
  1. 提高媒介产品的质量,是奠定媒介产业的基础。

    To improve the quality of information products is laying the foundation for the media industry .

  2. 100%和98%硫酸对酸性媒介黑T质量影响的对比研究

    Comparing study on the affection of 100 % and 98 % Sulfuric acid in Synthesizing Eriochrome Black

  3. 本文认为提高媒介产品的质量,是奠定媒介产业的基础,不在做好媒介方面下工夫,媒介产业的根基是脆弱的。

    This article holds that to improve the quality of products is laying the foundation for the media industry . With out a good job in the media , the media industry is a fragile foundation .

  4. 结果表明,采用100%硫酸为底酸比以98%硫酸为底酸合成的酸性媒介黑T的质量更好、收率更高。

    It states clearly that the quality is better and the yield is higher under 100 % sulfuric acid then 98 % acid .

  5. 结合毕业创作,本文浅析了新闻摄影、讽刺漫画与公益海报等媒介在揭露楼房质量问题方面所展示出的不同艺术表现力。

    Combined with the graduation paper writing , photography and cartoons and news media in exposing commonweal poster etc building quality problem which show different artistic expression .

  6. 从目前各种媒介披露的建筑质量问题来看,严重的楼毁人亡,令人惨不忍睹,轻一点影响住房的正常使用,住户苦不堪言。

    Various media disclosure from the current issue of the construction quality , serious , crash , a horrible , the worst effects of the normal use of housing , tenants suffer .

  7. 在传媒产业中,媒介从业人员素质的高低和能力的发挥直接影响着媒介产品的质量,更进一步影响着传媒产业的市场竞争力。

    In the media industry , the ability of practitioners is high or low may play a direct impact on the quality of media products , further affecting the market competitiveness of media industry .