
  1. 如今,美国人感觉更加脆弱,也不像以前那样信任经济一体化。

    Today Americans feel more vulnerable and less trusting of economic integration .

  2. 信任是经济活动的重要社会资本。

    Trust is an important social capital in economic activities .

  3. 论东亚地区社会信任与经济增长的正相关效应

    Social Trust and Economics Growth : Case in East Asia

  4. 信任的经济理性分析

    The Economic Rationality of Trust

  5. 通过进一步加剧大陆间关于盎格鲁-撒克逊自由放任的金融模式的不信任,经济危机的余波可能加大这一差距。

    The aftermath of the crisis could widen the gap by reinforcing continental mistrust of free-wheeling Anglo-Saxon finance .

  6. 当信任在经济中遭到破坏的时候,人们重新转向哲学上的思考,说明它们还是有意义的,是非常重要的。

    When people lose trust in the marketplace , it is important to return to philosophical insights and to demonstrate how they are still meaningful .

  7. 市场经济强调商品交换和价值规律,要求交换双方以信用作为前提,构成信任的经济关系。

    Market economy emphasizes exchange of commodities and law of value , demands both sides of exchange to regard credit as prerequisite , forms the economic relation of believing in .

  8. 社会资本理论兴起后,这方面的研究以弗朗西斯·福山关于信任与经济发展关系的研究为代表。

    Since the theory of social capital sprang up , Francis Fukuyama , whose study focuses on the relation between trust and economic development , has become a representative in the field .

  9. 泰中友好关系历史悠久,地理位置接近,双方政治上互相信任,经济上互利合作,民间往来密切。

    Thailand and China practices a long history of friendly relations , geographical proximity , bilateral political mutual trust , mutually beneficial economic cooperation , close relation between the people of both countries .

  10. 顾客信任是任何经济交易的核心。

    Customer 's trust is the core of any economic trade .

  11. 信任:当代经济社会学研究的新视野

    Trust : A New Visual Field of Research in Contemporary Economic Sociology

  12. 信任在现代经济社会的发展起着越来越重要的作用,尤其是在基于知识的经济中,信任是不可或缺的。

    Trust plays a crucial role in modern knowledge-based economy .

  13. 信任危机的经济伦理学分析

    Analyzing the Trust Crisis from the Perspective of Economic Ethics

  14. 正如信任可以促进经济发展一样,它也同样能够促进家族企业的发展。

    Just like that trust could promote the economic development , it also the same to the family enterprises .

  15. 信任是企业经济运行和发展、实现企业目标的重要资源。

    The confidence is an important resource in operating and developing enterprise e-conomy , as well as in carrying out its target .

  16. 信任作为市场经济最根本的伦理特征,是维持社会秩序的基础之一,对于经济发展具有重大的内生性促进作用。

    As a fundamental characteristic of ethics , trust can maintain social order ; it also plays an important role in developing economy .

  17. 中国等低信任度的经济体严重依赖家族企业模式,并且发现很难建立大型私营企业。

    Low-trust economies such as China , rely heavily on the family business model and find it hard to build big private sector companies .

  18. 这对于那些不信任基于市场经济的正统理念的非洲领导人颇具吸引力过去三十年,这种正统理念一直占据主导。

    That is appealing to those African leaders who are distrustful of the market-based orthodoxy that has prevailed for the past two to three decades .

  19. 可以说由关系建立的信任是清代经济活动中最主要的-种信任形式。

    We can even say that the trust built on GuanXi was the most important form of trust in economic activities in the Qing Dynasty .

  20. 体育经济活动的信任是体育经济主体间交易的背景,没有一定程度的信任,体育经济活动不会发生。

    The trust of sports economic activities is the background of the main body of the sports economy . Without some extent trust , the sports economic activities will not happen .

  21. 在典型的市场经济体系中,信任是市场经济最根本的伦理特征,契约是市场经济最根本的制度性特征,它们共同构建了市场经济作为信用经济和法治经济的基石。

    In typical system of market economy , trust is the most essential ethic feature and contract is the most essential institutional feature . They make up the foundation stone of this system jointly .

  22. 鉴于德国是全球最成功的经济体之一,而巴伐利亚州又是德国经济最成功的行政区之一,我脑子里确实冒出了这样一个想法:信任或许是经济成功的秘诀之一。

    Since Germany is one of the most successful economies in the world and Bavaria is one of the most successful economies in Germany , the thought did cross my mind that trust might be one of the secrets of economic success .

  23. 提出了年金改革的目标:即恢复国民对年金制度的信任,维持经济活力,构筑高龄化社会年金制度的可持续发展。

    Meanwhile , Japan put forward the goal of the reform for the old age pension : increasing the credit of the people for the retirement pension , keeping the vitality of the economy , making the development of the retirement pension become continuance .

  24. 信任是现代商业经济的命脉。

    Trust is the lifeblood of the modern business economy .

  25. 接着从经济学角度分析了长江整车虚拟企业的形成原因、信任合作机制以及经济效益等问题;

    The mechanism of credit and cooperation and economic benefit of the Changjiang vehicle logistics virtual enterprises .

  26. 两国均不希望让长期的竞争状态、争端和不信任妨碍各自的经济发展。

    Both want to prevent old rivalries , quarrels and mistrust interfering with their race to development .

  27. 在这个因特网时代,消费者的购物后评价、满意度、信任度是虚拟经济发展的决定性因素。

    In the Internet age , after the evaluation of consumer shopping , satisfaction , trust is the decisive factor in the development of the virtual economy .

  28. 某种程度上,通过评分系统和其他系统科技可帮助我们建立对彼此的信任,开启共享经济。

    Of course , to some degree , technology can help us to build trust in one another with ratings systems and other systems that enable the sharing economy .

  29. 随着泡沫破裂及金融市场危机扩散到实体经济,全球各国央行和政府都已采取措施,以恢复对金融市场的信任,并减轻经济衰退。

    As the bubbles have burst and the financial market crisis has spilt over into the real economy , central banks and governments throughout the world have adopted measures to restore trust in the financial markets and mitigate the recession .

  30. 本文的研究目的,在于从跨学科的角度,从理论上探讨信任发生的机理,信任机制建立的途径,信任的经济简化功能。

    The purpose of this paper , lies in probing into the mechanism of trust , the way of its establishment , the function of its simplification from the angle of the interdiscipline .