
kē xué lǐ lùn
  • scientific theory
  1. 哥白尼由于其科学理论而遭到严重的迫害。

    Copernicus was terribly persecuted for his scientific theory .

  2. 近年来,随着顾客满意CS(CustomerSatisfaction)科学理论在全球范围的推进,有关顾客满意度方面的研究也日益受到关注。

    In recent years , with the advancement of scientific theory of Customer-Satisfaction in the whole globe , researches on the degree of Customer-Satisfaction have been increasingly received much attention .

  3. 亚里士多德的科学理论统治了西方思想达1,500年。

    Aristotle 's scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years

  4. 他没有介绍科学理论,而是讲了一个故事,他试图在故事中阐述自己的观点,也许是为了吸引读者的注意力。

    Instead of introducing scientific theories , he tells a story , within which he tries to make his points , perhaps in order to keep the reader 's attention .

  5. 用量子力学及非线性科学理论,研究了激光与脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)分子相互作用的共振吸收效应及混沌性质,进而对激光的生物诱变效应予以解释。

    The resonant absorption effects and chaotic characters of the laser DNA molecule interaction are studied by quantum mechanics and nonlinear theory . The results may explain the effect of genetic mutagenesis of laser .

  6. 密写算法(Steganography)作为信息隐藏技术领域的一个分支,是计算科学理论和图像处理技术的紧密结合。

    As a branch of the information hiding technology , steganography is tight combination of computing Science and image processing technologies .

  7. 根据认知科学理论,在并行分布处理(PDP)模型基础上,提出了一种基于事例推理的模糊神经网络(CBRFNN)。

    A case-based-reasoning fuzzy-neural-network ( CBRFNN ) is presented based on cognitive science and Parallel Distributed Processing ( PDP ) model .

  8. 应用工程学、生态学和系统科学理论,结合苹果园实际,通过比较、推理和演绎研究苹果IPM生态工程中人的理念定位与工程策略。

    Based on engineering science , ecology and systems sciences coupled with situation in apple orchard , conceptions with apple IPM engineering as well as engineering tactics were discussed through comparison , induction and deduction approach .

  9. 目前,多种科学理论方法已被广泛应用到这一领域,Spreadsheet即是其中相对简单、直观的一种,它有助于企业进行配送中心选址决策。

    At present , a lot of scientific methods have been introduced to solve the problem of distribution center selection and Spreadsheet is one new method among them . Spreadsheet is relative simple and intuitionistic , it is helpful for enterprises make decisions for distribution center selection .

  10. 运用非线性科学理论和方法,对边坡变形破坏预测方法进行了研究,得出了反映边坡系统动态特性的关联维数D2和Kolmogorov熵K2的计算公式。

    In this paper , nonlinear theory and methods are used to study the predicting methods of slope deformation destruction . The formulations of relative dimension Da and Kolmogorov entropy K2 , which reflect the dynamic characteristics of slope system , are obtained .

  11. Halstead创立的软件科学理论利用统一手段分析软件开发过程,一个程序是由操作数和运算符组成的,这是建立该理论的基础。

    The theory of software science developed by Halstead attempts to analyze the software production process in a unified manner . The theory is based on the assumption that programs are composed of operands and operators .

  12. 尤其是着重对国内的珠三角及广佛地区物流环境的调查,有机地结合对JT物流公司的现状机能与发展需求的研究,有针对性地采用科学理论和具体实践相结合的方法进行研究。

    Especially focused on the Pearl River Delta and Guangzhou and Foshan area of domestic logistics environment survey , combined with the organic status of JT Logistics function and development needs , targeted to the specific use of scientific theory and practice of the method of combining .

  13. 基于系统科学理论对交通流量预测的研究方法

    Based on System Science Theory to Traffic Flow Forecast Research Technique

  14. 防水技术的发展离不开科学理论的指导

    Waterproof technique can ′ t develop without the guide of theory

  15. 基于复杂性科学理论的脉诊研究方法学探讨

    Methodology Approach of Pulse Diagnosis Research Based on Complexity Science Theory

  16. 用行为科学理论分析煤矿事故的起因

    Analyzing the reason of coal mine accident with action science theory

  17. 复杂性科学理论在地球物质学中的作用

    Role of Complexity in Scientific theory in Science of Earth Materials

  18. 加强传统武术的科学理论研究。

    Third , strengthen the scientific theory of traditional martial arts .

  19. 制约科学理论向运动训练方法转化的主要因素

    Factors Restricting Transformation from Scientific Theories into Sports Training Methods

  20. 想象在地球科学理论发展中的作用

    The Function of Imagination in the Development of the Earth Scientific Theory

  21. 确认科学理论有效性的途径、标准和方法

    Criteria for and Methods of Identifying the Effectiveness Scientific Theories

  22. 系统科学理论在矿产资源规划中的体现

    The system-science incarnating in the layout of the mineral resources

  23. 行为科学理论与高校德育教育

    Behavioral Science Theory and Moral Education in Colleges and Universities

  24. 社会管理创新需要科学理论的指导。

    Social management innovation needs the guidance of scientific theory .

  25. 关于物流科学理论的几个问题(续)

    Some Issues on " Wu-Liu " Theory ( Continuation )

  26. 学习科学理论加强党的建设

    Studying the scientific theory tightening up our Party 's building

  27. 科学理论向运动训练方法转化研究探索

    On the Transformation of Theory into Practical Training Method

  28. 迪昂-奎因论点和科学理论检验的转换

    Duhem-Quine Thesis and the Shifts of Scientific Theory Test

  29. 论科学理论成果的评价

    On the Evaluation of Theoretic Achievements of Scientific Researches

  30. 论科学理论的经验过硬性指标

    On the Index of Empirical Might of Scientific Theories