
  • 网络Media Text
  1. 而对当下泛审美化流行媒介文本意识趋向的这种探索,有利于文化观念与主体知性的积极开拓及健康发展。

    The exploration in tendency of the current pan-aesthetic media text sense contributes to the positive exploitation and healthy development of culture values and subjective comprehension .

  2. 通过论述,撇清了人们对网络游戏的固有成见,其并非网络+游戏的简单合成,而是互联网虚拟技术、新媒介文本以及新传播时代受众的交集复合。

    Through the analysis the writer whitewashes the prejudices of the online-game , which is not a simple integration of " Internet + game ", but a complex of internet virtual technology 、 new media text and new audience .

  3. 语言文字文本与电子媒介文本的异质和互渗&兼论当下文学的走向

    Intersections and differences between the printed literary texts and electronic texts & on the development tendency of present literature

  4. 如今的受众已经不再是游走于不同媒体间的读者、听众和观众,也不再是单纯的信息接受者,而是发展成为了媒介文本的解读者、创造者和反抗者。

    Audiences are no longer simple readers , listeners or viewers in front of various media , nor are they merely information recipients .

  5. 本课程介绍描述和分析媒介文本的生产、发行、接受及其属性的方法。

    Introduces techniques for describing and analysing the production , distribution and reception , as well as the formal properties , of media texts .

  6. 在这门课程中,教师的目的是给学生提供阅读和实践练习的领域,这将有助于学生获得分析媒介文本和媒介产业的概念框架。

    In this unit teaching staff aim to provide you with a range of readings and practical exercises that help you acquire conceptual frameworks for analysing media texts and media industries .

  7. 但是语言文字文本有其固有的审美特质和人文属性,在与电子媒介文本的异质和互渗中得以创新和发展。

    However , with their interior aesthetic considerations and humanistic characteristics , the printed literary texts have extended and developed a lot through their differences from and intersections with the electronic literary texts .

  8. 但是随着女性主义理论的不断发展,人们越来越多地将目光投注于女性的发展状况,例如在探讨文学艺术和媒介文本时也多讨论其中的女性形象,很少认真考虑这些文本中的男性形象。

    But with the development of feminist theory , more and more people will be absorbed in the development of women , for example in the study of literature and art and media text also discuss the " female image ", rarely consider the male image in these texts "" .

  9. 多媒介超文本系统HWS的用户界面的设计

    The Design of User Interface for the Hypermedia System HWS

  10. 该模式提出下列观点:①作者创作了小说交际的媒介&文本。

    PI-Model of fictional communication holds the following positions : ① The text as the medium of fictional communication is composed by the author .

  11. 第二部分则是对大众媒介的文本分析,了解大众媒介对农民工报道的特点以及存在的问题。

    The second part is the content analysis on the media , know the characteristics of reports on the peasant-worker and find the problem existed in reports .

  12. 这就是为什么这样的空间能够容纳各种热媒介–文本、音乐、单个图像–并使他们冷却。

    This is why such a space is capable of including also all sorts of hot media – text , music , individual images – so as to make them cool off .

  13. 本文从媒介分析、文本分析、社会分析三个视角来梳理这一市民文化镜像。

    This thesis analyses the mass culture from the perspectives of media , text and society .

  14. 通过收集大量的媒介文献进行文本分析,分析主要使用分类归纳和阐释的方法。

    It classifies and summarizes a large number of media documents collected for text analysis , and then gives explanations .

  15. 同时,媒介创造偶像文本,迷再制文本,为文本赋予新意。

    At the same time , people create idol samples through the media , then " fans " copy the samples and endowed them with new meaning .

  16. 传播媒介作为文学文本的物质传输渠道和作家写作行为的物质结果,在整个文学传播过程中扮演着重要的角色。

    As the substantial transmitting channel of literature texts and the substantial result of authors writing behavior , mass media plays an important role in the whole process of literature transmission .

  17. 网络文学就是网络中在线写作和阅读的文学样式,是计算机网络媒介与互文本观念联姻的产物。

    As a type of literature being written and read on the internet , the cyber-literature is a product of combined high technologies of computer media and conceptions of literary intertext .

  18. 一些评论家认为,数位化与各式电子媒介,使得印刷文本像用鹅毛笔书写一样过时。

    Digitization and various forms of electronic media , some critics say , are rendering the printed text as obsolete as the writing quill .

  19. 大众传播媒介传送的社会文本所再现出来的女性形象,相当程度地影响了社会大众对于女性相关角色的定义与认知。

    " Women image " represented in " social version " conveyed by mass media remarkably influences the definition and understanding of public on women roles .

  20. 本文把法国哲学语境下的媒介批评本身作为文本进行解读,对法国媒介批评的思想理论进行了初步的探讨。

    Tomlinson considers himself as representative of " developed countries ", substitutes " text " for " culture " in terms of hermeneutics , and rejects the idea of " media imperialism " .

  21. 媒介通过广告、文本等多种方式,传递着消费信息、新的消费观念和生活方式,同时也引导、刺激、创造着新的消费文化。

    Media through a variety of ways such as advertising , text , convey consumer information , consumer attitudes and lifestyles , as well as to guide , stimulate and create a new consumer culture .

  22. 作为当今传播学的重要研究领域,媒介与社会性别研究通过对大众媒介的文本分析,揭示并批评媒介中有关性别的刻板印象。

    As an important research field of communication studies , media and gender studies aim to reveal and criticize the stereotyped images of women presented in the media through text analysis in mass media .

  23. 从传播学视角来考量,大众媒介运用手中的文化权力与话语资源,借助各种媒介文本促成公众对剩女的印象存储,并最终积淀为刻板印象。

    From the perspective of communication , using the cultural power and discourse resources , mass media forms a public impression of the " 3S Lady " through a variety of special cases , and eventually accumulates into a stereotype .