dream come true .

  14. 他得赢下这场比赛以免被淘汰出局。

    He needs to win this game to stay in the match .

  15. 我们得承认,我们赢不了啦。

    Let 's face it , we 're not going to win .

  16. 我告诉他我赢了,他当然觉得我真行。

    He was suitably impressed when I told him I 'd won .

  17. 冠军选手振作精神,以6:3赢下第二局。

    The champion rallied to win the second set 6 – 3 .

  18. 我把赢了的钱全压在最后一场赛马上了。

    I gambled all my winnings on the last race .

  19. 她只花了20分钟就赢了。

    It took her a mere 20 minutes to win .

  20. 他以一记12英尺的轻击入洞赢了比赛。

    He sank a 12-foot putt to win the match .

  21. 别卖关子了——快说谁赢了!

    Don 't prolong the agony ─ just tell us who won !

  22. 他们终于赢了,但比分十分接近。

    They won in the end but it was a tight finish .

  23. 只要有一点点运气,他们就会赢。

    They should win , given a modicum of luck .

  24. 萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都赢不了她。

    Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker .

  25. 行,你赢了。我承认我错了。

    OK , you win , I 'll admit I was wrong .

  26. “我赢了,我赢了!”她得意忘形地叫道。

    ' I 've won , I 've won ! ' she crowed .

  27. 她大获全胜,对方连一局也没有赢。

    She annihilated her opponent , who failed to win a single game .

  28. 他鼓足斗志以6:4赢了最后一盘。

    He kept his nerve to win the final set 6 – 4 .

  29. 只要再赢一场比赛他就能胜出。

    Only one game stood between him and victory .

  30. 我们目睹了我队为赢回奖杯所作的不懈努力。

    We watched our team 's heroic struggle to win back the cup .