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  • woman spy;spy girl
  1. 最后这个女间谍心里害怕她用的美人计影响到个人的婚姻前景。

    Finally the woman spy hearts of Americans with her fear of personal effects to the marriage prospects .

  2. 当年开播的其他美剧《双面女间谍》(Alias)、《实习医生风云》(Scrubs)和《六尺之下》(SixFeetUnder)都已在多年前收官。

    Other shows debuting that year included ' Alias , ' ' Scrubs ' and ' Six Feet Under ' - all of which ended years ago .

  3. 此前的电视剧《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》(BuffytheVampireSlayer)和《双面女间谍》(Alias)尝试过动作女英雄的形象,但是都在很大程度上回避了一些过于勇猛的描写。

    TV has experimented with action heroines in the past with shows like'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'and'Alias , 'but those shows largely avoided anything too gritty .

  4. 但是看看今年夏天吧,梅丽莎·麦卡西(MelissaMcCarthy)的《女间谍》(Spy),还有艾米·舒默(AmySchumer)的《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)——这些影片都赚了钱,这些女人也都是喜剧天才。

    But look at this summer , Melissa McCarthy with " Spy " and " Trainwreck " [ with Amy Schumer ] - those movies made a fortune and those women are comic geniuses .

  5. 她也负责组织这次有关女间谍题材的展览。

    She also organized the exhibit about women spies .

  6. 美丽的女间谍从国外回到自己的祖国,到司令部向司令员汇报。

    A beautiful female spy returned to her motherland to report to her commander .

  7. 一个已叛离组织的女间谍因为她正伺机报复栽培了她的美国政府

    To a rogue American spy seeking revenge against the government that created her .

  8. 这些女间谍被俘之后就消失无踪了。

    Once captured , the women disappeared .

  9. 俄罗斯一名31岁的红发前女间谍在土耳其度假胜地安塔利亚开办了自己的首场个人休闲时装秀。

    The 31 year old redhead launched her line of casual clothes at a show in the Turkish resort of Antalya .

  10. 据该女间谍雇主的发言人说,这位莫斯科最美艳的特工聘请了来自俄罗斯时装设计学院的年轻设计师。

    Moscow 's most glamorous secret agent hired talented young designers from Russian fashion colleges , said a spokesman for her main employer .

  11. 届时,这位曾经的“双面女间谍”将获此殊荣。这次盛会还将向获奖的其他12名女性颁奖,其中包括诺贝尔奖得主、长篇小说家托妮•莫里森和高尔夫球运动员罗瑞娜•奥乔亚。

    Nobel-prize winning novelist Toni Morrison and golfer Lorena Ochoa are among 12 other women who will also be celebrated at the glamorous event .

  12. 从穿着裙子的贾斯汀·比伯到出演《双面女间谍》的詹妮弗·加纳,网上的粉丝似乎觉得贝尔玩偶跟谁都有相似之处,除了沃森。

    From Justin Bieber in a dress to Jennifer Garner in " Alias , " online fans seem to think the Belle doll bears a resemblance to anyone but the British actress .

  13. 他们是上海制造的名为MaryChing的鞋子的高档新款系列,这个女人说道,但这双鞋子让我想到了邦德女郎,在寒冷的西班牙图书馆或者狂风大作的意大利女修道院从事间谍活动。

    They were from an exclusive new line of Shanghai-produced footwear called Mary Ching , the woman said , but the shoes made me think of a Bond Girl going undercover in a chilly Spanish library or blustery Italian convent .