
  1. 他的内心燃起了一种信念:他能够写最后一首歌。

    It had excited within him the belief he could write one last song .

  2. 我可以唱最后一首歌吗?好的。

    Can I sing a last song , please ? OK .

  3. 最后一首歌叫《走进森林》。

    The last song is entitled " Into the Woods " .

  4. 让我们把最后一首歌再排练一遍。

    Let 's just run through that last song one more time .

  5. 在科班去世前一个月,涅?乐队录制了最后一首歌。

    Nirvana recorded its last song about a month before Cobain died .

  6. 我把每一首歌,当做最后一首歌来唱。

    I sing every song as my last song .

  7. 我们会带上最后一首歌回来。

    We will be right back with the final song of the night .

  8. 她唱的最后一首歌真使人着迷。

    Her final song was a truly magic moment .

  9. 那是最后一首歌,一首情歌。很好听!

    That 's the last one , the ballad . It 's beautiful !

  10. 通常是最后一首歌得到的观众的掌声最多。

    It is always the latest song that an audience applauds the most .

  11. 他们说这是最后一首歌。

    They say it 's the last song .

  12. 就是挑选他的最后一首歌。

    Was choosing his final song .

  13. 说完这些话后,夜莺便唱了最后一首歌,然后飞向夜空。

    With these words the nightingale sang the last song , then she flew away into the night .

  14. 等她最后一首歌结束时,观众还大声喊著她的名字,不肯让她退场。

    When she finished her last song , audience still shouted for her name and didn 't like her to leave .

  15. 所以,就像我在最后一首歌前说的,不要只觉得地球只是我们生存的地方

    So , as I say before the last piece , feel not as though it is a sphere we live on ,

  16. 当晚最后一首歌&《龙的传人》,无疑是最棒的。如果在公司外培训最好在晚上。

    The last song of the evening , Offspring of the Dragons , was the best song of the evening . With offsite training workers trained in evening .

  17. 她笑说大会指定歌曲《夕阳之歌》,将是演唱会最后一首歌了,这首歌道尽她生活中的悲欢离合,但她可能以后也不唱了。

    This song also tells the happiness and sadness of being together or being separated during her past life , it is possible that she might not sing this song again in future .

  18. 1984年10月26日,19岁的约翰·丹尼尔·麦卡伦戴着耳机躺在床上,听着偶像奥兹·奥斯本的专辑,当播放到专辑最后一首歌《自杀解脱》时,这名平时看似开朗的阳光少年抓起一把枪结束了自己的生命。

    On October 26 , 1984 , John Daniel McCollum was listening to a record by his idol , Ozzy Osbourne . The 19-year-old was lying on his bed , his headphones turning out the tracks . During the final song , " Suicide Solution , " the seemingly cheerful teen grabbed a gun and ended his own life .

  19. 我的上帝,我要用最后的一首歌把她包裹起来,作为我给你的最后的献礼。

    will be my last gift to thee , my God , folded in my final song .

  20. 我最后唱了一首歌,得到了热烈的掌声,并在几张桌子上喝了酒。

    So I finished with a song , I got a big hand and I drank at a few tables .

  21. 最后一次回味这首歌,这首歌我一直听了很好笑,唯有这次,有感动,真的!

    Last time to back taste this song , this song me all the time listen very good laugh , only have this time , have little touch , true !