
luán tónɡ
  • catamite;handsome boy;kept man;gigolo
娈童 [luán tóng]
  • [pederast] 供女性玩弄的美貌男孩

  1. 该虐童事件没有报告给警方,而娈童的神职人员也只是遭到教会的内部处理

    Their abuser , though inculpated by the church , was never reported to the police .

  2. 当时杰克逊负债累累,连那个帮他在2005年打赢娈童案的辩护律师梅萨鲁(ThomasMesereau)都还没拿到34.1万美元的律师费。

    Among the unpaid bills at the time of his death , Mr. Jackson had not paid $ 341000 to Thomas Mesereau , the lawyer who successfully defended him against charges of child molestation in 2005 .

  3. 娈童与男人有性关系的男孩。

    A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man .

  4. 我因娈童而在蒙古国遭到通缉。

    ALLEN I 'm wanted for pederasty in Mongolia .

  5. 一个被指控犯有娈童罪的年轻男子,被关押在纽约市臭名昭著的“坟墓”监狱系统。

    A young man who is charged with child molestation is placed in jail now .

  6. 我不知如何将这消息告诉他的娈童。

    I don 't know how I 'm going to break it to his catamite .

  7. 从国中除去娈童,又除掉他列祖所造的一切偶像。

    He expelled the male shrine prostitutes from the land and got rid of all the idols his fathers had made .

  8. 约沙法将他父亲亚撒在世所剩下的娈童都从国中除去了。

    And the remnant of the sodomites , which remained in the days of his father Asa , he took out of the land .

  9. 是的,有人不喜欢他因为他们认为他是个娈童者,但我从没有相信过。

    Yes , there are people that didn 't like him because they thought he was a child molester , but I NEVER believed that .

  10. 这个空前的直播节目,是在所有有关娈童指控前举行的,吸引了全球9千万观众的收看。

    The unprecedented live event , which took place before any allegations were made about sexual abuse , drew a worldwide audience of90 million people .

  11. 甚至在他2005年因娈童的指控而受到刑事审判、并最后被判无罪之前,他的演唱事业已经处于停顿状态。

    Even before a criminal trial on child-molestation charges that ended in acquittal in 2005 , Mr. Jackson 's career was in a holding pattern .

  12. 在杰克逊整个演艺生涯中,娈童指控一直困扰着他。在他获判无罪后还有一宗案件是庭外和解的杰克逊已失去元气。

    Following his acquittal from the child abuse charges that dogged him throughout his career another case was settled out of court Jackson was a broken figure .

  13. 晚明南京演员构成复杂,既有本地培养的娈童和歌姬,也有各地职业戏班演员和串客云集此地,他们阵容强大,表演技艺全面。

    The constitute of performers in Late Ming dynasty is complicated , including both local-born boys and singing girls , as well as professional performers and guest performers .

  14. 为了给他高消费的生活方式找钱,他抵押了梦幻岛庄园这样的资产,同时,他却停止了工作,而且为了打赢娈童案官司,而支付了数百万美元的律师费。

    Funding his high-flying lifestyle with loans like the one backed by Neverland , he simultaneously stopped working and racked up millions of dollars in lawyers'bills to fight child-molestation charges .

  15. 国中也有娈童。犹大人效法耶和华在以色列人面前所赶出的外邦人,行一切可憎恶的事。

    And there were also sodomites in the land : and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel .

  16. 除了增加照片落入娈童犯手中的风险,网晒孩子私照还可能使孩子尴尬,而这被认为是孩子成年后将父母告上法庭的一个主要原因。

    Aside from the risk of pedophiles getting hold of them , the potential for embarassment is seen as a main reason for them to later take their parents to court .

  17. 2005年,猥亵娈童案结案,杰克逊被判无罪,被当庭释放。此后,他便过着隐士般的生活。时隔几年,迈克尔-杰克逊原计划于下月在伦敦开始自己的巡回演出,重回乐坛。

    Jackson , who had lived as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation , had been scheduled to launch a comeback tour from London next month .

  18. 杰克逊曾遭到娈童指控,尽管2005年法院宣判其无罪,但这仍有损于他的名誉。他原定下个月在伦敦启动50场复出表演。门票均已告罄,共计100万歌迷会到场观看。

    Tarnished by child abuse allegations in spite of a court acquittal in 2005 , he was due to start 50 sell-out shows in London next month , which would have seen him playing to a total of 1m fans .

  19. 如果说整形手术让他变得惨不忍睹,那么接踵而来的娈童案则让他成了众矢之的。当时的他完全被法律和财务纠纷击溃了。于是,他在2005年娈童案结束后毅然选择了隐居。

    If his plastic surgery made him disturbingly unwatchable , soon , allegations of child abuse would make him reviled by many.He was overwhelmed with legal and financial troubles and went into seclusion after the trial for child molestation ended in 2005 .