
  1. 这家公司在其网站的商店定位系统部分列出了5000家商店。

    The company lists 5 000 stores on the store locator part of its website .

  2. 卫星通过对每颗恒星反复观察进行定位。

    The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star .

  3. 出售公司部分业务的目的是将公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商。

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information

  4. 要想提升销量和声誉,马自达公司需要对自己重新定位。

    Mazda needs to reposition itself if it is to boost its sales and reputation .

  5. 大多数蝙蝠靠回声定位来飞行。

    Most bats navigate by echolocation .

  6. 蒂法尼把自己定位为一位母亲,主要任务是哺育孩子。

    Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother , whose primary task was to feed her baby .

  7. 你能给潜水艇定位吗?

    Can you fix a position on the submarine ?

  8. 从这一点出发,将自己定位成一位问题解决者。

    From that point , position yourself as problem solver .

  9. 空间中的点通常是依靠坐标来定位的。

    Normally a point in space is identified by means of coordinates .

  10. 每个人对自己都要适当定位。

    Everyone should see himself in perspective .

  11. 最特异的显色方法是对丙烯酰胺凝胶中特殊的酶进行定位。

    The most specific visualization method is the localization of particular enzymes within an acrylamide gel .

  12. 谷歌最初使用从用户那里收集的数据来更好地定位广告。

    Google initially used the data collected from users to target advertising better .

  13. 全球定位系统(GPS)技术已经在许多领域得到广泛的应用

    Global Positing System ( GPS ) technology has been widely used in many field .

  14. 期间,他在这座火山周围设置了高精度的GPS定位站网络,从而监测它的动向。

    In that time , he 's placed a network of high-precision GPS stations around the mountain to monitor its behaviour .

  15. Geolocation(地理定位)指网站用来确定用户所在位置的功能,该功能对于那些用于移动设备的网络应用程序尤其有用。

    Geolocation means the ability for websites to find out the user ’ s location , which is useful to many web applications on mobile devices .

  16. 预先定位套准,校准天地,斜我的偏差使整套图案位置准备,一线不差

    Locates the set in advance , calibrates the world , the drift angle .

  17. 你需要对你下一步的职业定位有一个清晰的认识,并将其转化为文字。

    You need to be clear on your next position and write it down .

  18. 该系统在实时定位、智能通讯、医疗辅助等方面展现出良好应用前景。

    It shows promising in various areas including real-time positioning , intelligent communication and healthcare .

  19. 由于这个频段的声音很难从空间上定位,所以在远处听到时,很容易造成错觉。

    This frequency range can generally be more difficult to locate spatially , thus allowing for potential confusion when heard from a distance .

  20. 另外,更复杂的个性化定价策略可以利用你的智能手机的定位功能,追踪到你在商店中的位置。

    Other , more sophisticated personal pricing programs can keep track of where you are in the store , using your smart phone 's GPS feature .

  21. 销售部、市场部、以及广告部关注的就是发行环境,他们要弄清楚该书籍的市场定位,怎样让书打入书店,以及如何让书评人写好评。

    Sales , Marketing are concerned with context : figuring out where the book sits in the market , how to get it into bookstores , and reviewed .

  22. 如果你认为闷爆已严重影响你的身心健康,你可能有必要问问自己要如何重新定位自己的职业道路,选择一份更有利于你健康的工作。

    If you think boreout is seriously affecting your health ( either physical or mental ) , it may be valuable to ask yourself how you might be able to repoint your career path toward something healthier for you .

  23. 中国抗击疟疾之路从上世纪50年代开始,中国卫生部门通过为有疟疾风险的人群提供预防性抗疟疾药物以及为患者提供治疗来定位和阻断疟疾的传播。

    Beginning in the 1950s , health authorities in China worked to locate and stop the spread of malaria by providing preventive antimalarial medicines for people at risk of the disease as well as treatment for those who had fallen ill .

  24. 传统的数据模型不能有效的管理和定位各种Web资源。

    The traditional data models are incapable of effectively manage and locate Web resources .

  25. ct定位穿刺活检可做出定性诊断。

    CT guided needle biopsy settle on qualitative diagnosis .

  26. Robust图像跟踪:强度-特征混合式目标定位

    Robust image tracking : intensity - feature hybrid target location

  27. 全球定位系统(GPS)与林业工程

    The Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and Forestry Engineering

  28. GPS定位原理及其在引信中的应用研究

    The Principle of GPS Positioning and Its Application in Fuzes

  29. 矢量GIS中定位不确定性的几何图象表达

    Geometric Image Display of Positional Uncertainty in Vector GIS

  30. 全球定位系统(GPS)误差源预测/硕士论文

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) Error Source Prediction ; Master 's thesis