
miào jì
  • A clever plan;brilliant scheme;wonderful idea;excellent plan;brainwave;lurk
妙计 [miào jì]
  • [brilliant scheme;excellent plan] 构思新颖独特的计策

  • 诸葛亮的妙计谁人不闻

妙计[miào jì]
  1. 刚才突然想出一条妙计。

    A wonderful idea has just popped up .

  2. 如今,总统弗朗索瓦攠朗德(Hollande)想出了一个减少失业的妙计:将50万失业人士转移至培训项目。

    Now President Hollande has come up with a brilliant scheme to cut joblessness : shift 500000 unemployed people into training programmes .

  3. 我们新的小册子中振奋人心的妙计比比皆是。

    Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas .

  4. 那是我的小妙计。

    That was my crafty little plan .

  5. 以他的年龄来说特洛伊非常聪明,早就想到了骗过她的妙计。

    Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her .

  6. 艾莉森有了条妙计。

    Alison had an inspiration .

  7. 设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计,可是到头来却是害人反害己。

    It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent , but in the end he was hoist by his own petard .

  8. 建筑设备制造商卡特彼勒(caterpillar)与农用机械制造商约翰迪尔(johndeere)成功地施展了一招妙计:它们成功地说服人们去购买那些别的公司送都送不出去的东西。

    Caterpillar , the construction equipment maker , and John Deere , the agricultural machinery maker , have pulled off a merchandising coup : they have persuaded people to pay for the kind of goods other companies struggle to give away .

  9. 发觉这个妙计非常有用;认为这本书很有趣。

    Found the gadget surprisingly useful ; found the book entertaining .

  10. 比利:那我们得想出一个妙计。

    Billy : We need to develop a cunning plan then .

  11. 他思想上一定还以为派兵侦察是条妙计。

    He must have considered the patrol as an effective maneuver .

  12. 不过我还另外有条小小的妙计。

    But I 've got another little idea of my own .

  13. 侯爵渐渐明白穿靴猫的妙计。

    The marquis was beginning to understand Puss-in-Boots ' clever plan .

  14. 他们终于想出一条预期可获得辉煌胜利的妙计。

    At last they hit upon a plan which promised glorious victory .

  15. 后来我们想出了一条妙计来解救这个男孩。

    Then we thought of a clever plan to save the boy .

  16. 鹅毛扇这么一扇,一个妙计涌上心头。

    E Mao as a fan , a Miaoji mind .

  17. 穿靴猫就筹画一个妙计,并赶回家去找他的主人。

    Puss-in-Boots devised a clever plan and hurried home to his master .

  18. 不过那是在萨科奇施展一番经典妙计之前。

    That was before Mr Sarkozy launched a classic coup .

  19. 这算什么妙计,我们要怎么弄车?

    How 's this a plan ? How we gonna get a car ?

  20. 因为这是我拉的神鬼妙计,是的。

    Because it 's foolproof , that 's why .

  21. 这就是你如何甩掉他们的妙计?

    This is how you planned on losing them ?

  22. 终于他想到一个妙计可以救自己了!

    Finally , he came up with a clever way to save himself !

  23. 妖怪遂告诉他一条妙计。

    But the sprite told him a secret plan .

  24. 这是我的妙计之一。

    That is one of my more brilliant ideas .

  25. 即便英国试图阻止,这番妙计还是得手了。

    Even as Britain tried to apply the brakes , the coup was executed .

  26. 你有什么脱身妙计呢?

    What exactly is your exit strategy here ?

  27. 我知道,我知道你的妙计。

    I know , I know your art .

  28. 试图寻找一条妙计。

    Trying to come up with a brainstorm .

  29. 因此,我的朋友高令斯就替我想了一个小小的妙计。

    My friend Collins , therefore , undertook to manage a little for me .

  30. 独家报道可能是个妙计

    An exclusive story would be a coup .