
  1. 新闻媒体联动传播的思考

    Research on Media Interaction

  2. 文章论述了当前媒体联动的形态以及联动的动因,并进一步预测了媒体联动的发展趋势。

    The article discusses the forms and dynamic reasons of media interaction currently , and further predicts the developing trend of the media interaction .

  3. 媒体联动是整合媒体资讯、打造传媒合力、应对市场竞争的有效途径。

    The medias union is a vigorous way to integrate media resources , construct media resultant force and cope with the market competition in the fierce media competition .

  4. 进行新闻策划、参与媒体联动、适当组织社会活动是媒体提高产品质量、履行社会职能的良方;

    Undertaking news planning , taking part in the joint activities of different media and organizing proper social activities are good ways to improve product quality and perform their social functions .

  5. 网络媒体可以通过实施策划、利用品牌优势、名人效应、实行媒体联动提高网络新闻专题在受众中的影响力。

    Net News Volume can increase its influence in the public through implementing planning , taking advantage of brands , celebrity effect and media interaction .

  6. 中国电视剧应合理发挥新媒体优势,把握受众审美期待,并不断整合旧媒体,推动媒介联动传播,实现传播价值的最大化。

    Chinese TV dramas should make good use of the advantage of new media , grasp the aesthetic anticipation of the audience , integrate the old media , achieve the spread of media linkage and create a harmonious communicative environment to obtain the maximum value of communication .