
  1. 我觉得好无聊。我们回家吧。

    I 'm bored . Let 's go home

  2. 我现在好无聊啊。

    I am so bored right now .

  3. 好无聊,我们能提前回去睡觉了吗?

    I 'm bored . Can we go to sleep early ?

  4. 帮帮我,我好无聊,他们叫道。

    Help me , I 'm bored , they cried .

  5. 主流的主流音乐好无聊。

    mainstream ( a. ) Mainstream music is so boring .

  6. 天天站在登记处真是好无聊。

    Standing at the register all day is really tiring .

  7. 哇我好无聊,这个老师好没意思。

    Wow I am so bored . The teacher is so boring .

  8. 小约翰尼:但我不喜欢读书。好无聊!

    Junior : but I don 't like studying . it 's boring !

  9. 她的课好无聊,我忍不住要打瞌睡。

    Her class is so boring that I can 't help dozing off .

  10. 新闻无聊死了,我现在好无聊

    Journalism is boring . I 'm bored .

  11. 这些电视节目好无聊喔!

    These TV programs are really boring !

  12. 主流音乐好无聊。

    Mainstream music is so boring .

  13. 有些人因为被习惯控制,生活真的好无聊,一天到晚做一样的事情。

    For people controlled by their habits , life is boring because they do routine work all day .

  14. 蒂娜:我好无聊,只希望现在能有个男朋友陪我打发时间。

    Tina : I 'm so bored , and just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with .

  15. 今天又是好无聊的一天,所以我就琢磨着用我的小黑又给自己打砸出了个新箱子。

    It 's just another boring day today , so I try to make new box with my IBM for myself .

  16. 当然啦,我一点也不尽兴,因为乔安娜好无聊

    Of course , I didn 't get to enjoy any of that , because Joanna 's such a big , dull dud !

  17. 我的世界失去了色彩,好无聊的人生啊,有时候真的很郁闷啊,不知道怎么了。

    My world has lost color , good ah boring life , sometimes it is really very depressing ah , I do not know how the .

  18. 最近不知道怎么了,感觉好无聊哦,不知道是因为什么,看着周遭,好像一切都变的不怎么新奇,可能是累了吧。

    Recently , don 't know how , feel bored , don 't know what looked around , because , like all become don 't fancy , may be tired .

  19. 它再次准备好与无聊乏味做斗争,让玩家开怀大笑。

    It is again ready to battle to boredom and to amuse players .

  20. 我有时候心情好,可以无聊时看看书。

    Sometimes I feel good , you can boring reads .

  21. 还有一说是游戏起源于一群登山爱好者,在营地等待适合登顶的好天气,无聊的情况下发明的游戏。

    There is a game that originated in a group of mountain climbing enthusiasts , waiting for a suitable camp at the top of the good weather , frivolous invention of the game .

  22. 好破,真无聊啊我想要个新的,现在就要!

    It 's so oId and boring . I want a new one . Now !

  23. 在每周例会上,每个人都认为去讨论他们老板和组长昨天已经决定好的计划很无聊。

    Everyone in the weekly briefing felt bored to discuss the cut-and-dried plan their boss made with their team leader yesterday .

  24. 记得迎接她的好,没有裂缝无聊笑话就看到她,不管有多么紧张,你可能会感觉。

    Remember to greet her well and not crack silly jokes on seeing her , no matter how nervous you may be feeling .