
  1. 体育新闻娱乐化是全球媒介娱乐化趋势的表现,它与其他新闻娱乐化既相联系,又有独特的特征与成因。

    The amusement of the sports news is the behavior of the amusement trend of global media , it and other news amusement not only interrelate but also have a unique characteristic and origin cause of formation .

  2. 媒介的娱乐化浪潮也标志着中国媒介文化的转向。

    The entertainment trend of the media symbolizes the cultural turn of the Chinese media .

  3. 由于全球媒介的娱乐化趋势和受众的需求,使得体育新闻的报道也越来越娱乐化。

    The reports of sports news are becoming more entertaining as a result of the global entertaining trend of the media and the needs of the mass .

  4. 本文在梳理我国媒介文化娱乐化演进历程的基础上,选取文化研究与传播政治经济学这两种理论视角,对传媒娱乐化现象进行了深入的剖析。

    Based on combing the evolving process of the entertainment trend of the Chinese media , this paper reflects the phenomenon from the perspectives of cultural study and communication plutonomy .

  5. 如媒体经营的市场化、媒介功能的娱乐化以及记者自身职业形象的负面化等。

    The change of the media function and the reporter 's influence on the public .

  6. 媒介娱乐幻象既是媒介泛娱乐化的典型类型,也是消费社会的产物。

    The entertaining illusion of media is not only a typical representation of general entertaining tendency of media , but also a product of consuming society .