
  • 网络Hollywood Pictures
  1. 好莱坞电影公司正考虑对电影租借方式进行重大改革。华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)在欧洲多个国家发起视频点播推广活动。

    Hollywood studios are eyeing a significant shift in the way they make their films available to rent after Warner Brothers launched a Europe-wide video-on-demand push .

  2. 《长城》是传奇东方(LegendaryEast)的首次大考,这家好莱坞电影公司曾制作过《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld),于今年1月被中国亿万富翁王健林的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)收购。

    The Great Wall is the first major test for Legendary East , the Hollywood studio that made Jurassic World and which was bought in January by billionaire Wang Jianlin 's Dalian Wanda Group .

  3. 目前迪士尼(waltdisney)是唯一一家在itunes上销售其新片的好莱坞电影公司,但这些新片只供购买,无法租赁。

    Walt Disney is the only Hollywood studio selling its new films on iTunes at present but these are only available for purchase rather than rental .

  4. 这两种不同格式的光盘都有强大的后台。东芝和NEC以及一些好莱坞电影公司合作研发了高清影碟(HDDVD),而且好莱坞电影公司同意使用这种高清晰度光盘来发行他们的电影。

    Toshiba had developed the HD DVD format , partnering with NEC and a number of Hollywood studios , which agreed to use the format for their high definition releases .

  5. 代表好莱坞电影公司的上海律师事务所的杨军表示,尽管赔偿金不高,但提起诉讼仍是值得的,因为它们让公众意识到,盗版DVD是违法的。

    Yang Jun , at the Shanghai law firm that represented the studios , says the lawsuits are worthwhile despite the low damages because they make the public aware that fake DVDs are illegal .

  6. 中国娱乐和零售集团大连万达(DalianWanda)董事长王健林表示,该公司正在就入股好莱坞电影公司狮门娱乐(LionsGateEntertainment)进行谈判。两年前,大连万达收购了美国AMC电影院公司(AMCCinemas)。

    Two years after buying AMC Cinemas , Dalian Wanda , the Chinese entertainment and retail group , is in talks to buy a stake in Lions Gate Entertainment Corp , the Hollywood film studio , according to Wang Jianlin , its chairman .

  7. 好莱坞电影公司的处境尤为艰难。

    Hollywood studios are in an extraordinarily difficult position .

  8. 当被问及他是否正试图在好莱坞电影公司的强项上打败它们时,他表示:不!我根本没有玩它们那一套。

    Asked if he is trying to play Hollywood studios at their own game , he says : No !

  9. 并且不少好莱坞电影公司抱怨,为了支持国产片,一些西方影片的上映日期常常被更改。

    And Hollywood studios complain that the release dates of some Western films are often shifted to bolster local movies .

  10. 好莱坞电影公司已在中国达成多笔交易,以接触到中国快速壮大的媒体受众群体,同时绕过外国电影每年引进配额。

    Hollywood studios have been striking deals in China to reach its fast-growing media audience and bypass annual quotas on foreign films .

  11. 好莱坞电影公司在向美国电影艺术与科学学院的投票人宣传自己的奥斯卡提名影片,要花很多钱。

    Hollywood studios spend exorbitant sums of money promoting their Oscar-nominated films to voters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences .

  12. 对好莱坞电影公司来说,该片在中国的优异表现是该国快速增长潜力的诱人展现。

    For Hollywood studios , the film 's impressive performance in China is a tantalizing display of the country 's potential for fast growth .

  13. 版权所有者,例如好莱坞电影公司将会要求信用卡公司或广告网站停止与国外网站的贸易往来;

    Rights-holders , such asHollywoodfilm studios , will be able to request that a credit-card firm or advertising network stop doing business with a foreign site ;

  14. 他们最初的想法是,为娱乐业客户(主要是好莱坞电影公司)创建一个基于网络的市场营销平台,通过社交渠道宣传他们的影片。

    Their initial idea was to create a web-based marketing platform for entertainment clients , mainly Hollywood studios , to publicise their films via social channels .

  15. 但在认为立体影片并不时尚若干年之后,好莱坞电影公司正在下注,寄望以这种形式拍摄并放映的电影推升票房收入。

    But after years of dismissing3d as a fad , Hollywood studios are betting that films shot and projected in the format will boost takings at the box office .

  16. 引入私人股权、对冲基金和机构投资者来资助制作若干部“大片”,已经成为好莱坞电影公司分散制作风险的热门途径。

    Bringing in private equity , hedge fund and institutional investors to fund " slates " of several films has become a popular way for Hollywood studios to spread the risk attached to production .

  17. 过去30年,他一直利用好莱坞电影公司提供的资金制作自己的电影,但去年秋天,他开辟了电影界的一条新路:自筹资金。

    He has spent the last three decades using money provided by Hollywood studios to make his films , but this autumn has broken new ground in the industry by raising his own capital .

  18. 美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)周四发布的报告中提到了上述新数据。数据凸显出,中国对好莱坞电影制作公司的重要性正不断增强,虽然这些公司在向中国出口电影时仍然面临着挑战。

    The new data , contained in a report released Thursday by the Motion Picture Association of America , underscores the growing importance of China to Hollywood 's studios despite the ongoing challenges they face in exporting their movies there .

  19. 去年,华纳兄弟前高管杰夫·罗比诺夫(JeffRobinov)从中国的复星集团获得了2亿美元的投资,创办了一家新的好莱坞电影制作公司。

    And last year , when the former Warner Bros. executive Jeff Robinov set up a new Hollywood studio , he received a $ 200 million investment from the Fosun Group of China .

  20. 中国一家铜加工企业宣布将购入出品《拆弹部队》(TheHurtLocker)的好莱坞电影制作公司的80%股权,这是中国公司不可思议的进军美国娱乐行业的业务多元化举措之一。

    A copper processing company has announced one of the more unlikely diversifications by Chinese companies into the US entertainment sector , taking an 80 per cent stake in the Hollywood film production company that made The Hurt Locker .

  21. 好莱坞主要电影公司都在大部分主要国家拥有发行业务。

    Hollywood 's major studios all have distribution operations in most large countries .

  22. 如果好莱坞的电影公司真的想知道如何在中国取得成功,那么科斯-瑞德的经历意外地成了一种指南。

    If the Hollywood studios really want to understand how to succeed in China , Kos-Read 's journey makes for a kind of accidental guide .

  23. 如今,好莱坞的电影公司在大片开拍之前都要先问“它在中国会有怎样的表现”,不然不会绿灯放行。回报太丰厚了。

    These days , Hollywood studios hardly greenlight a blockbuster without first asking , " How will this play in China ? " The rewards are too vast .

  24. 好莱坞的电影公司今年晚些时候可能面临编剧和演员罢工的局面,原因是在如何分配新媒体版税收入问题上,双方的不满情绪日益加深。

    Hollywood studios are bracing themselves for a possible strike by writers and actors later this year amid deepening discontent between the parties over how to divide new media royalties .

  25. 迪斯尼成为首家将逐步在影片中去除吸烟镜头的好莱坞电影制片公司之一。该公司表示,未来迪斯尼品牌的电影中将“不存在”吸烟场景。

    Walt Disney yesterday became the first Hollywood studio to phase out cigarette smoking in its films , saying smoking scenes in future Disney-branded movies would be " non-existent " .

  26. 自今年一月成立以来,PreAct签下了控制着大约40%北美票房的电影公司,其中包括20世纪福克斯公司(以国内票房市场份额计算,目前它是好莱坞最大的电影公司)和索尼影业。

    Since its introduction in January , PreAct has signed up studios that control roughly 40 percent of the North American box office . Clients include 20th Century Fox currently the No. 1 movie operation in Hollywood , as measured by domestic box-office market share and Sony Pictures Entertainment .

  27. 随著国内视频网站纷纷将美国影视剧搬上数字播放平台,好莱坞各大电影公司也开始抢滩中国庞大的网路视频市场。

    Hollywood studios are set to break into China 's massive Internet market as domestic video sites scramble to screen U.

  28. 美国电子商务巨头亚马逊宣布将以约85亿美元的价格收购好莱坞标志性电影公司米高梅。

    U.S. e-commerce giant Amazon has announced it will acquire Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , an iconic Hollywood studio , for around 8.5 billion US dollars .

  29. 她为好莱坞一家大电影公司工作。

    She works for a major Hollywood studio .

  30. 美国最大的电影院线组成的一个联盟即将达成一笔高达10亿美元的交易,将为赚钱的新一代3D电影铺平道路。之前,该组织已获得好莱坞3家主要电影公司的暂时支持。

    A consortium of the biggest US cinema chains is closing in on a $ 1bn deal that will pave the way for a new generation of money-spinning 3-D movies , after securing provisional backing from three key Hollywood studios .