
  • 网络gaius
  1. 盖乌斯正在配制蛇毒的解药,Evan一清醒他会告诉你真相。

    Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom ... When Evan 's conscious , he 'll tell you what happened .

  2. Evan在与Valiant格斗时被盾上的蛇咬了,盖乌斯查出Evan脖子上的咬痕。

    Evan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting with Valiant , talk to Gaius , he could see the puncture wound on Evan 's neck where the snake bit him .

  3. 我相信盖乌斯会很高兴有你的协助。

    I 'm sure Gaius would be glad of your help .

  4. 盖乌斯,你能治好他的,对吧?

    You can cure him , can 't you , Gaius ?

  5. 盖乌斯说如果我们……听盖乌斯说?

    Gaius says that if we ... Oh , Gaius says ? !

  6. 盖乌斯去拿一些补给品了。

    Gaius had to go and get some supplies .

  7. 盖乌斯,有些事必须由我自己来完成。

    Gaius , it 's something I 've got to work out for myself .

  8. 我带她去见盖乌斯。

    I 'll take her to see Gaius .

  9. 别担心了,盖乌斯,一切都会好起来的。

    Don 't worry , Gaius , everything 's going to be all right .

  10. 盖乌斯知道它怎么用。

    Gaius knows what to do with this .

  11. 如果我可以的话…求你了,盖乌斯。

    If I could ... Please , Gaius .

  12. 盖乌斯?亲爱的梅林,我的生命快要走到尽头了。

    Gaius ? Dear Merlin , my life is already near to its end .

  13. 盖乌斯不喜欢我施法。

    Gaius doesn 't like me to .

  14. 我又欠盖乌斯一份人情。

    I owe it all to Gaius .

  15. 没有人想要盖乌斯离开但是父王已经下定了决心。

    No one wants Gaius to go , but my father 's made his decision .

  16. 也许你说的没错,盖乌斯。

    Perhaps you were right , Gaius .

  17. 盖乌斯是宫廷御医。

    Gaius is the court physician .

  18. 陛下……如有何异议,现在就说吧,盖乌斯。

    Sire ... If you have anything to say , then say it now , Gaius .

  19. 盖乌斯会找到解药。

    Gaius will find a cure .

  20. 当我回顾盖乌斯的工作时,我注意到他开了个山金车典酒的处方。

    When I reviewed Gaius 's work , I noticed he 's been prescribing you arnica .

  21. 哦,盖乌斯叮嘱不要一口气喝完……我想也不会有事。

    Oh , Gaius said don 't drink it all ... I 'm sure it 's fine .

  22. 为亚瑟偿命的应该是我,不是我母亲,也不是盖乌斯!

    I bid my life for Arthur 's , not my mother 's , not Gaius ' !

  23. 亲爱的盖乌斯,我感到彷徨和孤独,不知道该相信谁,需要求助于你。

    My dear Gaius , I turn to you for I feel lost and alone , and don 't know who to turst .

  24. 该披萨被命名为“奥塔维亚”,名字是为纪念首位罗马帝王盖乌斯·屋大维。它直径达到130英尺(约40米),重达51000磅。

    Called " Ottavia , " in honor of the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus , it measured 131-feet in diameter and weighed over 51000 pounds !