
  • 网络Media interaction;Computer Animation and Interactive Media
  1. 其中,今年迄今为止高居首位的是HBO电视台的魔幻史诗剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones),首播时各集平均引发了777000条社交媒体互动消息。

    Topping the pack so far this year is HBO 's epic fantasy series ' Game of Thrones , ' with an average 777 , 000 social-media interactions on days an episode first airs .

  2. 因此,39%的90后试图避免使用手机所带来的负面影响,措施包括关闭APP的消息提示功能、限制社交媒体互动频率、以及在某些情况下完全不使用社交媒体等等。

    As a result , 39 percent of the post-90s generation tries to avoid the negative effects of mobile phone use through measures like turning off app notifications , intentionally limiting the frequency of social media interactions and staying away from social media entirely in certain situations .

  3. 数字媒体互动作品输入输出系统研究

    The Research of Digital Media Interaction Work Input and Output System

  4. 健康教育与大众媒体互动合作机制的定性研究

    Qualitative study on mutual cooperation mechanism between health education and mass media

  5. 节庆体育与媒体互动促进农村发展的研究

    Sports Festival Interaction with the Media for Rural Development Research

  6. 本文就从这几个方面对新媒体互动装置艺术进行了分析。

    This paper will analyze those factors of new media interactive installation art .

  7. 多年以前,企业就开始与社会媒体互动了。

    Companies began interacting with social media years ago .

  8. 他们暗示着客户与品牌间存在的潜在社会媒体互动。

    They inform the potential social media interactions between a customer and a brand .

  9. 考虑到我跟媒体互动的历史来看,你来讲是不是比较好?

    Considering my history with the press * It would be better if you did it ?

  10. 今次份子重组,实验当代乐曲电子杂音新媒体互动演出。

    The revamped GayBird , a compound of contemporary music integrated with squeaky electronica and new media geek spirit .

  11. 我们在这两个市场收获的社交媒体互动与市场认同远远超过原本的预期。

    The social media response and market reactions we 've received in both markets are well above our expectations .

  12. 在这样的背景下,艺术的形式也在逐步产生变革,一种新的艺术表现形式新媒体互动装置艺术产生了。

    Under this background , the form of art changes too . A new kind of art-New media interactive installation art born .

  13. 在上海二期课改的进程中,这两种力量交互影响,以媒体互动的形式作用于教科书的建构行动。

    In the process of the Second-round Curriculum Reform in Shanghai , textbook agents and social forces have interactive influence on each other and exert effect on the textbook construction with the form of media .

  14. 物理交互设计是在人机交互基础上去除互动影像之外的新媒体互动装置作品的另一称呼,在交互设计中更强调物理响应所获得的信息反馈。

    New media interactive installation interactive images outside another word for physical interaction design is removed on the basis of the human-computer interaction , interaction design more emphasis on the information obtained by the physical response feedback .

  15. 第三,民间社团并不是被动地适应较为严苛的制度环境,而是采取积极主动的行动策略,与地方政府、社会和媒体互动,从而寻求改善自己生存环境的方法。

    Third , the civil organization was not passively adapt to the harsh system environments but to take proactive action strategies , which include interaction with local governments , society and the media , seeking to improve their living environment .

  16. 新媒体互动装置艺术将跨学科的知识综合在一起,采用多样的表达手段来展示作品,并且让观众与其进行互动,甚至直接参与作品的创作。

    It combines the knowledge from different subjects together , and uses different ways to show the artists ' idea , make the audiences interact with the installation . Some even allow the audience to join in the creation of the art .

  17. “一旦开始与社会媒体的互动,你就必须准备好将这项工作发扬光大”,世卫组织的Elbes说。

    " Once you start interacting with social media , you have to be ready to carry the work forward ", says Elbes of WHO .

  18. 三是加大与传统媒体的互动,相互放大正面舆论。

    Third , increase the interaction with traditional media , each amplified positive public opinion .

  19. 最为明显的表现在与媒体的互动。

    Nowhere is that more obvious than in the corners of it that interact with the media .

  20. 今天科技的发展使广告可以通过一系列可寻址的媒体和互动媒体有效地传递给我们。

    Today technology enables advertising to reach us efficiently through a variety of addressable media and interactive media .

  21. 在创业者们看来,新时代的媒体是互动的,是可以用来游戏的。

    Entrepreneurs in their view , is a new era of interactive media , can be used to the game .

  22. 当代图像与文字的关系体现为超媒体和互动电视网络系统两种形式。

    " Hypermedia " and " the interactive television system " are the two contemporary relationships between image and word .

  23. 在新闻发布会中,将增加更多国家队教练与媒体的互动,这样有助于你更深入的管理国家队。

    There are also lots of new international manager press conference questions , to add more depth to that part of managing an international team .

  24. 第四章是公共危机中的信息管理,针对危机发展的三个不同阶段,对政府的信息管理进行了分析,强调政府与媒体的互动。

    On account of different stage of crisis , it analyses information management of the government . And it emphasizes the interaction between the government and the media .

  25. 著名影视明星吴卓羲和马娅舒带着其新出的电视剧《大丫鬟》前来,与观众、媒体的互动引得了一片叫好声。

    Wu Zuoxi and Ma Shuya , two famous local actors were on site with their new TV soap'Da Yahuan ' , causing a stir among the surrounding audience .

  26. 当代艺术与新媒体的互动关系是历史发展的必然,但每一种新媒体和新艺术形式的出现并不能降低或取代传统艺术形式的价值和功能。

    The interaction of contemporary art and new media has a kind of historical necessity . But any new media and new art cannot devaluate traditional arts and displace their function .

  27. 从媒介形态上来说,传统报纸必须和以互联网和无线通信技术为基础的新媒体进行互动结合,借鉴、吸收新媒体传播的优势,积极引进新技术,以适应当前新的传播环境。

    As for the media form , paper should combine with new media based on internet and wireless communication technology , learning their strong points , introducing new technology so as to accustom itself to current new environment .

  28. 只有把人民的利益放在首位,建立政府与媒体良性互动关系,才能经受危机考验。

    SARS proves that only the interests of the mass were put in the primary place and a very smooth interaction between the government and news media was established , can they stand the challenge of the crisis .

  29. 笔者尝试通过全面宏观的视角观察,将学界关于电视新媒体利用互动打造节目品牌的各种基于数字电视为平台的电视互动节目策略、模式进行整合与研究。

    The author attempts to observe through comprehensive and macro perspective to integrate and study " new TV media using interaction to build brands " in academic circle based on the platform of digital TVs ' various interactive program strategy and mode .

  30. 但是,要使网络发言人走得更远,还需要从推行范围、交流载体、与传统媒体的互动、考核机制以及突发事件的应对等多方面进行改革和完善。

    However , we still need to reform and improve in many aspects to make the network spokesman go even farther . Such as the implementation of the range , the communication carrier , interaction with traditional media , assessment mechanisms , the handling of crisis and so on .