
  • The Best Time;【电影】Three Times
  1. 在培训中,公司高管给员工做励志演讲,“提醒他们最好的时光还在将来,”三洋的人力资源负责人JunNakamura说。

    At the retreats , executives give pep talks'to remind them their best years are still ahead , 'says Jun Nakamura , Sanyo 's head of human resources .

  2. 星期六和星期天是一个星期中最好的时光。

    Saturday and Sunday are the best days of the week .

  3. 清晨是一天最好的时光。

    The early morning is the best time of day .

  4. 所有的故事,从夏天开始,生命中最好的时光。

    I met you at a very strange time in my life .

  5. 什么时候是最好的时光而什么时候又是最差劲的呢?

    What was the best part and what was the worst part ?

  6. 我们的愿景是让这成为可能:我们最好的时光就在不远前方。

    The vision is the possibility that your best days are ahead .

  7. 致那些最好的时光,约翰。

    To the very best of times , John .

  8. 那一年是我一生中最好的时光。

    That year was the best in my life .

  9. 那就是你生命中最好的时光?

    That 's your best time of your life ?

  10. 他一生中最好的时光白白浪费了。

    He wasted the best years of his life .

  11. 春天时一年中最好的时光!

    Spring is the best time of the year !

  12. 这是晚上最好的时光。

    It is the best time in the evening .

  13. 他最好的时光给虚度了。

    He spent his best years just fooling around .

  14. 我一周里面最好的时光就是读邮件的时候。

    The best part of the week for me is reading the mail .

  15. 我最好的时光已经逝去了,我几乎失去了?

    My best time has gone and I have almost lost in the utopia .

  16. 这会是罗西基最好的时光么?

    Is the best of Rosicky behind him ?

  17. 是不是只有我觉得6年级是最好的时光

    Is it just me , or was sixth grade the best year ever ?

  18. 对于许多孩子来说这是一天中的最好的时光。

    For many of the children it 's the best part of their day .

  19. 那是一些你将体会到的最好的时光开始的地方

    That 's where some of your best moments are yet to be realized .

  20. 在凡人的生命中,最好的时光是最先消逝的。

    In the lives of mortals , the best days are the first to flee .

  21. 噢!和你在一起真的是我生命中最好的时光。

    Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life .

  22. 起来这么晚,你把一天最好的时光都睡掉了。

    By getting up so late you sleep away the best part of the day .

  23. 那他们会在你最好的时光把你摘下来,切片做沙拉。

    They 'd cut you off in your prime and slice you up for a salad .

  24. 我正期待着圣诞节的到来,那是一年中最好的时光。

    I 'm looking forward to christmas . it 's the best time of the year .

  25. 记住,你只活一辈子,而现在,正是你一生中最好的时光。

    Remember , you only live once , and this is the best of your life .

  26. 我希望其中一到两年会是他最好的时光,使阿森纳从中受益。

    I hope that one or two those are his best years and that Arsenal benefits from it .

  27. 我父母说你的学生时代是你一生中最好的时光,但我对此并不太深信。

    My parents say your schooldays are the best days of your life , but I 'm not so sure .

  28. 其实学生时代是最好的时光,若没有好好利用,将来你会后悔不已。

    Because the student time of your life is actually the best time ; and later you will regret it .

  29. 健康是这样一个东西,它使你感到现在是一年中最好的时光。&亚当斯

    Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year . Franklin P. & Adams

  30. 我把它铭记心间最后成为了一个和平主义者伯克利当然是我生命中最好的时光

    And I took that into my heart and became a pacifist as a result Berkeley of course was the best time of my life