
  • 网络CITIC Capital;CITIC Capital Holdings Limited;CITICCapital;CITIC Capital Partners;Citic Capital Holdings Ltd
  1. 张懿宸,中信资本控股有限公司董事长

    Zhang Yichen , chairman of CITIC Capital Holdings Ltd

  2. 除了公司董事长,其他买家还包括凯雷(carlyle)、中信资本(citiccapital)和方源资本(fountainvest)三家私募股权公司。

    The buyers alongside the chairman of the company include three private equity houses , Carlyle , CITIC Capital and FountainVest , a local group founded by Frank Tang , a former Goldman Sachs and Temasek executive .

  3. 这次价格战的第一枪是在今年1月10日正式打响的,当天滴滴打车率先推出了乘车费用立减活动,实施了补贴政策。在此之前,滴滴打车刚刚在1月初从腾讯和中信资本(CiticCapital)筹集到1亿美元。

    The first shot was officially fired on January 10 , the day Didi Dache first cut taxi fares and introduced the subsidy , after raising $ 100m that month from Tencent and CiticCapital .

  4. 中信资本(CiticCapital)驻香港房地产团队负责人程骁远(StanleyChing)说,住宅市场的政策限制短时间内不会放松,我们相信政策风险仍然存在。

    ' In the residential market , the policy restrictions will not be relaxed anytime soon , ' said Stanley Ching , head of the real-estate group at Citic Capital in Hong Kong . ' We believe there is a still a policy risk . '

  5. 信达、渣打、瑞银和中信资本均拒绝就此投资计划发表评论。

    Cinda , StanChart , UBS and CITIC Capital all declined to comment on the investment plan .

  6. 帕尔默旗下公司Mineralogy周五向中信集团发出法律通知书,标志着这一陷入困境的铁矿石项目的合作方之间的争议日益激烈。中信集团最近将资本全部注入子公司中信泰富(CiticPacific)。

    Mr Palmer 's company Mineralogy on Friday served a legal notice against Citic - until recently known as Citic Pacific - marking the latest development in an increasingly bitter dispute between the partners in the troubled iron ore project .