
tuǒ bù méi sù
  • tobramycin
  1. HPLC柱前衍生法测定妥布霉素

    Determination of Tobramycin by HPLC With Precolumn Derivatization

  2. 用离子交换柱分离氨基糖苷类抗生素妥布霉素、新霉素B和西梭霉素,用脉冲积分安培电化学检测器进行检测。

    A new method was developed for detection of aminoglycoside antibiotics of tobramycin , neomycin and sisomycin by ion-exchange column with pulsed integrated amperometric detection .

  3. 感染后进入髓核的比例增加,除青霉素G外,其他药物髓核药物含量/血清药物浓度,感染组均大于正常组,并且妥布霉素和克林霉素明显增加(P<0.05)。

    The ratioes for the antibiotics , except for penicillin G , were increased in infected rabbit , with the ratios for tobramycin and clindamycin increased markedly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 目的:探讨甲氧苄啶(TMP)与3种氨基糖苷类抗生素(庆大霉素、阿米卡星、妥布霉素)的联合抗生素后效应(PAE)。

    Objective : To explore the post-antibiotic effects ( PAE ) of trimethoprim ( TMP ) combined with aminoglycosides .

  5. 基于妥布霉素对CdTe量子点的荧光增敏作用,建立了一种准确、快速测定妥布霉素的新方法,将方法用于样品中妥布霉素的含量测定,结果满意。

    A novel method for determination of tobramycin has been developed based on enhancement of the fluorescence of CdTe QDs by tobramycin in aqueous solutions .

  6. 目的评价自固化磷酸钙骨水泥(Calciumphosphatecement,CPC)载药妥布霉素的体外抗菌活性和植入兔体内后的药物释放特性。

    Purpose To evaluate the calcium phosphate cement ( CPC ) characteristics about the drug release from the tobramycin-impregnated self-setting CPC in vivo after implanting it into rabbit 's femora and bacteria inhibitory of it in vitro .

  7. tenebrariusH6产生多种氨基糖苷类抗生素,主要有阿泊拉霉素、妥布霉素及卡那霉素B。

    Streptomyces tenebrarius H_6 produces a complex of aminoglycoside antibiotics , such as apramycin , tobramycin and kanamycin B etc.

  8. 推测主要氨基糖苷修饰酶为ANT(2〃)和AAC(3)Ⅱ,引起庆大霉素和妥布霉素耐药。

    The two main types of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes were ANT ( 2 ″) and AAC ( 3 ) - II which were associated with the resistance to gentamycin and tobramycin .

  9. 采用C18键合硅胶柱和脉冲积分安培电化学检测器对妥布霉素样品进行了分离检测。

    A new method was developed for the separation and determination of tobramycin in milk by HPLC using a C_ ( 18 ) column and pulsed integrated amperometric electrochemical detection .

  10. 根据氨或伯胺能与β-丁酮酸酯类及醛类反应产生二氢吡啶,在(332±1)nm波长处有最大吸收的原理,直接测定硫酸妥布霉素的效价。

    Based on the fact that ammonia or primary amines can react with acetoacetates and aldehydes , producing dihydropyridine with an obvious absorption peak at the wavelength of 332 ± 1 nm , thus , the potency of tobramycin sulfate can be determined directly by spectrophotometry .

  11. 方法:眼窝内植入义眼台后于眼台内注入醋酸地塞米松5mg(1ml),盐酸妥布霉素4万U(2ml)。

    Right after the hydroxyapatite implant was implanted into the orbit , 5 mg ( 1 ml ) dexamethasone and 40,000 units ( 2 ml ) tobramycin were injected into the pores of implant .

  12. 方法运用K-B法和PCR方法分别对16株MRSA和24株MSSA4种氨基糖苷药物(丁胺卡那霉素、奈替米星、庆大霉素、妥布霉素)耐药性和氨基糖苷类耐药基因进行检测。

    Methods 16 MRSA and 24 MSSA strains were used in this study . The aminoglycoside resistant genes were detected by PCR and aminoglycoside resistance was tested by Kirby-Bauer method to 4 kind of antibiotics ( Amikacin Gentamicin Netilmicin Tobramycin ) .

  13. 曲利本蓝(TB)与硫酸卡那霉素(KANA)和硫酸妥布霉素(TOB)等氨基糖苷类抗生素在pH2.0~7.0的条件下反应生成蓝色离子缔合物。

    At pH 2.0 ~ 7.0 , trypan blue ( TB ) reacted with aminoglycoside antibiotics such as kanamycin sulfate ( KANA ) and tobramycin sulfate ( TOB ) to form blue ion association complexes .

  14. F2c同时含有群抗原3,4和7,它对庆大霉素、妥布霉素、卡那霉素、乙基西梭霉素、氧哌嗪青霉素耐药,而F2a则对以上五种药均敏感。

    There was both group antigen 3,4 and 7 in the shigella flexneri 2c , which was resistant to Gentamycin , Tobramycin , Kanamycin , Netilmicin , Piperacillin , to which shigella flexneri 2a was susceptible .

  15. 结论MRSH对氨基糖甙类抗生素的耐药机制主要是携带了aac(6′)/aph(2〃)基因,表现在对庆大霉素和妥布霉素高度耐药,并与耐药表型基本相符;

    Conclusion The mechanism of aminoglycosides resistance to MRSH is caused by the genes of aac ( 6 ′) / aph ( 2 ″), characterized by the strong medicine resistance to gentamycin and aminoglycosides , which is basically in accordance with the phenotype of medicine resistance ;

  16. 注射型抗感染骨妥布霉素适宜浓度为50mg/ml。

    Suitable tobramycin concentration for injectable antibiotic DBM is50mg / ml.3 .

  17. 结论:1、妥布霉素缓释应避免局部过高药物浓度。

    Tobramycin delivery should avoid local excessive drug concentrations . 2 .

  18. 妥布霉素地塞米松滴眼液治疗细菌性眼睑炎症的临床研究

    Clinical study on tobramycin and dexamethasone eye drops for bacterial blepharitis

  19. 单组分妥布霉素产生菌的快速筛选

    The Method for Quick Screen Single Compound Tobramycin Producing Strain

  20. 国产与进口复方妥布霉素滴眼液及眼药膏的临床疗效比较

    Effects of domestic vs imported compound tobramycin eye drops and eye ointment

  21. N-溴代琥珀酰亚胺-荧光素体系流动注射能量转移化学发光法测定妥布霉素

    Flow Injection Energy Transfer Chemiluminescence Analysis of Tobramycin Based on N-Bromosuccinimide-Fluorescein System

  22. 头孢唑啉钠与妥布霉素联合应用治疗细菌性角膜溃疡的临床观察

    Clinical study on cefazolin and tobramycin for treating the bacterial corneal ulcer

  23. 目的考察妥布霉素滴眼液的安全性。

    Conclusion Tobramycin eye drops is safety for clinic application .

  24. 氨甲酰-妥布霉素产生菌的高产菌株筛选中性乳糖酶高产菌的选育

    Screening of High - Yielding Strains for Neutral Lactase

  25. 妥布霉素滴眼液的制备及临床观察

    Preparation and Clinical Therapeutic Effect of Tobramycin Eye Drops

  26. 采用混菌生检方法作妥布霉素产生菌诱变预筛选

    Mixed cultures assay method for pre-selection and mutation studies of tobramycin producing strain

  27. 目的提高妥布霉素产生菌的发酵单位。

    Objective To improve the titer of the single component producer of tobramycin .

  28. 妥布霉素雾化吸入治疗肺部感染效果观察

    Effect of Atomization Inhalation of Tobramycin on Lung Infection

  29. 高效液相色谱-脉冲积分安培电化学检测牛奶中的妥布霉素

    Determination of Tobramycin in Milk by HPLC with Pulsed Integrated Amperometric Electrochemical Detection

  30. 变速搅拌在妥布霉素发酵中的应用

    Application of stirring with changing velocity in tobramycin fermentation