
  1. 随着人类社会交往实践的发展,全球经济一体化趋势日益显现,与此相适应的现代管理也由科学管理阶段转向人本管理阶段。

    With the development of human communicative practice , the trend of global economic integration has been increasingly apparent , and the modern management is from scientific management to humanistic management .

  2. 通过大量文献资料,比对薪酬管理方面早期的工厂制度、科学管理阶段、人际关系学派等相关理论,引入了宽带薪酬的理念。

    With the large number of documents related theory , such as early stage of scientific management , the human relations theory , the introduction of the concept of broadband pay , it analyzes the differences .

  3. 然而,由于我国企业没有经历严格的科学管理阶段,使得企业在人力资源培训实践中存在的问题更加突出,从而严重影响人力资源培训的效果。

    However , the enterprises in our country haven 't yet experienced the strict and scientific management process , which makes the problems existing in the practice of human resource training in the enterprises more outstanding , and seriously affect the effect in training human resource .

  4. 企业危机管理思想发展历经了朴素危机阶段、科学危机管理阶段、扩大的危机管理阶段、企业危机管理阶段、信息管理阶段和知识管理阶段。

    The idea of enterprise crisis management goes through 6 phases : simple , scientific , expanded , enterprise , information and knowledge .

  5. 人本管理理论的产生经历了科学管理理论阶段、行为科学研究阶段和人本管理理论的提出三个阶段。

    The emergence of the theory of human-basis management went through three stages : the theory of scientific management , the research on the action science and the posing of the theory of human-basis management .

  6. 人本管理是科学管理发展的高级阶段,它的内涵是依靠人、尊重人、开发人、塑造人、发展人、成就人。

    Management that takes person as core is the high-grade stage of the development of scientific management , and its intension is to depend on person , respect person , exploit person , mold person , develop person and improve person .