
hǎo xiǎo zi
  • young fellow
  1. Marcel,拿饭给我,快……拿饭给我,快……好小子,好小子,把饭给我。

    Ross : Marcel . Bring me the rice , c'mon . Bring me the rice , c'mon . Good boy . Good boy . C'mere , gimme the rice .

  2. 好小子的故事(1)

    The Story of the Good Little Boy ( 1 )

  3. 好小子快去把剩下的都找回来

    Good lad go run back and get the rest .

  4. 好小子冲啊蒂姆冲啊

    Atta boy ! Go Tim ! Go !

  5. 过来,你这个好小子。

    Come on , you big guy .

  6. 下次我便会打你,好小子。

    Next time I 'll kick your ass.

  7. 见到你真好,好小子。我既快且轻的偷吻了他一口。

    " nice to meet you , gorgeous . " I kiss him softly and quickly .

  8. 把钱塞到斯坦利手里:不,拿着,你是个好小子。

    WILLY : Putting it in Stanley 's hand : No , take it . You 're a good boy .

  9. 好小子老天方便说话吗是我的小叔子梅森他还在我们家拜访

    Hoo , boy.Oh , jeez.Is it safe to talk ? It 's my brother-in-law Mason . He 's still visiting .

  10. 他看着我,眼里流露出关心的眼神,我心里想着,他真是个好小子。

    He looked at me , his eyes shining with concern . He 's really such a great guy , I thought .

  11. 并对我说:“好小子,用家务活来对付我,服了你了,”我和爸爸不约而同地笑了。

    And say to me : " good boy , with housework against me , admire you ," my father and I happen to coincide the ground smiled .

  12. 好吧小子给个地址行吗?

    Okay , kid . How about an address ?

  13. 好了小子接下来我要教你用拼砌大师的方法进入原子炉

    Okay , kid . I 'm gonna teach you how to masterbuild your way inside that thing

  14. 干得好啊,小子你们,你们播的是昨天的带子。

    Nice going , boys . you 're playing yesterday 's tape .

  15. 听好了地牢小子我早不是你那乖乖听话的傀儡了

    Look , dungeon boy I 'm done being your little slave girl .

  16. 那是另一个好榜样,小子。

    That 's another good one , diaper boy .

  17. 你们要保护好我的小子。

    You have to protect my holy boy .

  18. 一个中队长模样的人喝令我在他的办公桌前站好,那小子大模大样的翘着二郎腿点着了一支烟抽了两口,说:说吧,这是第几次?

    I ordered a squadron leader , who appeared in his first stop on his desk , That bloke with a swagger to the point with a smoked Qiaozhao pulls out the wife and said : Well , it is many times ?

  19. 好的,衣领小子,让我们看看你有什么本事。

    Okay , collar boy , let 's see what you got .

  20. 很好,这些坏小子有火箭发射器。

    Great . so . uh * The bad guys have rocket launchers .

  21. 管好你的嘴巴小子,不然你就发现你突然回家了。

    Watch your mouth kid , or you 'll find yourself respawning at home !

  22. 好吧,你记住这一点,好小子。

    All right , you remember that , young feller-me-lad .