
  • 网络human resource in science and technology;HRST
  1. 科技人力资源分布状况所选取的衡量指标不仅要考虑区域科技人力资源的绝对规模,同时也必须考虑该区域科技人力资源的相对规模。

    The index of the distribution situation of HRST not only considers the absolute scale human resources , also considering the regional human resources , thus it has the relative size of fairness .

  2. 面向科技人力资源开发的大学联盟研究

    The Research of University Alliance for HRST Development

  3. 在这样的背景下,本文使用协整和误差修正模型以及Granger因果关系分析等动态经济计量方法,对我国科技人力资源和经济增长的关系进行实证研究。

    Under such an background , an empirical research on the relationship between S & T human resources has been done with co-integration theory and Error Correction Model and Granger Causality Test method and the other dynamic econometrics methods .

  4. 关于科技人力资源状况统计指标体系的探讨

    Study on Stat Index System of Science and Technology Human Resource

  5. 科技人力资源开发战略研究

    A Research on Strategies of S & T Human Resource Development

  6. 科技人力资源管理与激励模式

    Scientific and Technological Personnel / Human Resource management and Motivation Model

  7. 科技人力资源开发潜力综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation for Development Potentiality of Science and Technology Human Resources

  8. 国家重点实验室整合科技人力资源的探讨

    Discussion about Integrating Science and Technology Human Resources of State Key Laboratory

  9. 建立我国科技人力资源统计的建议

    Some Suggestions to Establish Science and Technical Human Resource Statistics in China

  10. 论科技人力资源的使用与开发原则

    On the Application and Development Principles of Scientific and Technological Human Resources

  11. 论军事科技人力资源的合理流动

    The Research of Reasonable Flow of Military Science and Technology Human Resource

  12. 山东省卫生科技人力资源调查分析

    Analysis on health manpower resources of science and technologic in Shandong province

  13. 优化我国企业虚拟科技人力资源管理问题研究

    Optimize Our Country Enterprises Virtual Science and Technology Human Resources Management Research

  14. 90年代我国科技人力资源发展的展望

    Prospects for the Development of S. & T. Talent Resources in the 90s

  15. 重庆市科技人力资源的现状与发展策略

    The Status Analysis and Countermeasure of S & T Human Resource in Chongqing

  16. 科技人力资源是发展科技的根本

    Human Resources of Science is Essential to Scientific Development

  17. 科技人力资源;知识图谱;共被引分析;

    Human Resources in Science and Technology ; Mapping Knowledge Domain ; Co-Citation Analysis ;

  18. 科技人力资源开发与管理策略研究

    About the Strategy of the Development and Management of Human Resources of Science and Technology

  19. 科技人力资源开发的现状与存在的主要问题。

    ( 2 ) The present situation and main problem of scientific human resources development .

  20. 科技人力资源的区域集聚

    The Regional Congregation of Technical Human Resources

  21. 科技人力资源区域集聚效应的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Regional Agglomeration Effect of the Science and Technology Human Resource

  22. 我国IT产业科技人力资源对科技创新的贡献

    The Contribution of Scientific and Technological Human Resource to the Innovation in High-Tech IT Industries

  23. 农业科技人力资源对农业经济增长的作用分析

    Analysis of the function of the agricultural science and technology human resources growth to agricultural economy

  24. 高校是国家科技人力资源的培养基地,也是科技人力相对集中的地方。

    College is the base where a country trains and fosters scientific and technological human resources .

  25. 该模式或许可供我国高等学校实施大学联盟以开发科技人力资源以一定的借鉴意义。

    This model could be applied and implemented by universities in our country to develop HRST .

  26. 军队科技人力资源是军队战斗力的重要组成部分。

    The troops technical human resource is the importance of the troops fighting strength to constitute the part .

  27. 基于劳动力市场分割的科技人力资源流动机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Our Country 's S & T Human Resources Flow Based on the Labor

  28. 加强科技人力资源整合对国家重点实验室建设具有十分重要的意义。

    Strengthening science and technology human resources integration has the extremely vital significance to construction of state key laboratory .

  29. 旨在引起政府管理部门对农业科技人力资源开发的重视,加大对农业科技人力资源开发的投入力度,把农业科技人力资源的开发作为加快地区经济发展的重要途径。

    The agricultural science and technology human resource development should be an important way to accelerate regional economic development .

  30. 提出综合数量与质量特征的科技人力资源集聚指数,以刻画科技人力资源的区域集聚水平。

    After the data of2006 being analyzed , the science and technology human resource regional agglomeration effect is explored .